Castle and the Boys won a trios match on Dark this week.
Tony Khan doesn't seem to realize that they're over as hell with his audience. Fun to see them on Rampage, maybe push Dalton for Garcia's title or something. TK's an idiot though I suppose.
Bizarre week for AEW IMO. Some of their very worst in-ring work and some really good, and no Red Velvet to account for the former:
-Starks/Hobbes on Rampage was really good. Both guys are stars and big for the future of the company. Hobbes has lost weight and looks awesome.
-Kingston and Guevara put their backstage shit to the side and had a nice match that played into it. Couple of pros who decided to handle their business accordingly instead of with a shoot interview or a press conference or a fight in the locker room. Props to both for manning up and handling their issues like professionals.
And, on a pair of shows that didn't have Red Velvet or Kris Statlander on them to lend a botch force multiplier:
-Claudio/Jericho was fucking awful. The Silkin spot, just, WTF. The guy won't die if you touch him by accident. And then the finish where Claudio had to accidentally molest Aubrey, just, no.
-Athena nearly killed Britt Baker. Yeah, maybe don't do that spot with a woman that's 5'2". PLZ keep Saraya away from half or 2/3 of the women in AEW or she gonna die.
-Swerve Glory/Acclaimed - someone (or a bunch of people covering for it, was hard to tell), forgot who the fuck was legal. There was clear breakdown in who was legal about halfway, and everyone, including the refs, just kind of went with it. Match itself sucked, and that part made it worse. Acclaimed just gonna job the belts to Wardlow/Joe anyway I suppose, but c'mon, that was amateur hour.
-Mox/Danielson was not good. Dumb post-match angle. If this leads to a Danielson heel turn and a Mox loss to MJF I'll reconsider a bit, but for now, dumb.
-In light of Alistair Black picking up his ball, apparently Julia Hart is the leader of House of Black? Nice how she nearly killed her damn self with that bump that missed the table by several feet.
-The House of Julia/Darby and Sting match, jeebus guys. Multiple spots where Murphy had to whiff on his attack and accidentally hit King, they were WAY off on timing. Like Darby/Sting was already gone by several seconds, but they did the spot anyway. Like Murphy was a fucking idiot that was attacking his own partner. Just bad. We all know TK is an idiot but I generally used to expect more from Dustin/JL/Malenko/Rayne. Okay that might be unfair to Madison but it's inevitable.
edit: yes, Red Velvet fascinates me, I'm still firmly convinced she's gonna kill herself in the ring.