offical wwe thread


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
At least Jeff and Jerry squashed their stupid beef before Jerry died. They had a huge falling out and didn't talk for years over the business side of TNA.


Iori's Therapist
20 Year Member
Sep 22, 2004
Vince wants 9billion dollars for wwe , damn can see one of the major network desperate enough for content to buy it .


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Elimination Chamber PLE Results: 2-18-23

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's real time report).


Asuka made her entrance first. Cole noted this is the second Chamber appearance for Asuka. Carmella came out second. Graves said she’s his pick to win. Raquel Rodriguez came out third. She circled the cage and shook the chains before entering her pod. When Nikki came out fourth, she eyed the other three who were in their pods. Carmella wouldn’t even look her in the eyes. Asuka stared at her and tried to match her crazy. The crowd popped for Natalya. Cole and Graves talked more about how Montreal has a grim history with the Hart family. Graves said Liv has been taking unnecessary risks lately since losing the title. The bell rang 13 minutes into the hour. Liv and Natalya battled one-on-one first.

When Natalya threw Liv into the side of the cage, fans chanted “One more time!” Natalya did. The first to be released from the pod was Rodriguez. When she went after Natalya, fans booed. Rodriguez gave Liv a fallaway slam, which fans cheered. She gave a big boot to Natalya and got booed. With Natalya on Rodriguez’s back, Liv leaped at her. She caught Liv. Natalya sunset flipped them into the side of the cage. All three were down and slow to get up.

Next to enter was Nikki. She sent Liv into the side of the cage. Nikki decided to climb to the top of Carmella’s pod and threw off her ring jacket. She then leaped onto a gathering of her three opponents below. Everyone was down and slow to get up.

Carmella entered next and immediately scored two counts on Morgan and Natalya. She had some heated words for Asuka who was still locked in the pod. Carmella put herself in her pod again. Graves said sometimes you have to blindly support your other half. Rodriguez picked up Nikki and drove her through the wall of the pod that Carmella was taking shelter in. Carmella moved over to another pod and took shelter again. Graves said she’s technically still in the Chamber.

Rodriguez pinned Cross. Liv then leaped off the ropes and landed a Codebreaker. Rodriguez then went after Natalya. Liv leaped off the top of a pod and sunset flipped Rodriguez. Carmella stole the pin attempt, but Rodriguez kicked out.

Asuka entered and went right after Carmella aggressively. Fans chanted “Asuka’s gonna kill you!” Asuka faced Rodriguez next. She locker her in an abdominal stretch. Rodriguez powered out, but Asuka kicked her in the head. Morgan gave Asuka a missile dropkick for a two count. Natalya put Liv in a sharpshooter a minute later. Asuka added an armbar to Liv. Liv passed out and was thus eliminated.

Natalya next put Asuka in a sharpshooter, but Carmella broke it up and pinned Natalya.

It was down to Carmella, Asuka, and Rodriguez 18 minutes in. Asuka and Carmella worked together to kick and pin Rodriguez. Carmella then caught Asuka with a sudden kick for a near fall. Carmella rolled up Asuka, but Asuka reversed it into a submission. Carmella tapped out.

WINNER: Asuka in 19:00 to earn a Raw Title match against Bianca Belair at WrestleMania.

(Solid match start to finish. The various personalities got moments to stand out. They hit some innovative spots. The crowd was into Asuka. No surprise she won.)


Graves said this is two alpha males fighting over territory. Fans cheered Lesnar pretty wildly when he came out. Cole talked about their prior two matches and said this is their rubber match. Lesnar overpowered Lashley at the bell. Lashley came back and went for a Hurt Lock a minute in. Lesnar blocked it and gave Lashley an F5 for a two count. The crowd bought in to the near fall. Lesnar hit a second F5 for another near fall. Lashley blocked a third F5 and speared Lesnar. Fans booed, but other fans chanted “Bobby!” He applied the Hurt Lock. Lesnar powered out with the help of a mule kick. The ref called for the bell. Fans booed the finish.

WINNER: Lashley in 4:00 via DQ.

-Cole said Lesnar couldn’t break the Hurt Lock, so he went low. Lesnar gave the ref an F5 afterward. He gave Lesnar an F5 next. Graves said Lesnar was so desperate, he had to resort to a low blow. Lesnar cleared the announce desk and gave Lashley an F5 onto the table, which collapsed. Fans popped for that. Cole said there’s not a man on the planet as scary as Lesnar.

( Just a dumb, deflating finish. Don’t book a match if you can’t give a better finish than that. That’s just disrespectful to the anticipation fans had for this match to do that finish after four minutes. WWE doesn’t do that often, but it’s still no excuse. It’s made worse by the fact that Lesnar was the more likable of the two in the build to the match and he did the copout low blow. The crowd didn’t riot or anything, as the post-match rampage by Lesnar seemed to please them well enough.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Elimination Chamber PLE Results: 2-18-23

(3) FINN BALOR & RHEA RIPLEY (w/ Dominick Mysterio) vs. EDGE & BETH PHOENIX – Mixed Tag Team match

Edge began the match with Finn Balor. After a quick Irish Whip, Balor caught the veteran with a shoulder tackle. He flexed his arms in front of Beth Phoenix. Finn turned around and ate a tackle from Edge. Edge sent Balor into the corner, then hit him with quick punches to the head. The crowd happily counted along. Edge tagged in Beth Phoenix, necessitating a swap on the heel side. Rhea Ripley stepped in the ring and jawed with Phoenix.

The two women locked up. Rhea hit the ropes and gave Beth a shoulder tackle, but Phoenix barely budged. She and Ripley locked eyes. They began trading hard short-arm clotheslines, neither of them moving much more than an inch. Ripley broke the stalemate with a forearm to the head. Dominick hopped on the apron and whispered something in Ripley’s ear. Phoenix stepped to center and began talking trash again. The crowd opened up a massive “f— you Dominick” chant. Phoenix and Ripley engaged in a test of strength. Ripley broke it with a kick to the stomach. She set up for the Riptide, but Beth easily blocked it.

Phoenix hit the ropes and dropped Rhea with a big clothesline. Rhea rolled to the outside to regroup. Dominick began talking trash, so Beth left the ring to meet him. Dominick led Phoenix right to Ripley, but the Glamazon telegraphed it. She took Ripley down anyway, then tossed her into the ring steps. Ripley rolled back in the ring. Phoenix followed, climbing the turnbuckle. Balor distracted the referee, allowing Dominick to hop onto the apron and trip Beth Phoenix. She fell onto the top turnbuckle. Edge left his post to give chase to Dominick, dropping Balor with a clothesline on the way. Dom made a quick exit up the ramp and disappeared through the curtain. The crowd sang “goodbye” to him.

Rhea and Beth traded blows in the center of the ring. Dominick re-emerged from the back, drawing immense heat and another chant from the crowd. In the ring, Beth caught Rhea with a DDT. She crawled desperately toward Edge. Meanwhile, Finn Balor disappeared under the ring. He re-appeared on the opposite side, just below Edge. Balor ripped Edge to the floor and dropped him, preventing a tag.

Ripley drove Phoenix into the turnbuckle and dragged her to the top turnbuckle. Ripley hooked Beth’s arms, but Phoenix elbowed free atop the precarious corner. Beth chopped Rhea and climbed back up to meet her. She hooked her for a Superplex. “Don’t you do it!” Dominick pleaded from the outside. Phoenix connected with the Superplex, eliciting a big pop from the crowd. The two women were laid out in the center as the match crossed 8:15.

Finn Balor rushed into the ring and pulled Beth Phoenix away from the corner, trying to prevent a tag. While being admonished by the referee, Beth reached her corner anyway, tagging in Edge. Edge dropped Balor with three quick clotheslines. He turned him over into the Edge-ucator. Rhea tried to make the save, but Phoenix speared her. She locked in the hold as well. Ripley and Balor locked arms to prevent one another from tapping out. Dominick hopped on the apron, distracting the referee. Rhea broke free of the hold. Dominick tossed her brass knuckles. Ripley hit Edge in the back of the head with the knuckles. Balor covered Edge. Phoenix was to supposed to make the save, but was late, so Edge kicked out just in time.

Edge and Finn worked each other to the corner, slowly climbing the turnbuckles. Rhea joined the fray and got underneath Edge for a Powerbomb. Beth Phoenix re-emerged opposed them and hooked Balor. The two women delivered tandem Powerbombs to their male opponents. Outside the ring, Dominick retrieved two steel chairs. Rhea dragged Beth to the outside. Mysterio pulled the steel ring steps from their position. Rhea slammed Phoenix’s head against the steel, then set her up for a con-chair-to against the steps. Phoenix slid out of her grasp and tripped her up. Beth hit the Glam-Slam on Ripley on the floor.

Back in the ring, Edge delivered the Edge-cution on Balor. He dove through the middle rope, taking out Dominick Mysterio. Edge pounded the mat, slid in the ring and set up for a Spear. He charged, but Balor caught him with Slingblade. Balor got a running start for a missile dropkick to the corner, but Edge exploded out with a Spear. Phoenix rolled into the ring. Edge hoisted Balor up and he and Beth executed the Shatter Machine for a cover and three count.

WINNERS: Edge & Beth Phoenix in 13:48

(I’ve been pretty disenchanted by this program for a while, and I think it should’ve probably ended months ago, With that being said, most of the matches are at least enjoyable, and this was certainly no exception. I particularly liked the work between Rhea Ripley and Beth Phoenix, the latter of whom is still a very talented wrestler who can work extremely well with the current crop of female talent. The result here, to me, is a little curious, if the direction for WrestleMania is to be believed. Edge has consistently bested the Judgment Day every time they have a match, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any juice left to carry them through another premium live event. I’m not sure anyone wants to see another month-plus of the Judgment Day beating down Edge and Beth Phoenix, only to reach the inevitable babyface victory again, and again, and again, and again.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Elimination Chamber PLE Results: 2-18-23

(4) AUSTIN THEORY (c) vs. MONTEZ FORD vs. BRONSON REED vs. DAMIAN PRIEST vs. JOHNNY GARGANO vs. SETH ROLLINS – Elimination Chamber match for WWE United States Championship

Michael Cole noted that this would be the first time Seth Rollins and Johnny Gargano have wrestled each other in any capacity in WWE. The crowd continued to serenade Seth Rollins as the two men circled each other and locked up. They engaged in some quick chain wrestling and takedowns. A big “Johnny Wrestling” chant broke out. The two men stood and separated, soaking in the big reaction from the crowd.

Rollins and Gargano sized each other up, tagging hands and locking up a second time. They traded quick roll throughs. Rollins wound up in position to hit the stomp, but Gargano moved quickly and pulled Rollins into a Sunset roll up for a two count. Rollins lifted Gargano onto the floor of the chamber. Johnny went for his through-the-ropes spear, but Rollins caught him and tried to give him a Pedigree. Gargano gave him a backdrop over the top rope to the chamber floor. The crowd counted down and Austin Theory was released from his pod at 2:55.

Theory quickly clotheslined Rollins back into the ring. He shoved Gargano into the chain link wall of the chamber and dragged his face across the taut steel. Theory entered the ring and worked over Rollins before stepping back outside to toss Johnny Gargano into the plexiglass wall of his pod. Theory taunted the crowd and talked trash. He whipped Rollins into the corner, then gave him a Backbreaker. Gargano tried to get back in the ring, but Theory cut him off. Austin mockingly sang Rollins’ theme song. The crowd booed heavily.

The U.S. Champion walked into a fist from Johnny Gargano, then stumbled back and ate one from Rollins. The two took turns with punches to the face. Theory dropped to a knee as the crowd began to sing again. Theory tried to convince Gargano that the crowd only cares about Seth Rollins. “What about what we had?!” Gargano pretended to buy into it, then quickly punched Theory in the face. Theory bolted from the ring and jumped back in his pod. He closed the door in Gargano’s face. Austin forgot the other side was open. Rollins was waiting for him. Seth dropped Theory, then let Gargano join in. They closed both pod doors and beat Theory senseless.

Damian Priest was released from his pod at 6:35. He went to work on Gargano and Rollins immediately. He hit multiple jumping elbows out of the corner, then a big Broken Arrow on Gargano. Priest ate a quick booth from Rollins. Seth set him up for a Pedigree, but Priest fought free and dropped Rollins. Gargano charged at Priest and took a Flatliner. Priest covered him for a near fall. Damian tried to give Rollins a Chokeslam, but Seth flipped through it. Priest hit him with a Killswitch and covered for another near fall. Austin Theory grabbed Priest’s attention, proposing an alliance. Priest kicked him in the face, then leapt over the top rope and onto the U.S. Champion.

Seth Rollins and Damian Priest battled against the ropes. Priest caught Seth with a big kick to the head. Gargano kicked Priest in the head. Austin Theory dove off the top rope and caught Gargano with a missile Dropkick. Priest kicked Theory in the face. Seth Rollins returned and caught Priest with a rolling Suplex into the Falcon Arrow for a cover and near fall. The crowd counted down as another pod was unlocked. It was Bronson Reed’s.

Reed stood face-to-face with Seth Rollins. Seth fired first, but Reed shrugged him off. He pulled Johnny Gargano into his orbit and slammed both men simultaneously. Reed worked Rollins and Gargano into the corner. He chopped Johnny, then hoisted Rollins onto his shoulders. He pulled Johnny on top of Rollins and gave them both a fall-away slam. He covered Rollins for a two count. Cole noted that there’s been no eliminations, now at the 11:45 mark.

Priest and Reed began to trade right hands. The two spilled to the chamber floor. Priest went for a leaping kick off the middle rope, but Reed caught him by the waist and gave him a German Suplex right into the wall of the chamber. Priest pulled himself to his feet, balancing against a pod wall. Reed tackled him into it. On the other side of the pod, Austin Theory pulled himself up. Bronson Reed climbed the turnbuckle and dove onto Theory.

Montez Ford was released into the match at 13:15. He jumped Bronson Reed, tackling him into the chamber wall. Ford gave multiple crotch chops. He climbed into the ring and took down Theory. Ford mimed The Rock’s People’s Elbow set up. He began to run the ropes, but Reed cut him off with a body tackle. Austin Theory scooped Bronson Reed into the air, setting up for A-Town Down. He Reed slid down the back and hit Theory with a Powerslam.

Gargano kicked Reed in the head. Bronson dropped to a knee. Gargano climbed his shoulders. Seth Rollins leapt off the top rope, clotheslining Gargano. Johnny held on, delivering a reverse ‘rana to Reed. Montez Ford ran in to cover Reed, but the big man kicked out at two. Ford was the first man to return to his feet. He hit the ropes and dove to the outside, trying to catch Damian Priest. Priest caught him by the throat and slammed him into the chamber wall. Priest scooped Ford into a Jackknife, but Ford held onto the chain wall and began to climb. Ford reached the roof of the chamber as the other five men in the match congregated below. Ford hung upside down off the roof and fell onto the waiting wrestlers below.

All six men rolled about the ring and the chamber floor. Cole noted that there’s still been no eliminations. The match ticked past 17:30. Seth Rollins and Montez Ford delivered tandem Superkicks to Bronson Reed. Reed didn’t fall. Johnny Gargano joined in. Triple kicks barely moved him. Gargano leapt into the ropes and hit his Spike DDT. Bronson rolled into position for a Stomp from Rollins. Montez Ford flew off the top with a frog splash for a cover and three count to eliminate Reed at 18:00.

Continued in next post due to space consideration...


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Continued from previous post...
The five remaining men traded blows in the ring. Gargano and Rollins worked Priest into the corner. Austin Theory pulled Rollins away and to the outside. He tried to slingshot Seth into the chamber wall, but Seth scaled the cage. Theory gave chase. On the other side, Johnny Gargano climbed to escape the clutches of Damian Priest. Rollins kicked Theory to the floor. Rollins and Garbano were seated on opposite sides of the roof of the same pod. The sat back against the glass and nodded toward each other in a sign of respect. Rollins gave Theory a hard chop. He lifted Johnny to his feet and drove him repeatedly into the plexiglass wall. Rollins lifted Gargano into Powerbomb position. He looked poised to drop him off the pod, but Gargano countered it into a Hurricanrana. Rollins went crashing into the other three wrestlers positioned below the pod.

Everyone was laid out. A big “this is awesome” chant rang out. Gargano and Priest crawled to their feet at 21:50. Johnny caught Priest with a kick to the face. He used the chamber wall to connect with a Tornado DDT. Theory charged at him, but Gargano kicked the champion in the face. Ford flew onto the screen and ate a kick, too. Gargano returned to the ring to reach Theory again. He hit a spike DDT over the top rope to the adjacent floor section of the chamber. Gargano got pulled back into the ring by Damian Priest. Priest hit the Razor’s Edge for a cover and three count, eliminating Gargano at 23:05.

Damian Priest taunted the crowd as he celebrated eliminating Gargano. He dropped wrestlers as they tried to return to the ring. Seth Rollins ate a couple of hard shots. Ford took a boot to the face. Priest caught Seth with multiple kicks to the body. Seth caught a leg and the two began trading rights. Rollins broke the stalemate by pulling Priest in for a Pedigree. Priest blocked it. Montez Ford returned, but Preist saw him poised on the top rope. He grabbed Montez by the throat. Rollins returned and pulled Priest into Powerbomb position. Ford leapt from the top rope, connecting with a Blockbuster. Ford covered Priest for a three count just before the 25:00 mark.

The camera zoomed in on an exhausted Montez Ford, downed in the corner. Cole reset the scene – only Theory, Rollins, and Ford remained. Ford and Rollins stood first, coming face-to-face. Ford led the crowd into another rendition of Rollins’ song. Seth smiled. The two came to blows. Rollins caught Montez with a hard right forearm. He went for the ripcord elbow, but Ford blocked it. Seth went for a backdrop. Ford flipped out of it. Rollins spilled to the floor. Ford hit the ropes and dove onto Theory. He returned to the ring and dove onto Rollins on the opposite side. He retrieved Theory and tossed him into Rollins, then dove on both of them.

Montez tossed Austin Theory back in the ring. He gave him a Rock Bottom, then climbed to the top rope. Ford went for a frog splash, but Theory got his knees up. Ford flipped and bounced into the bottom rope. Rollins was waiting with a stomp on the chamber floor. Theory pulled Ford back in the ring and covered him a three count just before 28:00. Rollins and Theory did battle while the referee checked on Montez Ford. The official called for help for Ford. Several trainers and referees spilled from the back and helped Montez Ford to his feet. Rollins and Theory laid out while the crowd cheered Ford.A “Montez” chant broke out as he tried to climb out of the ring. Ford collapsed at the edge of the chamber. The camera cut away.

Seth went for a stomp. Theory blocked it. He scooped Rollins up for A-Town Down. Rollins slid free. He caught Theory with a Pedigree and set up in the corner for a stomp. Suddenly, Logan Paul rushed into the ring. He flipped over the top rope and gave Rollins an impressive Buckshot Lariat. Paul left the ring and closed the door behind him. He watched as Austin Theory hit A-Town Down and covered Rollins for a three count.

WINNER: Austin Theory in 31:28 to retain the United States Championship

(This was really high on the list of modern Elimination Chamber matches. The action was non-stop from the jump, and the crowd seemed fully invested from start to finish, even with the wrestlers they weren’t particularly enamored with during the entrances. Johnny Gargano had a particularly impressive night after seemingly falling out of favor in recent weeks. The crowd was very much into his exchanges with Seth Rollins in the early going. Bronson Reed had some great big man spots, furthering my belief that continued exposure to his style and ability should garner some positive improvements in his standing with the audience. The closing sequence was curious. Montez Ford’s “injury” was clearly set up as a way to ensure the chamber door was open for Logan Paul to interfere. The problem, I think, was that they lingered on it for so long that the crowd started to believe it was legitimate. A hush fell over them, even as the action started to pick up again. I understand the logic here – they wanted to make the chamber door being open feel as natural and necessary as possible. Still, it begs the question, what would Paul have done had that moment not occurred?

Besides the small gap in logic, I think this accomplished plenty. Rollins and Paul are now a virtual lock for WrestleMania. Theory’s reign continues, albeit under more cheap means. Gargano, Reed, and Priest all had impressive showings. Ford was treated like a star, had the crowd fully invested in his journey, and garnered even more sympathy and respect in the aftermath. Enough to warrant a one on one feud with Theory at some point, I would imagine. I think this more or less met even the highest of expectations.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Since I have to go to work early tomorrow morning, I will post the rest of the results tomorrow. Those who don't want to wait can visit their favorite wrestling site for complete details and results. Thanks :)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Elimination Chamber PLE Results: 2-18-23

(5) ROMAN REIGNS vs. SAMI ZAYN – Undisputed WWE Title match

As Reigns walked out with Heyman, Cole said Ivan Koloff ended Bruno Sammartino’s eight year reign and he was from Montreal. He said Sami will be trying to do the same to Reigns. More “F— you, Roman!” chants. Sami came out to a huge ovation and hugged his wife at ringside. He seemed on the verge of hyperventilating at one point as he entered the ring. He trash-talked Reigns before format ring introductions took place.

When Sami was introduced, the referee had to hold him back. The loudest “F— you, Roman!” chant broke out. Reigns laughed. Cole said Sami’s WWE debut was in Montreal eight years ago. Cole said his wife and father are present for the match. The fans sang “Olé!” The bell rang and the fans roared. Cole said this is one of the biggest moments and biggest matches the city of Montreal has ever seen.

Sami and Reigns stared at each other. Sami talked, Reigns was frozen in place. Sami looked around and fans stood and applauded. Cole said it’s rare the stars align like this, and said it’s one of the most emotional nights in the history of WWE. A full five minutes after the bell rang, Reigns left his corner and circled Sami. When they went for a hook up, but Sami ducked and applied a side headlock. Reigns shoved him into the ropes and landed an elbow, then gloated a bit. Grave said Reigns is pulling the strings. Another “F— you, Roman!” chant broke out. Sami tossed a charging Roman to the floor and then flip dove over the top rope onto Reigns.

Back in the ring, Sami punched away at Reigns with a barrage of punches. He leaped off the ropes with a flying elbow for a one count. Reigns punched Sami out of mid-air. Graves said if Sami comes up short, he’s going to let down millions of people. Cole said that has to be weighing on him. He said Sami’s worked his whole career for this moment and it might only happen once. Fans chanted, “Let’s go Sami!” Reigns brushed off a Sami chop at 10:00 and then yelled at the fans, asking if all they got is a couple of Sami chants. The crowd chanted “Roman sucks!” Sami fought back, but Reigns again dropped him with an uppercut as he charged at him. Reigns yelled down at Sami’s wife that he wanted her life to be better and provide for her and Sami.

He beat up Sami at ringside and then had some more words with Sami’s wife. She talked back at him. Reigns then beat up Sami in front of his dad in the front row. Back in the ring, Sami caught Reigns with a clothesline. He stood and punched away at Reigns and landed another flying clothesline. He then knocked Reigns over the top rope with a clothesline. Sami went after Reigns at ringside. Sami threw Reigns back into the ring, then kissed his wife.

Back in the ring, Sami climbed to the second rope. Reigns got up and punched him. (Lesson: Don’t take time to kiss your wife in the middle of a fight!) Sami countered into a powerbomb off the ropes for a near fall at 16:00. They cut to Sami’s wife reacting at ringside. When Sami went for a Blue Thunder Bomb, Reigns blocked it and slammed Sami and scored a two count. Sami came back with an exploder Supplex in the corner. He played to the crowd. As he charged for a Helluva kick, Reigns hit a Superman Punch for a near fall.

Reigns went for a spear, by Sami leapfrogged him and rolled him up for a two count. He gave Reigns another exploder Supplex. He signaled for a Superman Punch and hit it. Then he hit the Helluva kick as Cole asked, “Do you believe in miracles?” Sami scored a believable near fall that popped the crowd. Sami checked with the ref on whether it was three. Reigns rolled out of the ring to regroup. Sami went after him and dove through the ropes. Reigns punched him out of mid-air with a punch. Sami side-stepped a charging Reigns and threw him into the time keeper’s area through the barricade.

Sami avoided a Superman Punch back in the ring and landed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Cole said Sami has hit Reigns with everything in his arsenal, but Reigns has survived. Sami pounded the mat with his fists as fans sang “Olé!” again. Sami went for a back suplex, but Reigns blocked it and shoved Sami back into the ref. Sami then gave Reigns a sudden Helluva kick. The ref was down. Fans counted well past five as Sami had Reigns down. Fans booed. “What a cruel twist of fate,” said Graves. Sami checked on the ref and ended up knocking to the floor. Jimmy Uso showed up and superkicked Sami three times and then landed a top rope splash. “This is a damn shame!” said Cole. Jimmy rolled Reigns over to Sami and draped his arm on him. Another ref ran out and counted the pin, even though he clearly saw Jimmy put Reigns’s arm over Sami’s chest, which should be considered illegal interference.

Both were down and slow to get up at 25:00. They got up on their knees and punched each other. Then they stood. Reigns headbutted Sami. Reigns trash-talked Sami in the corner. Sami fought back and avoided a Superman Punch. When Jimmy tried to interfere again, Sami knocked him down. He turned and ate a Reigns spear. Sami kicked out. Cole asked how he keeps surviving. “You gotta believe!” he said. “There’s magic in here tonight. There’s a feeling in here we have not witnessed in a Reigns championship match in years. More “Olé!” singing. Reigns sat up and told Sami he tried to help him. “This is how you repay me?” He slapped a groggy Sami a few times and stood over him. Sami slapped him back. Reigns leaped with a Superman Punch. Sami ducked and Reigns hit the ref instead. He gave Sami a Superman Punch right afterward. Reigns stayed down next to Sami. Cole said, “It’s a mess out here.” He noted two referees are down along with Sami and Reigns.

Heyman slid Reigns a chair. Reigns held it up. Jey Uso entered the ring and stood between Reigns and Sami. Reigns yelled, “What the hell?” Jey looked at Reigns timidly. Then he sneered. Reigns said, “It’s either me or it’s him!” Reigns offered Jey the chair. Jey eventually gripped the chair with both hands. He turned to Sami. Reigns turned his back to Jey. Jey held the chair as fans watched with great anticipation. Heyman asked, “What are you waiting for?” Reigns yanked the chair back and pie-faced Jey in frustration. Sami leaped at Reigns, but Reigns moved, so Sami speared Jey. Reigns then bashed Sami across the back with a chair. He bashed him across his back five times, then threw the chair away. Sami struggled to stand, then collapsed. Reigns speared Sami. The original ref entered and counted to three. Fans were deflated and went silent.

WINNER: Reigns in 32:00 to retain the Universal Title.

(That was a spectacular spectacle. What a story. What a crowd reaction. What a roller coaster ride. The pacing milked every moment so effectively. The Jey situation was teased well, with him still feeling caught in between two options.)

-As Jimmy began punching away at Sami after the match, Kevin Owens’ music played. He came out. Jimmy met him in the aisle. He then attacked Reigns. When Jimmy re-entered the ring, KO gave him a stunner. KO then gave Jimmy a Pop-up Powerbomb through the desk. Owens grabbed a chair and brought it into the ring with him. Heyman entered and bashed KO in the back over and over. KO no-sold it. Cole said it might be the dumbest thing Heyman’s ever done in his career. Heyman tried to talk his way out of punishment. KO gave him a Stunner. Sami delivered a Helluva Kick to Reigns. His music played as KO dropped to ringside and eyed Sami inside the ring. Fans sang Sami’s song. KO walked to the back.

(The post-match happenings gave fans something to cheer after the Sami loss. Heyman doesn’t take many bumps at all, so that was an acknowledgement they had to really give the fans everything to cheer for after the loss. The lack of resolution with Jey extends the Bloodline storyline with the Usos and Sami to presumably a big tag team match with them against Sami & KO, with the question remaining whether Jey is truly with Jimmy and the Bloodline.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Had a blast at Battle In The Vally '23, being 4th row on the floor to see Kenta take the Strong title was 10 stars in the Tokyo Dome
And on that note...

NJPW Battle in the Valley 2023 PPV Results: 2-18-23

Results courtesy of


Alex Coughlin won with a German Suplex in 10:15.

(I have enjoyed Kratos’ work in New Japan and the NWA and Coughlin has grown from Young Lion status. It was a good opener.)


David Finlay won with the Last Shot in 10:10.

(There were dueling chants in the beginning which was surprising. Fish worked over Finlay’s knee but Finlay was able to recover and hit his finisher.)


Kevin Knight wins for his team by pinning Adrian Quest with the Pendulum DDT in 11:30.

(It was your typical New Japan tag match with good action used to further certain feuds. In this case, Volador Jr vs Rocky Romero and Josh Alexander vs Kushida. Kushida had Alexander in the Hover Lock during the finish. After the match, Volador Jr challenged Rocky Romero to a hair vs title match but that was speculation based on Ian Riccaboni’s translation.)


Kenta wins to become the new NJPW Strong Openweight Championship with the Go to Sleep in 16:32.

(Kenta began the match disrespecting Rosser. This lead to Rosser challenging Kenta to a brawl outside of the ring. Rosser had Kenta in the chicken wing, shout out Bob Backlund, but Kenta pulled the ref in to break up the hold. There were two other contrived ref bumps after that. Good to see the New Japan refs in the United States are as inept as the ones in Japan. Rosser had Kenta in a chicken wing/STF but Juice Robinson ran out and hit Rosser with the Left Hand of God plus a roll of quarters. I would have enjoyed this match more without the contrived ref bumps)


Motor City Machine Guns retained the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship when Chris Sabin pinned Jorel Nelson with the Dirt Bomb in 9:12

(Good back and forth match. World Class Wrecking Crew were able to show their power but the experience of the Motor City Machine Guns was too much.)

A video previewing Eddie Kingston vs Jay White aired mentioning that the match was now a Loser Leaves New Japan match. It was announced that Bullet Club was banned from ringside during this match after what happened in the Kenta versus Fred Rosser match.


Eddie Kingston wins with a Northern Lights Driver in 19:18

(This match was very physical. Poor referring marred this again but did not take away too much from the match. Kingston pulled the referee who turned around allowing White to hit a Blade Runner. Kingston rolled out of the ring. Another ref bump led to a Kingston back fist for a two count. White kicked out of one Northern Lights Driver so Kingston had to hit it a second time. Great way to end their feud.)

After the match, the crowd cheered for Jay White. He grabbed the microphone and before he could speak he was attacked by David Finlay. Finlay said that Jay White let New Japan slip through his fingers. Finlay said he didn’t care where it was, California or Japan, that the people in the back had to deal with him.

(Jay White leaves New Japan in a similar way that AJ Styles left in 2016 by being used to set up another person. Finlay had a lot of heat but his promo was meandering. He said his family had been here for four generations and asked how long people in the crowd had been there. I don’t know what road he thought he was traveling but it is not a good road to go down.)


Tom Lawlor won with a referee stoppage in 16:24.

(This is a no ropes no disqualification match. Homicide refused to tap while in a chokehold, gave Lawlor both middle fingers, and the referee stopped the match. This match was an entertaining brawl that was a good ending to the feud but the lack of ropes were not necessary. Kenny King and Mike Bailey had a pit fight match that I enjoyed more than this one. This was just a hardcore match.)


Zach Sabre Jr. retained the NJPW World TV championship when he submitted Clack Conners with an armbar in 14:09.

(This was an excellent match that started slowly but had a lot of counters and reversals towards the end. Connors was able to keep with Sabre for a lot of the match but got caught at the end. This was my favorite match of the night thus far. After the match, Kevin Knight appeared to challenge Zach Sabre Jr. for the NJPW World TV championship. Sabre said he would think about it.)


Mercedes Mone wins to become the new IWGP Women’s Championship with the Money Maker in 26:48.

(The crowd was very interested in this match, giving a This is Awesome chant before it started. Mone wrestled more heelish as the match went on which didn’t make sense because she was so popular in the beginning. This match had another referee bump when Mone pulled the referee in front of a back fist from Kairi. This allowed Mone and Kairi to wrestle for an extended time on the outside of the ring. This was an excellent match though I question Mone wrestling like a heel because she is so popular. Kairi and Mone hugged after the match and Kairi put the IWGP Women’s Championship around Mone’s waist.)


Kazuchika Okada retained the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship with the Rainmaker in 21:10.

(They have wrestled many times and have had the standard bearing feud for New Japan over the last 10 years. While this was not one of their classic matches, it was a good representation of that feud for the American audience.)

After the match Kazuchika Okada addresses the crowd to thank them for their support. He thanked Hiroshi Tanahashi for helping him show what New Japan is all about. Okada said that he wanted to bring back their dream tag team and go after the IWGP Tag Team Championships. The current IWGP Tag Team Champions are Bishimon (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi. Okada is about to do his close the show when Mercedes Mone comes out. Mone thanks San Jose and New Japan and Stardom. Mone says that her and Okada could be a dream team. She said is it time to make that money. Okada and Mone shook hands and celebrated with their respective titles.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: From a wrestling standpoint, this was an excellent show though I had two issues. The sound issues at the beginning were very bad. There would not be a person who stumbled on this on YouTube who would have ordered this pay per view because there was no indication of what they were watching. I don’t know if this is Fite TV’s fault or New Japan’s but it was a really bad start. New Japan already leaves a bad taste in the fan’s mouths by making loyal New Japan World subscribers pay extra for these shows. If someone is paying extra, they should see value in that and the production start did not have that. Once the show started, the issues seem fixed including New Japan providing highlight packages for most of the matches. My second issue was no mention of New Japan’s next shows in the United States. I know there are shows booked for April in Washington DC and Philadelphia but usually New Japan will draw this audience to that. This show had a lot of endings mainly Jay White’s New Japan career so there needs to be more of a hook for the future. Those issues aside, I enjoyed this show from bell to bell and look forward to the next New Japan show in the United States. If they bring over Bishimon, I will get on the plane.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Revolution PPV Results: 3-5-23

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report)


Starks dove through the ropes and tackled Jericho into the ringside barricade early in the match. A minute later, Jerico took control and rammed Starks into the ringside barricade. Taz said Chris Jericho is a veteran like Tom Brady. Jim Ross said he could see Jericho becoming AEW Champion again. Excalibur said Starks is on that path. Back in the ring, Jericho flipped Starks back-first over his knee.

Starks made a comeback at 7:00 with a DDT leading to a near fall. He leaped off the top rope, but Jericho caught him out of mid-air with knee to the taped ribs. He followed with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Excalibur said Starks was in serious trouble. Starks came back with a spear a couple minutes later for a near fall. Ross said this would be a main event anywhere, anytime.

At 11:00, Jericho avoided a Starks top rope move and then applied a sharpshooter. Starks rolled out of it and then shifted Jericho into a single-leg crab. Sammy Guevara ran out. Action Andretti tackled him out of nowhere. With the ref checking on them, Jericho grabbed his bat. When Starks grew frustrated and released the hold, Jericho jabbed him in the ribs with the bat. Starks blocked a Judas Effect. Excalibur said he’s never seen anyone block that move like that. Starks then delivered Roshambo for the clean win. Taz said Starks has Jericho’s number.

WINNER: Starks in 13:00. (**3/4)

(A big win for Starks. That sends a message to fans that AEW is behind him. Jericho gets credit for giving back to the next generation with match outcomes like this. The match itself was good.)

(2) CHRISTIAN CAGE vs. “JUNGLE BOY” JACK PERRY – Final Burial No DQ match

The bell rang 23 minute into the hour. Christian made his entrance first. Perry followed. The bell rang and Perry went after Christian aggressively right away. They brawled into the crowd and up the ramp early in the match, then back to the ring. A few minutes later they brawled back at ringside. Perry rammed Christain’s head into the ringside steps. Christian swept Perry’s legs and he landed hard on the steps back-first. Christian was bleeding from the forehead at this point. He yanked off Perry’s belt and whipped him with it. Christian yelled at Perry’s sister and then went back to whipping Perry.

Christian choked Perry with a belt on the stage. Christian opened the lid of a casket that was on the stage for this match. He puleld out a chair. Perry recovered and punched Christian, nearly knocking him into the casket. Christian fought back. Perry went for a powerbomb or piledriver, but Christian backdropped out of it. Perry crash landed on dirt that was spread on the stage near the casket. Christain set up a Kill Switch on a chair, but Perry shoved him off the stage. Perry then landed a running flip dive onto Christian on the floor. When Perry wound up with a chair, Christian kicked him between his legs and then threw him into the casket. Christian was about to close the lid when Perry blocked the lid. Christian punched him some more. When Perry fought his way out of the casket, Christian threw dirt in his face.

Perry made a comeback and pulled a shovel handle backwards into Christian’s mouth. Then he bashed Christian across the back of his head with a chair as Christian’s head was resting on another chair. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” Perry dragged him into the casket and appeared to cross his arms over his chest, then kissed his forehead. He paused for a minute and soaked up the situation, then slammed the lid. The casket suddenly dropped out of sight, which was weird. Excalibur said Perry had to go to a dark place to achieve that kind of win, and it’s sunk in emotionally with Perry given how much he looked up to Christian in the past.

WINNER: Perry in 15:00. (***1/4)

(The intensity and violence of the match fit the build and tone of the overall feud.)

(3) THE ELITE (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks) vs. THE HOUSE OF BLACK (Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews & Brody King) – Trios Title match

Don Callis joined the announcers on commentary. The bell rang 46 minutes into the hour. Omega and Matthews battled for a minute. Black then tagged in against Omega. King and Matt Jackson faced off at 4:00. Matt looked intimidated and tried to tag out to Nick. Nick backed away. Nick blind-tagged in seconds later and the Bucks double-dropkicked King. Soon all six were in the ring punching away at each other. Nick did some dazzling moves and then Omega landed a running flip dive onto House of Black at ringside. Nick landed a 450 splash on King, but King kicked out at one.

King charged into Matt against the barricade at ringside. Callis said he’s not used to seeing his guys in this much jeopardy. Omega took control against King back in the ring. He delivered a Death Valley river into a moonsault, but King lifted his knees. Black had Ometga in a kneebar, but Matt broke it up with a flying elbow. A series of moves took place with everyone takjing turns. It came down to Omega and Black in the ring again.

Omega and Black stood mid-ring and exchanged strikes. When Black had Omega down, Matt made the save. Black threw Matt into the crowd. King, Black, and Matthews surrounded Omega. The Bucks recovered and yanked Matthews and King out of the ring by their legs. They joined Omega in the ring and delivered superkicks to everyone. Matt officially tagged in. All three hit Black wtih a BTE Trigger. Matthews broke up the cover. House of Black came back with Dante’s Inferno for the clean three count on Matt. An upset Callis went to ringside to check on his guys.

WINNERS: The House of Black in 16:00 to capture the AEW Trios Titles. (***3/4)

(A stream of highspots that the crowd ate up. I’m curious if this somewhat early end of The Elite as Trios Champions means the Bucks are going back to the regular tag division and Omega will be back in a singles feud or going after the AEW World Champion.)

(4) JAMIE HAYTER (w/Britt Baker) vs. SARAYA (w/Toni Storm) vs. RUBY SOHO – AEW Women’s Title match

The bell rang 8 minutes into the second hour. All three were brawling in the crowd early in the match. When Soho got control of Hayter in the ring, Saraya re-entered the ring and broke up her hold. Hayter suplexed both Soho and Saraya at once and scored two counts on both.

When Storm stood on the ring apron at 10:00, Hayter knocked her down. Baker then distracted the ref, so Hayter recovered and knocked Saraya down. Soho made the cover and scored a two count. Hayter then leveraged Soho’s shoulders down. After several reversals, Hayter got a clean pin.

WINNER: Hayter in 10:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title. (**1/2)

-Storm and Baker entered afterward. Storm and Saraya stomped away at Hayter afterward. Baker made the save. Ruby threw Baker and Saraya to the floor. “You don’t run this place,” she said. “This is our home, bitches.” Soho then raised Hayter’s arm and smiled, but then caught her with a No Future kick. She then gave Baker a Destination Unknown. Taz congratulated her. Storm threw down a cameraman at ringside and slammed the camera on the ground. Saraya offered Soho a spray can. Soho then sprayed a green “L” on the chests of Hayter and Baker. Soho smiled as she stood with Storm and Soho in the ring. Taz said Soho wasn’t an AEW original. Schiavone said while true, she had been around so long it felt like she was.

(The match itself was fine. The match was more about getting to the post-match angle. Soho’s tease of siging against Storm and Saraya before turning hard against Baker and Hayter felt like an unnecessary step. Why not show an allegiance earlier and work together to beat Hayter during the actual title match. I’m curious to see Soho’s chemistry as a heel with Saraya and Storm.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Revolution PPV Results: 3-5-23

(5) “HANGMAN” ADAM PAGE vs. JON MOXLEY – Texas Death match

Hangman came out to “(Ghost) Rider in the Sky”by The Outlaws. Moxley came out second to “Wild Thing.” They brawled into the crowd at the start when Hangman jumped Mox.

Back in the ring, Hangman used barbed wire. Mox began bleeding from the forehead. Hangman wrapped barbed wire around his foot and tried to stomp on Mox. Moxley blocked the stomp and punched away at Hangman. Mox wrapped his legs around Hangman’s head and then jabbed him with a steel spike and then ground it into his forehead. Fans reacted in various ways, but most craned their neck to get a good view. Mox wedged a barbed wire chair in the corner and then sent Hangman head-first into it. Moxley rolled Hangman onto the barbed wire wrapped chair and applied a single leg crab. Fans chanted, “You sick fuck!”

Hangman made a comeback and powerbombed Mox onto a barbed wire chair. Two chairs were set up back to back, but Moxley’s bump was onto the seat of just one of them. The announcers said that saved him from a catastrophe. Hangman wrapped barbed wire around his chest and then landed a moonsault press off the top rope onto Moxley on the floor. Mox and Hangman were both bleeding from the forehead. Schiavone said they’ll both need downtime after this match.

Mox put Hangman’s hand between two bricks and stomped on it. Next he wrapped a chain around Hangman’s leg and applied an modified STF. Hangman fought out of it. Mox rolled to ringside and bridged a barbed wire wrapped board across two chairs on the floor. Mox returned to the ring and set up a piledriver, but Hangman slipped free. Mox put a sleeper on Hangman, but Hangman suplexed out of it and then landed a lariat. A “This is awesome!” chant rang out. Hangman fallaway slammed Mox onto a barbed wire wrapped chair and then landed a Dead Eye on the chair. Both were down and slow to get up. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!”

Mox rolled to the floor. Hangman flung himself onto Mox, sending him onto a barbed wire wrapped table. Back in the ring, Hangman raked Mox’s back with his fingernails. Mox grabbed some barbed wire and scraped the back skin of Hangman with it, tearing it up. Hangman grabbed the barbed wire and raked it across Mox’s forehead. Mox fell back onto a chair in a sitting position. Hangman stood on the top rope. Mox popped up and shoved Hangman to the floor. Hangman tucked his head and crashed onto the table. The fans and announcers gasped. Hangman got up just before the ref counted to ten.

Mox hit Hangman with a King Kong Lariat in the ring. The ref began counting him down again. Mox stomped Hangman’s head on the bricks and then applied a sleeper. He let go and Hangman collapsed. The ref began another count. Mox picked up a chain and waited for Hangman to stand. Hangman lunged at Mox and clotheslined him. He then sat up and put the bricks on their side standing up. He went for a Dead Eye,m but Mox slipped free. Hangman applied a sleeper and then grabbed the chair to try to use it. Mox resisted and then mule kicked Hangman. Fans booed. Schiavone said it’s legal so why not use that move. Hangman rose and hit Mox with a brick. Hangman hit a Buckshot Lariat and then hung Mox over the top rope with his neck wrapped in the chain. Mox tapped out.

WINNER: Hangman in 26:00. (****1/4)

(That’s a pretty big win for Hangman in a match that would seem to be Mox’s home turf. It was either the perfect amount of violence or too much violence depending on your preferences, but it certainly delivered what the hype promised. It was pushing it length-wise, but they kept introducing new types of violence to keep things from feeling at all repetitive.)

(6) SAMOA JOE vs. WARDLOW – TNT Title match

The match began 57 minutes into the second hour. After some ringside brawling a couple minutes in, Joe landed a running flying forearm through the ropes onto Wardlow at ringside. Back in the ring, Joe punched away at Wardlow in the corner and then smiled and raised his arms. Wardlow made a comeback at 2:00 and got in sustained offense. When Wardlow charged in the corner at 5:00, Joe caught him with a uranage. They showed Powerhouse Hobbs reacting.

Joe took over and applied a sleeper. Wardlow reached the ropes. Joe slammed Wardlow and scored a two count at 9:00. When Joe mounted Wardlow in the corner, Wardlow powerbombed him to the mat. Joe popped up with a lariat. Some fans chanted “Joe! Joe!” Joe set up a powerbomb and mocked Wardlow leading a symphony. Wardlow powered out and put Joe in a sleeper on the mat. Joe’s arm dropped three times and the ref called for the bell. Excalibur said he couldn’t believe Wardlow put Joe to sleep with Joe’s signature sleeper move. He said Wardlow first challenger will be Hobbs and thus this could be the shortest reign of a TNT Champion yet. Hobbs stood from his club seat and stared down at Wardlow and then held up the golden ring. Wardlow signaled to him as his music played and he celebrated his win.

WINNER: Wardlow in 11:00 to retain the TNT Title. (**1/4)

(Not a ton to it, but it was a statement win for Wardlow.)

(7) COLTEN & AUSTIN GUNN vs. THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens w/Billy Gunn) vs. DANHAUSSEN & ORANGE CASSIDY vs. JEFF JARRETT & JAY LETHAL (w/Sonjay Dutt, Satnum Singh) – AEW Tag Team Title match

When The Gunns came out first, Excalibur said usually champions come out last, but it’s a champion’s prerogative when they come out and they wanted to come out first. Taz said he liked that. The Gunns had new ring gear that upped their game. Caster rapped his way to the ring. He took a dig at Jeff Jarrett needing Cialis. He said they’re in San Francisco, but they’re going Oakland on their opponents. He also made fun of The Gunns’ new ring gear and compared it to a single-mom in cheetah pants. the bell rang 15 minutes into the third hour.

Jarrett blew off Cassidy’s early mind games and did his strut. Cassidy then mocked Jarrett’s strut like a zombie running out of steam. Cassidy dropkicked Jarrett and the backdropped Lethal with his hands in his pockets. Danhausen entered and clotehslined Lethal a few times as Cassidy wound up in sl0-mo his first clothesline. Jarrett and Lethal went after Danhausen. Danhausen took Lethal down with a head scissors and then landed a Northern Lights Suplex on Lethal. Jarrett broke up the cover.

Taz said he couldn’t believe he is seeing Jarrett and Danhausen in a match at the same time. The announcers touted Jarrett’s physical condition and said his first match was nearly 37 years ago. As Caster had Jarrett on his back for a move, Lethal superkicked him. The Gunns knocked Jarrett out of the ring. Satnum didn’t like that, so he entered the ring and shoved them both by their throats over the top rope. Danhausen tried to curse Satnum. Taz said, “He’s too big to curse!” Dutt entered the ring and got in Danhausen’s face. Satnum grabbed Danhausen by the throat, but Danhausen used a low blow to break free. Billy Gunn then attacked Satnum. Colten and Billy then attacked Billy.

Bowens and Caster double-teamed Colten. Austin charged into the ring,m but Bowens gave him a sideslam and then Caster landed the Mic Drop. Colten broke up the cover. Jarrett brought a guitar into the ring and swung at Caster. Caster blocked it and threatened Jarrett with the guitar. The ref pulled the guitar away from him. Dutt hit Caster with a Golden Globe. Jarrett hit the Stroke. Caster kicked out. Jarrett complained emphatically to the ref. He shoved her. She shoved him back. Austin blind-tagged in and threw Jarrett out of the ring onto Lethal. Danhausen entered and went after Austin, landing a German suplex. The Gunns made a comeback and gave Danhausen their finisher for the win.

WINNERS: The Gunns to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles in 13:00. (*3/4)

(The crowd seemed deflated by the finish and didn’t react much. The Gunns’ unlikely reign continues. The match itself was a bunch of zaniness.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Revolution PPV Results: 3-5-23

(8) MJF vs. BRYAN DANIELSON – 60 Minute Iron Man match for the AEW World Hvt. Title

Danielson made his entrance first. He looked borderline jovial as he playfully teased yanking off Justin Roberts’s bow tie. MJF came out to a different theme song which was darker and sounded sinister. Schiavone said, “Music apropos for a terrible human being.” A string orchestra came out onto the stage and played MJF’s usual theme song. Then his regular music kicked in and he walked out, wearing a black hood with a white mask. He entered the ring and took off the hood and snarled. Danielson leaned in the corner and smiled at the whole production. Roberts then did formal ring introductions. The bell rang 40 minutes into the third hour, so the entire PPV will end well before the four hour mark.

MJF bailed out early. Back in the ring, he tossed Danielson down and then flexed his bicep and kissed it. Excalibur said the longest match of MJF’s career was 38 minutes whereas Danielson has wrestled a 74 minute match and many one hour matches. After a few minutes of crisp and smooth mat exchanges a two count, they both kipped up. Fans stood and applauded. An “AEW” chant broke out. After Danielson turned down an MJF handshake offer, MJF dropped to ringside and yanked a drink from a woman’s hands and threw it into a kid at ringside. MJF said into the ringside cam, “Oh, will this cost me a star, Dave? Maybe I won’t get the Bryan Danielson Award.”

MJF yanked on Danielson’s hair. At ringside, MJF got into it with some fans in the front row. He told them to clear some space as if he was going to throw Danielson into their area, but instead he threw Danielson into the ring. He laughed at the fans. Danielson then leaped at MJF, but MJF side-stepped. MJF landed a package DDT for a two count at 13:00. Danielson rallied at 16:00 with three running dropkicks in the corner and then a top rope hurancanrana for a two count.

Danielson got the better of MJF at ringside, but MJF came back with a Salt of the Earth and then a package driver for a leverage two count. Excalibur noted that Taz reacted to the move in a way he usually doesn’t. They replayed it in slo-mo and Taz noted that he’s suffered a broken neck in the ring and Danielson landed on the back of his neck. Both were down and slow to get up, so the ref began counting to ten. Excalibur noted that if one wrestler stayed down for ten and the other got up, it’d be quite a way for the first fall to be achieved. They both rose and exchanged a series of leverage two counts with a variety of techniques. They rolled around the ring in a small package position where MJF eventually got a near fall. The crowd applauded after their series ended.

Danielson landed the Psycho Knee a minute later for the first fall at 25:30 to take the 1-0 lead.

MJF dropped down to avoid a charging Danielson and then gave him a low-blow. He was issued a DQ. Then MJF covered Danielson for a three count to make it 2-1. He covered Danielson a second time and got another three count to even the score 2-2. He went for a third cover, but Danielson kicked out. MJF drank some water.

When MJF set up a Heat Seeker, Danielson blocked it and then landed a top rope shotgun dropkick. MJF went rolling to the floor. Danielson pursued him. They fought at ringside. Danielson got the better of MJF. Back in the ring, he focused on MJF’s injured leg and applied a figure-four leglock. MJF sat up and yelled, “I hate you, you son of a bitch.” He slapped Danielson several times. Danielson smiled and then punched him while still cinching on the figure-four. MJF tried to reverse the figure-four by rolling over. Danielson resisted. Danielson gave in and then used the momentum to roll through.

They fought on the ring apron where they each blocked attempts at moves onto the ring apron. MJF put Danielson on a table and then leaped off the top rope with a flying elbow drop. The announcers said that was outside of his wheelhouse, but it worked. Both were down and slow to get up as fans chanted, “Holy shit!” MJF returned to the ring. The ref nearly counted Danielson out, but he made it back in the ring just in time at 38:00.

MJF leaped onto a table leaning up at ringside with a tombstone piledriver. Danielson stayed down a while as the ref and medic checked on him. MJF clutched his knee in pain. MJF stood first and went over and pulled the cut on Danielson’s forehead open. Back in the ring, he landed a Heat Seeker piledriver for a three count to take a 3-2 lead.

MJF worked over Danielson’s arm. He then leaned down and yelled: “Best in the world? You f—ing suck!” He raked at Danielson’s bloodied face and then addressed Danielson’s kids. He leaned into the camera and said, “I’m the best in the world. Me!” Taz said he seems to be unraveling. MJF challenged Danielson to give him his best shot. Danielson slapped him hard. MJF absorbed the blow and knocked Danielson down. At 45:00, Danielson reverse-whipped MJF into the ringpost. He then leaped off the ring apron with a flying knee. Danielson leaped off the top rope onto MJF at ringside. He threw MJF back into the ring.

Danielson superplexed MJF into the ring, but then ended up hanging upside down in the corner. He pulled himself up and then stood on the top rope and landed a flying headbutt to MJF’s shoulder and arm area. MJF was bleeding heavily at this point, supposedly from the headbutt. MJF’s face was just covered in blood quickly. The crowd gasped when they saw the image. MJF gasped and crawled to the corner to pull himself up. Danielson charged with a Psycho Knee. Instead of a cover, he turned MJF over and applied an STF for a tapout win. That made it 3-3 at 49:00.

Danielson moved in for another submission hold, but MJF caught him with a Salt of the Earth armbar. Danielson rolled out of it and wentfor a LeBell Lock. MJF teased tapping, but then slipped free (due to being covered in blood) and countered into his signature armbar. Danielson struggled to get to the bottom rope. MJF pulled Danielson back to mid-ring. Dnaielson held on. Both were down as fans chanted, “This is awesome!” a few times.

MJF and Danielson slowly sat up as Schiavone said this match proves what AEW is all about. They exchanged strikes. Danielson got the better of MJF. He wanted MJF to stand, but MJF was down. Danielson lifted him, then charged. MJF side-stepped him and sent Danielson onto the ring apron. Then he hit a Heat Seeker for a two count. MJF grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. Fans chanted “H2O!” MJF then lifted Danielson onto the top rope and met him up there. He dropped some elbows on MJF. MJF countered with a tombstone piledriver off the second rope. MJF sold a knee injury and clutched it in pain rather than going for the pin. A “Fight forever!” chant rang out with both men down and slow to get up with two minutes left.

MJF crawled over and made the cover. Danielson kicked out and then applied a single leg crab. Fans stood. The clock read 1:05 left. Danielson torqued the leg as much as he could. KJF powered up and crawled toward the bottom rope, but Danielson pulled him back to the center. “Oh the frickin’ drama!” said Schiavone. MJF teased tapping, but didn’t. Excalibur said there were just 15 seconds left. Then 10. Danielson hooked his arm. MJF held on until the bell rang. MJF tapped immediately after the clock expired. Roberts announced that because the score was tied 3-3, the match was a draw and MJF retained the title.

Trainers checked on Danielson in one area. Other trainers entered and put an oxygen mask on MJF. Schiavone said he was getting a message in his headset. He smiled and said he’d be glad to head to the ring. Danielson stood. Fans cheered. They noticed Schiavone walking to the ring. Schiavone told Roberts that Tony Khan said he won’t let the match end this way. Roberts then announced that Khan won’t allow the match to end in a draw, so it will continue for one more fall under sudden death rules.

MJF looked around in shock as the bell rang. Danielson smiled. MJF was still sitting, clutching his sore knee. He stood and shoved the ref. The ref shoved back. Danielson rolled up MJF for a near fall. Danielson went for a roll-up, but MJF grabbed the ref and mule kicked Danielson for a near fall. MJF sat up and appeared to be nearly in tears. MJF grabbed his title belt. The ref ordered him to put it down or he’d lose the match. The ref then told him to try him and “be my guest.” MJF gave it to the ref and tried to hit Danielson with his ring. Danielson ducked and took MJF down with a reverse huracanrana. Danielson landed a running Psycho Knee for a dramatic near fall.

Danielson applied another single leg crab. MJF teased tapping. He grabbed the bottom rope to force a break, but also tapped afterward to trick Dnaielson into thinking he just won. MJF then dropped to the floor and pulled out the oxygen tank. Danielson went looking for MJF. MJF banged Danielson in the head with the tank and then rolled it back under the ring. Excalibur said the ref didn’t see the weapon. MJF then applied the LeBell Lock and Danielson was out. The ref dropped his hand twice, but Danielson lifted his arm on the third try about 6 minutes into overtime.

MJF reapplied the submission and this time Danielson tapped. Fans looked deflated as MJF’s music played the referee handed him the belt.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Continued from previous post...

WINNER: MJF in 66:00 by a 4-3 score to retain the AEW World Hvt. Title. (*****)

(That was a hell of a journey and so well done. Like any match of this length, it challenges fans to adjust their expectations in terms of the pace the match. I can see mixed opinions with some saying it was a very good but overly ambitious match in terms of the length or people seeing it as a five-star classic Match of the Year contender. I’m in the category of thinking this was more than a very good match and that they put on a classic match and pulled off their ambition effectively. The only hesitation is that it didn’t seem they had the entire crowd as engaged as a classic should be during the first 40 minutes, but that’s almost built into a match that lasts this long that it won’t be for everyone all the way through. As the match built toward the climax(es), there were so many effective twists and turns and dramatic turning point, the emotions rose and built and pulled the crowd into so many key moments. This wasn’t a lock for me to give five stars to, especially 40 minutes in, and I still have some reservations, but I think it hit that threshold.)


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
It was a pretty meh show carried by an amazing main event. Glad I didn't pay $50 for it. I really hope AEW gets back on track soon.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
It's kind of been a ok NJPw Cup with nothing really going on with the exception to Canada leaving LIJ, Hiromu losing it as Lio gets in his head, the members of Bullet Club who matter laughing off Finley's claims that he's the leader and ZSJ training TMDK's young lion. Stardom has been on a more enjoyable run with Tam losing it and wanting to end Giulia at all costs and AZM being the ace.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Anna Jay is basically one of the Bellas to an exponential degree. She sucks so incredibly bad but she's, y know, yeah. Britt Baker deserves hazard pay for working with her.

Srsly that might be the worst women's division ever. Madusa squashing homeless junkies in the early 90s was better than AEW.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sky Blue’s ass, is the best worker in AEW women’s division.

I can’t believe the So Cal Connection dropped the ball on Cheerleader Mellisa. And Kong. They had Amazing Kong signed ffs, and couldn’t find enough Khan spare change in the catering couch, to hire Dutch Mantell to book the girls.

It’s maddening.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Jam packed tomorrow for grabs, I have For The Culture 4/NJPW x Impact/Bloodsport 9/Santino Bros Wrestling: California Love


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
K so I am cautiously optimistic to actually watch WM for the first time in many years. Bloodline storyline is good enough to get me to drop $10 on a month of peakcock I guess.

Also Rhea Ripley, pretty hot in a scary could-kick-my-ass kinda way.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE WrestleMania 39 PLE Results: 4-1-23 (Night 1)

Results courtesy of (direct link to LeClair's real-time report).

(1) AUSTIN THEORY (c) vs. JOHN CENA – WWE United States Championship match

Austin Theory and John Cena stepped around each other in the ring. Theory motioned toward the crowd and told Cena they’re here to see him. The two men locked up. Theory sent Cena toward the ropes, but John dropped his opponent with a big shoulder tackle. They locked up again. Theory tried to wrestle Cena to the mat, but the veteran bested him. A dueling “Let’s Go Cena/Cena Sucks” chant built. Cena smiled. He let go of a side headlock and dropped Theory with another shoulder.

Cena worked Theory into a corner tie-up. The referee counted to four, necessitating a break. Cena stepped back with a smirk. Theory backed Cena into the same corner and bit his ear. Cena shoved him off. Theory leapt from the ring. Cena complained to the official, grabbing at his ear. Theory used the distraction to drop Cena from behind and cover him for a quick two count. The champion gave Cena a snap Suplex and covered for another two count. He looked around, jawing at the crowd. “You think he’s still got it?” They booed Theory loudly.

Theory went for another Suplex, but Cena bent his knees and blocked the attempt. He snapped back with a Suplex of his own. Theory rose quickly, but Cena hit him with quick rights. He whipped Theory to the corner, but Austin caught him with an elbow. Theory rolled into a standing, leaping Blockbuster. He covered Cena for another two count. Theory climbed to the top rope and posed. Boos rained down on him. He rolled through the middle rope and popped up to deliver a nice looking missile dropkick to Cena for another cover and another two count.

The champion went for the rolling missile dropkick a second time. Cena side-stepped it, causing Theory to crash and burn. Cena immediately pounced, locking in the STF. Theory struggled for a few moments, but bit Cena’s hand to free himself. He dropped Cena with a big elbow on the rebound. Theory waved his hand in front of his face as the match approached 6:30. He hit Cena with a trio of quick strikes, dropping him. Theory covered Cena with a single boot. John kicked out with ease.

Austin circled the ring as Cena writhed on the mat in the center. Theory hit a quick Snapmare and leaping stomp to the head. He continued to talk trash to the crowd. He shimmied his shoulders in mocking fashion. Theory went for another leaping boot, but Cena caught is foot. He pulled himself to his feet and scooped him up into position for the Attitude Adjustment. Theory fought out of it. Cena dropped him and covered for a quick two count.

“It’s all day!” Theory yelled after regaining control with a clothesline in the corner. Cena fought out with a number of punches. Theory whipped him off the ropes and caught him in a Sleeper hold. Cena began to fade at 9:00. He began to fall to a knee, but held himself up. Theory, sensing the comeback, leapt onto Cena’s back. John dropped to a knee, now carrying all of Theory’s weight. He managed to return to a vertical base and back Theory into the turnbuckle. Cena hit the ropes and hit a pair of leaping shoulder tackles. Austin walked right into the spin-out slam. Cena threw up the hand, hit the ropes, and delivered a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Theory stumbled to his feet. Cena looked for the Attitude Adjustment. Theory grabbed the top rope to prevent the move. Cena ripped him away. Cena stumbled backward. Theory’s feet kicked referee’ Chad Patton, dropping him.

Cena immediately applied the STF. Theory tapped within seconds. Cena broke the hold, assuming he’d won. He quickly realized that there was no referee. Cena went to check on Patton. Theory recovered and gave Cena a low blow. He scooped him up and hit the A-Town Down for a cover and three count.

WINNER: Austin Theory in 11:19 to retain the WWE United States Championship

(I thought this was a good enough opener, but it absolutely felt like an undercard match. Neither man ever really got going. Cena seemed timid to try anything significant, and Theory’s moveset seemed considerably tamed in comparison to what we generally see out of him. It just felt a bit phoned in. I didn’t get the sense that Cena was particularly motivated to put Theory over in any significant way, and the finish felt like a punt on any real commitment to him going forward. Theory won, but he did so by cheating immediately after a visual tap out. Michael Cole did his best to sell this like a big deal, especially comparing it to Cena’s first U.S. title win against Big Show at WrestleMania 20. Ultimately, though, it just didn’t feel very meaningful.)


Ricochet began the match with Chad Gable. He flipped toward Gable, who picked the ankle and immediately tried to lock in a submission. Ricochet used the ropes to climb up and free himself. Cole noted that there’s no rope breaks and no disqualifications. Gable and Ricochet chain wrestled briefly. Gable leapfrogged out of his own corner. Otis tagged himself in and flattened Ricochet. The crowd liked it. Otis tagged Gable back in and fed Ricochet into a big shoulder tackle. Gable taunted Braun Strowman.

Before long, all eight men in the match leapt int the ring to stare each other down. A punch was thrown and the action broke down. Erik gave Strowman a spinning heel kick. Ivar flattened Angelo Dawkins. The Raiders gave Ricochet a German Suplex/springboard Clothesline combo. The dropped Montez Ford with the Ragnarok, then posed for the camera with Valhalla. They held the pose for several moments as Braun Strowman stood huffing behind them. He dropped both Vikings with ease and tossed them from the ring.

Chad Gable approached Strowman from behind. He backed him into a turnbuckle and executed a roll-through, bridging German Suplex for a massive pop. Strowman kicked out at one, but the crowd came to life. Gable climbed to the top rope, but Montez Ford tagged himself in. Ford climbed to the top rope. Ivar tagged him and shoved him to the mat. Ivar climbed the turnbuckle himself. He went for a massive Moonsault, but Ford moved. Strowman climbed the turnbuckle next. He nearly fell, but managed to hit a massive splash on Ivar for a cover and near fall. It was broken up by virtually every other man in the match.

The match crossed 5:00. Otis gave Strowman a massive Powerslam. He ripped off his shirt and danced. Otis climbed the turnbuckle, but ate a kick to the face from Montez Ford. Gable speared Ford on the top turnbuckle. He leapt up for a Superplex. Ivar joined, then Otis, then Erik. They backed into a big tower, but Ricochet dove off the top for a Cross Body to complete the move. Bodies were strewn about the ring. Dawkins tagged himself in. Strowman knocked him off the apron. Braun leapt from the ring and began circling it, tackling wrestlers along his path. He made two complete trips around the ring before getting dropped by Angelo Dawkins.

Dawkins barely had time to celebrate. Ricochet came diving off the ropes with a Shooting Star Press. He tossed Dawkins back in the ring and went for another. Dawkins got his knees up. He held Ricochet in place long enough for Montez Ford to hit a massive frog splash from the adjacent turnbuckle. Dawkins rolled Ricochet over for a cover and three count.

WINNERS: The Street Profits in 8:27

(This felt a lot like something you’d get out of AEW’s tag team division. Fast and furious from the opening bell with minimal attention paid to tag rules. Chad Gable looked like an absolute star, landing a huge German Suplex on Strowman for a huge pop. The crowd was into he and Otis, but were most invested in the Street Profits. The attention seemed to be more on Dawkins than Ford, a significant departure from their usual booking. Dawkins’ getting to cut off Strowman’s freight train and drop him was an impressive sight. This didn’t overstay it’s welcome, and the right team win. Thumbs up.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE WrestleMania 39 PLE Results: 4-1-23 (Night 1)


Logan Paul bounced in the corner, smirking at Seth Rollins. The two met in the center and locked up. Rollins wrestled Paul into a disadvantage, then backed away. The crowd serenaded Rollins again. Logan grabbed a quick side headlock. Rollins used the ropes to break out. He dropped down over Paul, leapfrogged him, then caught him with a quick kick to the midsection. Rollins went for the Stomp early. Paul moved in a hurry, selling the close call with his eyes.

The two traded quick drop downs. Paul tossed Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Cole noted that it’s reminiscent of Paul eliminating Rollins at the Royal Rumble. Seth slid back in the ring and pounced on Paul, getting a few punches in before Logan rolled to the apron. Seth held onto Paul’s hair. Logan guillotined him over the top rope. Logan hit a Buckshot Lariat and shrugged. He let Rollins pull himself to his feet. Paul cocked his fist. Seth covered up his head, so Paul went low to the ribs. Cole and Graves noted that Paul’s hand has a titanium screw in it, and he’s already knocked Rollins out with it.

Paul kicked at Rollins’ ribs. He scooped him, but Rollins elbowed free. Paul leapt to the middle rope and hit a quick cross body for a cover and two count. Paul turned Rollins into another cover. Seth kicked again. Paul twisted Rollins’ arm and delivered a side Russian Leg Sweep. Paul held on and applied a seated Octopus Stretch. The match crossed 5:30 as the crowd tried to will Rollins back to life. Seth managed to remove Paul’s leg from the back of his head and break the hold. The two began slapping and elbowing each other in the chest from the mat. They fought to their feet. Seth missed wildly with an open hand strike. Paul turned it into a Gutwrench Suplex for a two count.

“I am shocked,” Graves said, “Seth Rollins has been overwhelmed so far.” Cole noted that Paul has mounted significant offense in all of his in-ring appearances. Paul leapt straight to the top rope and went for a Moonsault. Rollins moved. Logan retreated to a corner. Seth went after him. He fired off quick punches, then delivered two clotheslines in quick succession. Rollins tossed Paul over the top rope to the floor. He looked around at the stadium crowd. They began serenading him again. Seth got a full-ring running start and dove on Paul through the middle rope. He leapt back in the ring and did it a second time, then a third. The crowd came to life. Rollins looked to them for energy.

Rollins stalked Paul. Logan was slumped over the ring steps. Rollins stomped Paul’s foot. Logan tried to create separation, sliding into the ring. Seth followed and set his opponent up for the Pedigree. Paul dead-lifted Rollins out of the move and the two began a series of chain roll-ups for alternating two counts. Paul eventually broke the stalemate and caught Seth with the right hand to the face. Rollins dropped. Paul covered for a very near fall at 10:07.

Paul crouched in the corner as Seth rose slowly. Logan charged, appearing to attempt Seth’s Stomp. Rollins popped him up into the air and delivered a sit-out Powerbomb for a near fall. Rollins retreated to the corner, sizing Logan up. The Prime Energy mascot pulled Logan Paul to safety on the outside. The mascot pulled its face covering away, revealing himself to be KSI, Paul’s business partner. Rollins rolled out of the ring and grabbed him. Paul attacked Seth from behind. He cleared the Spanish announcers desk. KSI filmed the downed Rollins as Paul climbed the top turnbuckle, drinking one of his own energy drinks.

At the last moment, Rollins exploded to life and pulled KSI into his spot. Paul had already leapt from the top. Logan hit his buddy with a massive Frog Splash off the turnbuckle, through the Spanish announce desk. Rollins quickly tossed Paul in the ring and delivered a Pedigree for a very near fall. The crowd began singing again. Rollins hit Paul with a rolling elbow, then a Ripcord elbow to drop him. He stumbled into the corner and went for the Stomp again. Logan picked Rollins out of the air and hit him with a Go-to-Sleep. Paul was momentarily stunned. He eventually climbed to the top rope and hit Rollins with a huge Five-Star Frog Splash. He covered for another very close near fall.

“This is WrestleMania, this is Seth Rollins’ world!” Graves exclaimed. Paul stomped at Rollins as the match crossed 15:30. Seth clutched his ribs in the corner. Paul climbed the adjacent turnbuckle. He dove coast-to-coast, but Rollins popped to his feet and caught Paul with a Superkick in mid-air. He immediately followed up with the Stomp for a cover and three count.

WINNER: Seth Rollins in 16:15

(Every time, Paul delivers. He’d already more or less cemented himself among the best non-wrestler wrestlers of all time. This match continued to cement that legacy. Paul’s not an easy guy to like, but he’s certainly easy to appreciate in the ring. Rollins was a great opponent for him, and their meshing of styles was evident as soon as the match got underway. The hot crowd helped propel this to even greater heights. Paul got all his major spots in, delivering signature moves from a handful of wrestlers and doing each one a fair bit of justice. It was Rollins’ connection with the crowd, though, that really held this one together and carried it from one big moment to the other. Seth’s multiple attempts at the Stomp built into a great crescendo at the end, where the crowd knew it was finally coming and that it would put Paul away. A fitting and very entertaining celebrity-style WrestleMania match.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE WrestleMania 39 PLE Results: 4-1-23 (Night 1)

(4) DAMAGE CTRL (Bayley & Dakota Kai & Io Sky) vs. BECKY LYNCH & LITA & TRISH STRATUS – 6-Women Tag Team match

Becky Lynch and Dakota Kai threw a flurry of quick strikes before backing into the heel corner of the ring. Kai tagged Io Sky in quickly. Sky immediately went to work cutting Lynch off from her corner. Lynch tried to break free of a leg hold with an Enziguri, but Io had her telegraphed. She dropped Lynch, then headed to the apron to hit a springboard splash. Sky tagged in Kai. Bayley joined them for a triple team Neckbreaker. Kai covered Lynch for a two count.

Kai mocked Lita and Trish Stratus as Lynch reached to them for a tag. She tossed Becky back to the heel corner and caught her with a running boot. Kai covered for another two count, then tagged in Bayley. Bayley mocked the Team Xtreme thrust taunt and stuck her tongue out at Lita. Bayley tagged in Kai. Lynch tossed Bayley from the ring. Kai tripped up Lynch. Becky crawled to her corner for a tag. She leapt toward Trish, but Bayley pulled her from the apron at the last moment.

Dakota and Io continued to work Lynch over. Kai wound up on the apron, charging. Lita caught her with a clothesline, buying Lynch some time. Becky tagged her in. Lita gave Io a clothesline, then a quick ‘rana. She tripped her into the turnbuckle and got a running start for a knee to the back of the head. Lita and Sky traded standing switches as the match crossed 4:45. Lita hit Vertigo and covered Sky for a near fall. Sky countered an Irish Whip into the corner. The two got tangled in the ropes. Lita used her legs to slam Sky to the mat. Dakota Kai kicked Lita in the head and off the turnbuckle while Sky tied up the referee’s attention.

Bayley tagged in and Damage CTRL hit three simultaneous kicks to the head. Bayley covered for a near fall. She tossed Lita toward the corner and she and her partners posed to a chorus of boos. Sky tagged in and cranked Lita’s head against the middle rope. Dakota tagged in and dragged Lita into a cover for two. Cole and Graves noted that Trish has yet to be involved in the match, which had now crossed 7:20. Bayley and Sky went for a double Suplex on Lita, but she rolled through it and planted the duo with a double DDT. Lita crawled and made a tag to Trish Stratus.

Stratus dropped Io Sky, then gave Dakota a Thez-Press. She chopped at Kai in the corner. She licked her hand, gave Bayley a double thumbs-down, then gave Kai a big chop to the chest. She used Bayley’s body on the apron to climb up into a Bulldog on Kai, covering for a two count. Trish and Kai worked to the corner, and up to the turnbuckle. Bayley and Sky returned to pull Trish off the turnbuckle and apron. Bayley and Lita got involved, setting up a Tower of Doom of sorts on the apron to the heels on the outside. Stratus and Kai returned to the ring. Trish tagged in Lita and served as the base for Poetry in Motion. They tagged in Becky, who hit a Leg Drop from the middle rope. Lynch covered for a near fall.

Beckly immediately applied the Disarm-Her on Kai. Bayley and Sky broke it up before too long. They pulled Trish and Lita to the mat, leaving Lynch by herself. Bayley dragged Kai to her own corner to tag herself in. Becky and Bayley traded blows. Lynch begged her to bring it. Bayley went for the Rose Plant, but Lynch blocked it and hit the B-Exploder. Bayley recovered and shoved Lynch toward the ropes. Sky caught her with a cheap shot. Bayley hit the Rose Plant and covered Becky. Lita broke up the pin.

Kai entered the ring. Trish jumped in and gave her Stratusfaction. Lynch rolled up Bayley for a near fall, then tossed her to the outside. Five of the six women wound up strugging to their feet on the camera side of the floor. Io Sky emerged, climbing to the top turnbuckle and diving into a crowd below. The referee counted the women, but all six reached the mat at eight. Graves noted that Lynch and Bayley are still the legal competitors.

Each team retreated to their respective corner as the match crossed 13:30. All six women entered the ring and came to blows in the center. “To hell with the rule book, let them fight!” Graves exclaimed. Lita hit Sky with a Twist of Fate. Trish caught Kai with the Chick Kick. Lita gave Kai and Sky her signature Moonsault. Meanwhile, in the opposite corner, Bayley set Lynch up for an avalanche Bayley-to-Belly. Lynch blocked it and hit the Man-Handle Slam from the top rope for a cover and three count.

WINNERS: Becky Lynch & Lita & Trish Stratus in 14:38

Cole said “we’re back to the future at WrestleMania” as the three women posed on turnbuckles and celebrated with the crowd.

(I thought this worked pretty well. The early going felt a little bit slow, but I thought they did a nice job saving Lita and Trish’s appearances and hot tags for deeper in the match, allowing Becky to work the meat of the opening minutes and get worked over the heels who should logically have far better tag team strategy. Lita and Trish both hit their spots well, and though the crowd felt more subdued here than at any other point tonight thus far, they did come alive for the bigger spots and the more heavy-hitting showdowns between Lynch and Bayley. The cliche breakdown of action at the end felt a little calculated, but I liked that it lead right into a logical finish with the two legends hitting their finisher before the star, Becky Lynch, countered Bayley in the midst of an exchange for a big finisher from the top rope. This was exactly what it needed to be.)