offical wwe thread


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Logan Paul announced that he tore his meniscus and MCL, and may have suffered a torn ACL during his WWE Crown Jewel main event with Roman Reigns.

Paul wrote on Twitter that he suffered the knee injury halfway through the match. You wouldn’t have known it from watching his impressive performance. Here’s wishing him the best in his recovery.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Bobby Fish will make his pro boxing debut on the Floyd Mayweather vs Deji gongshow PPV this weekend.

Fish is 46 years old so it could be ugly, but he does have actual fighting experience. He has a 1-0 amateur kickboxing record with the win coming by knockout and he has been training various martial arts starting with Taekwondo since he was 8.

The guy he is fighting is 30 years old and has a pro boxing record of 2-3 with 2 KO wins and 1 KO loss, but both of his wins came against two guys that are a combined 0-11 with 11 KO losses. So anything could happen in this one.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-19-22


(A) DANHAUSEN & ORANGE CASSIDY & TRENT BERETTA & CHUCK TAYLOR & ROCKY ROMERO vs. THE FACTORY (Q.T. Marshall & Aaron Solo & Lee Johnson & Cole Carter & Nick Comoroto)

WINNERS: Cassidy & Beretta & Romero & Danhausen when Danhaussen pinned Comoroto in 12:00.

(B) RICKY STARKS vs. BRIAN CAGE – Eliminator Tournament match

Ethan Page was on commentary. Cage dominated early. Starks made a couple comebacks, but Cage overpowered him and cut them short. Eventually Starks countered Cage with a Canadian Destroyer and his Roshombo finisher for the clean win.

WINNER: Starks in 10:00.

(Good to see Starks get the win here. Cage has had some losses recently and having him beat Starks would define Starks down quite a bit, yet because Cage is so much bigger, a win gives Starks a good boost going into the next round.)


WINNER: Kingston in 11:00.


(1) “JUNGLE BOY” JACK PERRY vs. LUCHASAURUS (w/Christian Cage)

Ross touted Perry as a big part of AEW’s future and complimented how much he’s grown. Perry landed an early dropkick off the second rope, but Luchasaurus overpowered him and took over. Ross said Perry is physically simply overmatched. Ross said Christian is “working” his arm injury with a cast longer than “Iron” Mike Sharpe. Perry bled from the forehead early. Perry made a comeback a few minutes in with an armbar in the ropes, but Luchasaurus broke the hold and went back on the attack. They showed Perry’s family watching with concern at ringside.

Christian grabbed the cage key from the ringside ref’s pocket. Christian unlocked the door, but the ref called for security who dragged him to the back. Meanwhile, Luchasaurus and Perry left the cage and fought up the ramp. Perry’s face was covered in blood. Luchasaurus caught a Perry dropkick and catapulted him into the side of the cage. Luchasaurus pulled table out from under the ring and then slid it into the ring. Luchasaurus threw Perry into the side of the cage, then looked around for something else under the ring. He found two chairs and threw them into the cage and then threw Perry into the cage.

Luchasaurus caught Perry with a big boot, but Perry fired right back with three dropkicks, knocking Luchasaurus into the side of the cage. Luchasaurus set up Perry for a chokeslam onto a chair, but Perry broke free and landed a Destroyer. Luchasaurus kicked out at one. Perry hit him with a chair and scored a near fall. Luchasaurus came back a minute later with a chokeslam through the chair for a near fall. Perry fired up a few minutes later and slapped away at Luchasaurus followed by forearms. He then gave Luchasaurus a piledriver mid-ring for a near fall.

After Luchasaurus came back and slammed Perry onto the met a few times, fans chanted “This is awesome!” Perry leaped onto Luchasaurs’s back and applied a sleeper. Luchasaurus tried to power out, but collapsed onto a table set up in the corner. Perry lifted him onto the table and then bashed him across the face, chest, and forearms with a chair. Fans cheered as Perry pointed to the top. Perry climbed to the top of the cage. “Be careful, Jack!” yelled Taz. Perry looked around, then dove off with a flying elbow drop. The table broke udner Luchasaurus. He then applied a Snare Trap for the tapout win. Ross complimented the match.

WINNER: Perry in 19:00. (****)

(Very good cage match. Good to see a clean finish. I didn’t mind Christian opening the cage door early because he faced ramifications for it and it wasn’t a deciding factor in favor of the heel, although it did lead to the table and chairs being incorporated into the match which Perry ultimately took advantage of. Well paced, good psychology, solid execution, crowd-pleasing finish. It sets up Perry going after Christian hopefully soon.)

(2) THE ELITE (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks w/Brandon Cutler) vs. DEATH TRIANGLE (Pac & Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo) – AEW Trios Title match

Death Triangle came out first. The Elite came out to “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas. They sang along to the song. Don Callis joined in on commentary. Ross called him a loudmouth. Omega and Pac dazzled at first with some exchanges. Nick and Penta went at it next. It didn’t take long for all six top get involved in the ring. Matt landed a sweet diving corkscrew dive over Nick and onto Pac at ringside. Pac grabbed his face in pain right away. When Omega lifted Penta onto his shoulders, Pac broke it up with a dropkick to his knee. Excalibur said that could be crippling for Omega.

Omega landed a running dive at ringside onto two opponents. Nick gave Fenix a leaping DDT on the ring apron. Then he head scissored Penta onto a waiting crowd of four others at ringside. Fans popped. Everyone was slow to get up. Omega and Pac entered the ring and battled for a while. Pac countered a charging Omega with a released German suplex. Everyone else entered and Death Triangle delivered three Tombstones at the same time to each member of the Elite. Taz said he’s never seen that before. Fenix launched off of Penta’s shoulders onto Omega. The Bucks intervened. Pac climbed to the top rope and landed a Black Arrow onto Omega’s back and then applied the Brutalizer. The Bucks broke it up.

When the dust settled, Fenix took control against Omega. Pac tossed Fenix a hammer. He threw it back to Pac and shook his head. Omega then surprised Fenix with a V-Trigger followed by a Tiger Driver ’98 for a near fall. The Elite hit Penta with a triple superkick. They landed the BTE Trigger on Fenix mid-ring. Pac broke up the cover. Omega hit Fenix with a V-Trigger. Pac put the hammer in the right hand of Fenix. He borke up a Onme-WInged Angel attempt with a hammer shot and then rolled up Omega for the win.

WINNERS: Omega & The Bucks in 19:00 (18 stars… Just kidding… ****1/4)

( Wild but stellar six-man tag. This had more structure and psychology than some of these spotfests usually have, but not without obvious choreography and shorter-term selling than ideal so they can “get to the next spot.” The crowd ate it up. Ross was on board all the way, which helped. The tease with the hammer and then Fenix using it when all hope seemed lost, compromising his principles when he realized it was the only way to avoid defeat is an interesting chapter in this Pac-Fenix dynamic.)

(3) JADE CARGILL (w/Baddies) vs. NYLA ROSE (w/Vickie Guerrero, Marina Shafir) – TBS Title match

Rose came out in a bouncy old convertible a la Eddie Guerrero. It felt like a big time ring entrance. She had Jade’s belt with her. Jade came out in a new outfit based on Cheetara of ThunderCats. Rose knocked out Kiera Hogan at ringside before the match. Jade grabbed Rose and threw her into the ring and the ref called for the bell. Jade punched and kicked away at Rose in the corner. Jade knocked Rose to ringside and then delivered a pump kick, sending Rose over the ringside barricade.

Back in the ring, Rose took control and methodically battered Jade. Rose landed a leaping knee to the back of Jade’s head and neck as she had her over the top rope, good for a two count. Jade escaped a Beast Bomb and landed a forearm. Both were down and slow to get up. The announcers talked about Jade being undefeated in AEW, so more than the TBS Title was on the line in this match. Rose reverse-whipped Jade into the ropes, but Jade landed a Beast Bomb for a two count. They countered each other’s near fall attempts. Ross called it “bowling shoe ugly.” Rose landed the Jade Effect for a near fall. Ross leaped off the top rope with a flip senton attempt, but Jade moved. Rose barely tucked in time. Jade then landed Jaded for the clean win. Jade took her belt back and gave Rose a middle finger as her music played.

WINNER: Cargil to retain the TBS Title in 9:00. (*1/2)

(Clunky in spots, but pretty good much of the way. This wasn’t going to be a world class athletic match, but it succeeded well enough given who was involved. This felt like a big deal clash between two forces in the AEW Women’s Division.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-19-22


Fans sang Jericho’s song on his way to the ring. Ian Riccaboni joined the announcers on commentary. Lots of action early in and out of the ring. Danielson and Claudio cleared the ring and then went to battle with forearms and uppercuts. Danielson took Claudio down into an armbar attempt. Claudio powered Danielson up, but they countered each other into near fall roll-ups until Jericho broke it up. Claudio and Danielson each applied a single-leg crab to Jericho. Guevara leaped off the top rope and hit both with a double cutter. He scored a quick two count on Claudio, then Jericho.

Guevara and Jericho worked together to take over and then struck a pose mid-ring together. They knocked Claudio to the floor and turned back to Danielson, who was down in the corner. Guevara showed a little frustration when Jericho went for a cover and asked him to back away. Danielson came back against both Jericho and Guevera and landed Yes Kicks. He scored a two count on Guevara.

Claudio recovered and gave Jericho a gut-wrench mid-ring. Jericho avoided a swing, so Claudio landed a stomp and scored a near fall. Claudio went for a springboard move, but Jericho caught him out of mid-air with a Code Breaker. Guevara yanked Jericho off of Claudio. Jericho looked up at Guevara, upset and in disbelief. Fans chanted, “You f—ed up!” Taz said, “Who’s in the principal’s office now?” They brawled. Guevara hit Jericho eventually with a Code Breaker for a two count. Ross said that would have humiliated Jericho. Guevara twisted Jericho into an attempted Walls of Jericho. Jericho twisted out of it and then applied the Walls himself. Claudio broke it up and put Jericho in a sharpshooter. Danielson also put Jericho in a LeBell Lock. Guevara broke it up with kicks to both Claudio and Danielson.

Guevara looked around at the fallen wrestlers. He shook Jericho’s hand and helped him up. They hugged, but then Guevara surprised Jericho with a GTH followed by a top rope shooting star press for a convincing near fall. Guevara went after Danielson, but Danielson no-sold him and slapped him. Claudio then pressed Guevara over his head and threw Guevara hard onto Jericho at ringside. Danielson then landed a Psycho Knee for a convincing near fall.

Danielson dropped elbows on Claudio. Claudio reversed position and did the same to Danielson. Claudio went for a lift-and-drop uppercut, but Danielson turned it into a roll-up for a near fall. Claudio came back with a near fall of his own. Both were down and slow to get up, while Jericho and Guevara were still out at ringside. Fans began a “This is awesome!” chant.

Guevara landed a top rope shooting star press onto Claudio at ringside. He showed fire and springboarded at Claudio. Claudio caught him and gave him a lift-and-drop uppercut for a convincing near fall. Guevara rolled up Claudio and put his feet on the second rope for extra leverage. The ref caught him. Claudio gave Guevara a Giant Swing. Ross cited Don Leo Jonathan as being known for that move. Jericho broke up the swing with a leaping Judas Effect. Jericho then hit Claudio with a full Judas Effect for the win.

WINNER: Jericho to retain the ROH Title. (****1/4)

(Another really good match. They smartly booked the four-way with a good mix of one-on-one, two-on-one, and two-on-two situations. I’m curious how Jericho reacts to Guevara’s actions. I’m a little disappointed that Claudio was the designated jobber, but I get it considering everyone else in the ring. Jericho continues at age 52 to keep up nicely with wrestlers still in their primes.)


A pre-match video package focused on Saraya’s comeback. She told people to never give up. Saraya came out first to cheers. They showed Saraya’s brother Zac Zodiac cheering at ringside. Excalibur said Baker doesn’t like sharing the stage with anyone and she made it known when Saraya arrived. Taz said Saraya did a good job getting in the head of Baker. Baker applied a headlock and then knocked her to the mat. She clutched the back of her head and neck after landing. Baker gave Saraya a twisting neckbreaker off the ring apron to the ringside mat. They were really leaning into the idea Saraya’s neck was vulnerable early here. Saraya’s brother yelled encouragement from the front row.

Back in the ring, Britt landed a neckbreaker for a two count. Baker pulled out her glove. Ross said he didn’t like the “it’s my house” thing. “Find another cliche to wear out!” he said. (Ornery Ross is surfacing after two hours!) Baker elbowed the back of Saraya’s neck. Saraya yanked Baker off the ring apron and dropped her face-first. Then she leaped off the ring apron onto Baker. She scored a two count in the ring. Saraya hit some short-arm clotheslines next. The announcers talked about how emotional Saraya was before the match and almost cried. Ross quipped he almost cried when he found out he’d be working with Taz tonight. Ross talked about this being potentially the start of a big rivalry. Saraya landed a Nightcap for a two count. Baker came back and set up a Lock Jaw, but Saraya reached the bottom rope.

Baker landed an Air Raid Crash for a two count. Taz wondered how much was left in Saraya. A “Let’s Go Saraya / DMD” chant broke out. Saraya fought off a top rope Air Raid Crash and turned it into a powerbomb off the ropes for a two count. It was a little sloppy. They fought back and forth a bit. Britt applied the Lock Jaw, but Saraya instantly rolled Baker’s shoulder’s back to force a release. Saraya kicked Baker and then hit a running knee for a near fall. Taz said he was impressed with Saraya no matter who wins the match. Baker landed a discus elbow and a fisherman’s neckbreaker followed by a stomp to her back for a near fall. Saraya landed a kick and two count. She followed with two package DDTs for the win.

Saraya celebrated at ringside with her brother. She was emotional. Excalibur wondered where Saraya goes next. Ross said, “Championships.”

WINNER: Saraya in 13:00. (*1/2)

(Not really a good match. Sloppy and poor timing a lot of the way. It had some good spots, too, but the crowd just wasn’t into it. They weren’t sure whose side they were on and the build was just awful and undisciplined and unfocused. Saraya looked rusty, too.)


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Targeting her neck? A fucking air-raid crash? Unbelievably reckless, stupid, dangerous, and pointless. Saraya has like two marbles tops, left in her bump jar.

I can’t watch her matches. I don’t want to see someone die in the ring again; Misawa was more than enough.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-19-22


Joe and Hobbs mouthed off to each other. Wardlow jump-started the match and focused on Joe. Wardlow beat up Joe at ringside, including whipping him into the ringpost. Hobbs charged at Wardlow and flattened him at ringside, then played to the crowd. Back in the ring, Hobbs dominated for a while. Wardlow landed a top rope flip onto both opponents. He nailed Hobbs with a clothesline. Joe came back with a senton on Wardlow a minute later for a two count. Wardlow drove his shoulder into Hobbs in the corner and then slammed him to the mat. He gave a charging Joe a spinebuster for a near fall.

Joe set up a powerbomb on Wardlow at ringside, but Hobbs charged and tackled Joe into the ringside barricade. Back in the ring, Hobbs hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Wardlow came back with two powerbombs. Wardlow played to the crowd before reaching down to pick up Hobbs for a third. He delivered and then went for a fourth. Joe entered and hit Wardlow with the TNT belt. He then put Hobbs in a sleeper to steal a win. The ref called for the bell quickly.

WINNER: Joe in 10:00 to capture the TNT Title. (**1/2)

(That was in the range of what you’d expect with those three in this setting. I’m so not a fan of the “anything goes” aspect of a three-way match where someone can win a title with a belt shot to the head. It’s so absurd. This seemed to solidfy Joe as a heel, although who knows these days since all he was doing was taking advantage of the rules.)

(7) JEFF JARRETT & JAY LETHAL (w/Satnum Singh, Sonjay Dutt) vs. STING & DARBY ALLIN

Jarrett came out with four people dressed up as Sting. There was a body bag on the stage. When Letahl wnt for it, Darby emerged through fog on the stage and hit Lethal with a skateboard. Sting showed up behind Jarrett. Jarrett thought it was one of his imitation Stings. Then he begged off. The bell rang to officially start the match. A “TNA!” chant broke out for a few seconds. Sting pounded his chest. Darby and Jarrett paired off and brawled by the stage as Sting and Lethal fought in the crowd. Sting dropped Lethal crotch-first over a barricade. Darby climbed a ladder on the ramp. Taz said something crazy was about to happen. Singh caught him mid-air and threw him onto the stage. Sting dove off the lower deck towards a crowd of heels from about ten feet off the ground. Looked risky, but he popped up.

Jarrett took over against Darby in the ring. Sting hit some Stinger Splashes in the corners and then put Jarrett in a Scorpion Death Lock. Dutt entered and punched Sting. Sting no-sold it. Dutt backed away. SIngh entered and chokeslamemd Sting. Jarrett made the cover, but Sting kicked out at two. Both Jarrett and Sting were slow to get up. Darby and Lethal exchanged strikes mid-ring. Lethal landed the Lethal Combination for a near fall. Jarrett picked up his guitar and wound up, but stopped when Darby escaped Lethal’s grip. Darby then set up a Coffin Drop on Lethal. Jarrett, though, hit Darby mid-air in the back with the guitar. Darby stood a few seconds later and pounded his chest, then rallied against both Lethal and Jarrett. When Singh entered the ring, he tried to give Singh a Scorpio Death Drop. Darby leaped off the top rope and splashed Singh as Sting landed the Death Drop. Lethal went for a Lethal Injection against Sting, but Sting countered into a Scorpion Death DSrop. Darby landed a Coffin Drop on Lethal for the win.

WINNERS: Sting & Darby in 11:00. (**1/4)

(Very much a Jeff Jarrett style match with the walk-in-brawl with some Darby-style elements mixed it. Felt like an old school formula tag match with traditional heel and face spots that you’d see in different eras.)

(8) TONI STORM vs. JAMIE HAYER – Interim AEW Women’s Title match

Schiavone noted it was quite technical early considering the rivalry between them. A dueling chant early slightly favored Hayter.

Several minutes into the match, both were down and slow to get up. Rebel snuck to ringside and watched as Hayter and Storm exchanged strikes on their knees. Storm was bleeding from her nose. Rebel hit Storm in the head with a belt. Hayter hit a sliding lariat for a convincing near fall. Turner asked Rebel what she’s doing out there. She backed away. He ordered her to the back. She let out a barbaric yell. Storm caught a distracted Hayter with a clothesline for a near fall. Hayter ducked a Storm hip attack. Baker then attacked Storm at ringside with a stomp on the belt. She threw Storm into the ring and hit Storm Zero for a convincing near fall. Hayter looked frustrated when she sat up. Storm gave Hayter a snap German suplex and then a Storm Zero for a convincing near fall. Storm set up a Texas Clover Leaf, but released it to knock Baker off the ring apron. Hayter then caught the distracted Storm with a Hate Breaker for a near fall. Baker removed the turnbuckle pad and Hayter sent Storm into it. She then landed her ripcord lariat Hayer-aid finisher. The crowd popped huge for her win.

Baker and Rebel celebrated with her. Excalibur said the match exceeded expectations. Schiavone said Storm is a good person, but he was really happy to see Hayter with a belt. He didn’t take away any points for it being due to Britt’s interference.

WINNER: Hayter in 14:00 to capture the Interim AEW Women’s Title. (***1/4)

(Good match. I agree it exceeded expectations. The near falls were well done. The finishing sequences with interference were dramatic and well executed, but it started to seem like too much. It’ll be interesting to see what they do with Hayter considering how popular she is.)

(9) THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. SWERVE STRICKLAND & KEITH LEE – AEW Tag Team Title match

Caster rapped on his way to the ring with references to Addidas dropping Kanye, their team dying like Twitter, having to fact check them like a Trump speech, Monsters Inc., Tristain Thompson cheating, and more. He did two verses this time, since it’s PPV and all. Exclalibur noted that Billy Gunn wasn’t there, probably to avoid being a distraction. The announcers noted that Bowens had his shoulder in a sling backstage and taped up for the match.

Caster and Bowens clotheslined Lee over the top rope and his knee hit the edge of the apron as he fell. The announcers reacted like that would seriously hurt. Caster took it to Swerve and played to the crowd. A few minutes in, Swerve tried to suplex Bowens onto a table leaning at ringside, but Bowens countered and suplexed Swerve. Back in the ring, Lee lifted Bowens by his taped arm and then slammed it on the mat and splashed it leading to a two count. Bowens dropkicked Swerve off the ring apron, but Lee held Swerve from falling. Bowens then leaped onto Lee and sent him through the table instead.

Swerve set up a top rope leap, but Bowens moved and then gave Swerve an Arrival side slam. He tagged in Caster who landed a Mic Drop. Lee made the save. Lee tossed Bowens and Caster around. They landed their double team finisher, Fall from Glory, for a near fall. Caster kicked out. Lee had Caster lifted, and Bowens entered the ring. Lee swung Caster into Bowens, then powerbombed him. Both Caster and Bowens rolled to ringside. Strickland found pliers at ringside and teased snipping Caster’s finger. Billy charged out to prevent that. Four referees ran out and ordered him to the back.

Strickland entered the ring and handed Lee the pliers. Lee tossed them aside and said he can’t win that way. Strickland slapped Lee. Swerve was fuming. Lee then walked out on the match. Caser rolled up a distracted Swerve for a near fall. He superkicked Strickland next and then rolled him up for a two count. Caster springboard dropkicked Swerve. Then they hit a double-team finisher for the win.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed in 20:00 to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles. (***1/2)

(Fun tag match with some good athleticism and a lot of character interaction. The break-up has been teased for a while, so I’m curious how both do when they split off into singles or if they form a new team. The Acclaimed earned this semi-final position on the card and it’s cool to see their rise. The spot with the pliers was dumb because nobody expected for a second he was going to use them as he threatened to do. It’s like the sledgehammer. It never gets used with a full swing, only in a jabbing battering ram motion with a hand over the hammerhead.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-19-22

(10) JON MOXLEY vs. MJF – AEW World Hvt. Title match

MJF’s music played and then he ran onto the stage and encouraged cheers. He kneeled and smiled. Hard to gauge the reaction, but he had some cheers. MJF rubbed his face in a woman’s cleavage at ringside, clearly asking permission first. Mox then made his way out through the concourse tunnel as usual, with Regal behind him. Roberts did formal ring introductions. MJF got cheered mostly but with some boos. Excalibur said that’s the first time Long Island was cheered in Newark. I believe there was a “New Champ” chant maybe. Moxley got mostly booed and he gave MJF the middle finger before the bell. Mox handed his belt to Regal. An “MJF” chant broke out. Still seemed like mixed sentiment for both, with a clear leaning for MJF.

Mox punched MJF immediately when they approached each other after the bell. MJF ducked a charging Mox a minute later and then ran the ropes to tease a dive, but then stopped mid-ring with is arms raised. Mox entered the ring and shoved MJF into the corner and bit him. Taz said Mox is done playing games. MJF fought back with some chops. They cut to a nice high wide shot of the packed stands. Mox whipped MJF into the ringside steps, then paraded around ringside with his belt. MJF sprayed something in Moxley’s eyes, probably just a beverage he sipped. Mox fought through it and dropped MJF.

MJF returned to the ring and nailed Mox with a running clothesline. MJF gave Mox an inverted atomic drop and then raked his back. He knocked Mox down with a punch. Mox went for a Paradigm Shift a minute later, but MJF blocked it and whipped Mox into the corner and then leveraged his shoulders down for a two count.

MJF set up a table at ringside. When he re-entered the ring, Mox surprised MJF with a cutter. Mox grabbed MJF’s arms and stomped away at his body and head. Mox pointed down at MJF on the ring apron, then lifted him for a piledriver off the apron through the table. Fans chanted “MJF!” MJF reversed position, although almost lost his balance. He then gave him a leaping tombstone on the ring apron. MJF sold a knee injury on landing and cried out in pain.

MJF went for another piledriver on the ring apron, but he couldn’t execute it. Mox escaped and gave MJF a leaping piledriver through the table a la Ric Flair-Terry Funk circa 1989. Mox re-entered the ring. The ref began a comically slow ten count on MJF. MJF popped up just before the tenth count. Fans cheered, although they knew. Mox then caught MJF with a Paradigm Shift for a near fall. Mox picked up the pace of the attack and then applied a figure-four. MJF yelled out in agony. MJF reversed it and Mox quickly grabbed the bottom rope to force a break.

MJF brought Mox back in with a Heat Seeker for a two count. MJF pounded on his knee to “wake it up.” He set up another Heat Seeker, but Mox blocked it. Mox worked over MJF’s knee. When Mox climbed to the top rope, MJF leaped into the ropes and knocked Mox off balance. Schiavone said it was a simple move, but it worked. Mox countered MJF with an Avalanche Paradigm Shift for a near fall; MJF reached the bottom rope. Mox tried to lift MJF, but MJF was dead weight. Mox pounded his chest and played to the crowd to a mixed response, mostly boos. Taz said the crowd not liking him very much is motivating him. Mox said, “Give me your best f—in’ shot. Hit me, you motherf—er.” MJF spit at him. Mox slapped him.

They stood and exchanged strikes mid-ring. MJF yanked the ref into Mox’s path. Schiavone said, “I don’t know what to say about that.” MJF pulled the Dynamite Diamond Ring out from his trunks and stared at it. “Do what you gotta do, I guess,” said Taz. Excalibur said MJF vowed to win fair and square. Regal walked out and told him to put it down. MJF threw down the ring and gave Regal a middle finger. Mox then put MJF in a sleeper. MJF kicked off the turnbuckles and leveraged Mox’s shoulders down for a near fall. The ref got knocked over. Mox put MJF in his bulldog choke. MJF tapped out, but the ref was down. Regal told Mox to go get the ref. Regal then tossed MJF brass knuckles. He used them to knock out Mox. Fans didn’t pop with cheers. MJF draped his arm over Mox for the three count. Schiavone said Regal just sold his soul for the devil.

WINNER: MJF in 23:00 to capture the AEW World Title. (****)

(A really good match that veered more toward MJF’s style than Mox’s, which is good because I like when Mox is reigned in a bit. The Regal finish was quite a common guess for the finish. I like MJF being heel for longer, or at least it appears that’s the case. Will he work hard to turn fans against him, for the sake of his future babyface opponents? The finish was a bit convoluted, unfortunately, given that Regal stopped MJF from using the Dynamite Diamond Ring and MJF could have easily subsequently lost. I’m curious if they have a reasonable explanation for that. There’s still a head wind, though, to get MJF booed. Glad The Firm wasn’t involved.)

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Went to WCPWxRPW King of the Indies 2022 and it was a great show, Dragon Lee three-peated but earlier in the night with how his match with Titus Alexander was playing out I thought Titus was taking it


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-26-22

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's real time report).


The competitors all made separate ring entrances and each team got inside a cage on the stage waiting for her turn.

Belair and Kai battled the first five minutes. Then Sky entered giving the heels a two-on-one advantage. There was spot in the corner where Sky slipped a couple times doing a swinging knee spot. Fans booed. Graves said it’s natural for anyone to have nerves in a match like this. Asuka entered fourth to even the sides. She and Sky had a minute or so of athletic exchanges while Kai stood over Belair in the other ring. Cross entered fifth and brought kendo sticks and trash can lids with her. Bliss then entered sixth to even the odds. Everyone began hitting each other with kendo sticks. Nikki sat on top of the corner of the cage and smiled down at them. Nikki dove onto a crowd below.

Bayley then came out to give her team the advantage. She pulled a ladder out from under the ring. Fans cheered. Then a “We Want Tables!” chant rang out. Bayley grabbed a table from under the ring which got the biggest pop of the night. Bayley and Sky bridged a table on the middle ropes between the rings, then shoved the side of the table into Belair. Nikki yanked on Belair’s braid to send her head-first into the table. Bayley, Sky, and Kai triple-teamed Bliss, then turned to Asuka. Next out was “Michin” Mia Yim. She threw a trash can into the ring. It took two tries to get the second trash can into the ring. She went for more weapons, and Graves pointed out her teammates might want her to help them quickly instead of grabbing more apparatus. They all paired off in various corners on the top rope and hit spots one after another.

With everyone down and slow to get up, Ripley was the last heel entrant. She ran to the ring with a wide smile. Ripley tossed several wrestlers around methodically. Nikki stood on the top rope and bounced up and down like a little kid on a playground. Sky ran the ropes back and forth. Cole said he wasn’t sure what she was doing. She eventually landed a basement slidekick to Asuka. They showed Becky pacing in the cage. She charged out when the timer his zero.

The ring announcer said, “Now let the WarGames begin!” Cole said the first person to get a pinfall or submission wins. Becky put a trash can over the head of Sky who was on the ring apron sticking through the ropes. Becky legdropped the can and Sky flipped over. Ripley and Becky had “a moment” mid-ring. Ripley powerbombed Becky after some help and scored the first near fall of the match. Asuka sprayed Ripley with her mist. Becky then DDT’d Ripley. Bayley stomped away at Becky and boasted to the fans. She gave Becky a Rose Plant on the steel plate connecting both rings leading to a two count, broken up by Asuka. Belair was going to powerbomb everyone but Nikki out of the corner off the top ropes, but Nikki intervened. Instead, the wrestlers knocked each other down. Belair drove Bayley to the mat in move that was botched and could have been much worse, with Becky landing on her head and neck awkwardly.

Sky climbed to the top of the cage and moonsaulted onto Belair and Yim below. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” With everyone down and slow to get up, a “This is awesome!” chant rang out. Nikki then went after Bliss, yelling “You think I forgot!” Nikki handcuffed Bliss. Cole said they used to be best friends. Nikki handcuffed Bliss. Bliss resisted being cuffed to the cage or rope and instead handcuffed Nikki’s wrist. Bliss back suplexed Nikki onto a trash can. Both were down and slow to get up. Ripley powered up Asuka and threw her into the side of the cage. Yim countered a Riptide by Ripley into a sleeper. Ripley leaped backwards through a ladder in the corner. The ladder bent in half. Another “Holy shit!” chant broke out.

Everyone who could, stood and faced off and exchanged heated words. Then they swung away at each other. Becky gave a Manhandle Slam to Kai. Belair gave Sky a KOD seconds later. Cole said Becky and Belair were working well together. They set up a table in he corner and then stacked Kai and Sky. Bayley tried to climb the cage to go after Becky up top, but Belair yanked her down and threw her into the cage. Becky then landed a senton legdrop hybrid on both women through the table for the win, scoring the three count on Kai. The babyfaces all stood together afterward, arms raised. Yim looked like she had the worst hangover any person has ever had and was doing everything she could to not just collapse.

WINNERS: Belair & Yim & Bliss & Asuka & Lynch in 40:00.

(Tremendous start to the show. Some scary spots that went wrong or looked dangerously close to going wrong, with some other high-impact moments where they didn’t seem in total control of how they’d land, but they pulled off the vast majority of big spots well. They really played up Becky and Belair working together and focused on them celebrating together after the match, so expect more of them together and eventually a match.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-26-22

(2) A.J. STYLES (w/Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows) vs. FINN BALOR (w/Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest)

The announcers talked about the history of Balor and Styles and how each think they’re a better leader than the other, and that’s what this match is about. A few minutes in, Graves said Balor realizes it’s not about making the fans in the crowd happy, but it’s about winning matches and succeeding. Dominik tripped up Styles on the ring apron. Gallows and Anderson cornered him at ringside and punched and kicked him. Priest came to Dominik’s defense. They kept up a steady but methodical pace, taking turns on sustained offense for a while.

Balor landed a lift-and-drop gutbuster on his knees for a two count. Styles came back a minute later with an inverted DDT after a springboard backflip off the middle ropes for a two count. Styles applied a Calf Crusher mid-ring. Balor cried out in agony. He teased tapping a few times. Styles landed a Phenomenal Forearm for the clean win shortly thereafter. Styles had some intense words for Balor after the match as Balor recovered sitting in the corner.

WINNER: Styles in 18:00. (***)

(A good basic match from these two. Nothing memorable, but they knew their place on this show and this was a “catch your breath” match for the crowd. They didn’t aim to make this epic.) [c]

(3) RONDA ROUSEY (w/Shayna Baszler) vs. SHOTZI – Smackdown Title match

WINNER: Rousey.

I'm headed to bed early since I have to work early tomorrow. I'll post the remainder tomorrow. Those who can't wait can go to their favorite online site for the results. My apologies and thank you.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-26-22

(3) RONDA ROUSEY (w/Shayna Baszler) vs. SHOTZI – Smackdown Title match

Shotzi went after Rousey aggressively at the bell. Rousey countered into an early anklelock. Shotzi charged Rousey in the corner. Rousey rolled to the floor. Shotzi dove through the ropes at Rousey, but Baszler shoved Rousey out of the way so Shotzi landed on her instead. Shotzi got up and quickly threw Rousey into the ringside steps. Back in the ring, Shotzi knocked Baszler off the ring apron. Rousey tried to attack her from behind, but Shotzi moved. Shotzi went for a top rope dive, but Rousey turned it into a turning powerslam out of mid-air. Rousey got up and threw some kicks, then yelled, “I can beat you with my feet!” Shotzi stood and swept Rousey. Rousey countered Shotzi into a leglock. She wrapped her up with a leg and arm submission hold. Shotzi caught Rousey with a punch. The announcers made a big deal out of it.

Shotzi went for a DDT on the ring apron, but Rousey got held up in the ropes and Shotzi crashed to the mat before Rousey. The announcers said they weren’t sure who got the worst of it. Baszler went after Shotzi and ended up giving her an overhead suplex with a little extra shove by Rousey. Shotzi dumped back Rousey and Baszler over the ringside barricade. Shotzi leaped onto both of them and knocked over some “fans” on a row of chairs which tipped over. They replayed it in slo-mo. The “fans” stayed down, selling the impact. Back in the ring, Rousey delivered a top rope armdrag for a near fall. She followed with a Piper’s Pit followed by an armbar for the tapout win.

WINNER: Rousey in 7:00 to retain the Smackdown Title.

(More awkward, unorthodox, and clunky than usual for both of these wrestlers. It seemed mostly due to Rousey being inexperienced with some of the spots they did. Right finish and right length, and it was competitive and filled a solid mid-card slot in the sense that it gave a secondary-level challenger a title shot, but a clean decisive win for the champ.)


Lashley came out first. Theory came out and posed on the corner ropes and strutted around the ring. Seth got a big positive reaction. Lashley knocked Theory over the top rope at the start with a clothesline, then turned to Seth. When Theory tried to re-enter the ring, Seth knocked him down. Seth and Lashley went at it. Theory got back in the ring. Lashley beat him up, and then fended off Seth. Lashley gave both a DDT at the same time. Lashley lifted Theory onto his shoulders and then rammed Theory into Seth to knock him down “Human wrecking ball,” said Cole. Lashley then dropped Seth off his shoulders and scored a two count, stopped when Theory yanked the ref out of the ring. Cole said there are no DQs in a triple threat match (which remains a stupid rule).

At ringside, Theory tried to jab Lashley with a chair, but Lashley blocked it. Theory shoved Lashley into a ringpost. Seth then leaped at Lashley with a knee from behind, then threw Lashley into the ringside steps. Seth began to lift the steps, but Theory attacked him. Back in the ring, Theory took over for a while. Seth came back with chops and a slingblade and a superkick. Seth then launched himself through the ropes at Lashley on one side of the ring, then did the same to Theory on the other side. When Lashley stood, Seth speared him again. Seth then threw Theory to ringside and did a flip dive, knocking Lashley down and overshooting Theory entirely. Seth landed a sitout powerbomb for a near fall on Theory back in the ring. Everybody was down and slow to get up.

Seth went for a Stomp on Theory, but Lashley pulled Theory out of the way and then put Seth in a Hurt Lock. Theory leaped onto Lashley’s back and applied a sleeper. Lashley let go of Seth and dumped Theory over the top rope. Seth gave Lashley a Pedgree for a near fall. Seth climbed to the top rope and went for a Phoenix Splash, but Lashley moved. Theory knocked Seth out of the ring, then hit Lashley with a rolling blockbuster. He signaled for A-Town Down, but Lashley slipped free and put on a Hurt Lock. Theory pushed off the ropes with his feet. Lashley rolled Theory onto his shoulders. Seth frog splashed them and scored a near fall on Lashley.

Seth and Theory battled mid-ring. Seth landed a rolling elbow to the side of Theory’s head. Theory fired back and set up a Pedigree. Theory blocked it and went for his finisher. Lashley intervened and put both in a Hurt Lock at once. They backed him into the corner to break the hold. Seth superkicked Lashley and elbowed the back of Theory’s neck. Seth leaned in the corner and launched off of Theory’s back to land a Stomp on Lashley. Theory went after Seth right away. Seth superplexed Theory off the top rope and set up a Falcon Arrow. Lashley speared them. Theory draped his arm over Seth and got the three count. They cut to shocked fans. Lashley sat up in disbelief, with a trickle of blood coming from his forehead. Graves said he’s the youngest U.S. Champion in WWE history. They kept finding fans reacting with shock in the crowd, mostly men in their 20s and 30s. Cole said some will say he lucked into a championship, but he is still the champion.

WINNER: Theory in 15:00 to win the U.S. Title. (***3/4)

(Really good match, with smart use of the three person format to explain absences but not overdoing it to a ludicrous degree. I like Theory winning the belt the way he did. It’s the next step up the roster for him, but it came from holding his own against two more established stars and ultimately being resourceful but not cheating to win the title. During the pre-show, they really pushed the notion that Theory might be the future of WWE, so that’s how WWE wants fans looking at Theory. He continues to look like he belongs in the mix with these veterans.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-26-22

(5) THE BLOODLINE (Roman Reigns & Jey & Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa & Sami Zayn) vs. DREW MCINTYRE & SHEAMUS & RIDGE HOLLAND & BUTCH & KEVIN OWENS) – Men’s WarGames match

Cole noted that more than 30 years ago, Heyman led his Dangerous Alliance against Sting’s Squadron. Jey and Butch began the match. Jey trash-talked Butch from one ring before they battled. Jey got the better of Butch early. When Cole said he thinks Sami might have just been telling Reigns what he wanted to hear, Graves said he’s known Sami a long time and he doesn’t think he’s that clever. Ridge Holland joined the match third. He took it to Jey as Butch was recovering on the metal platform between the rings. Butch eventually recovered enough to join Holland in double-teaming Jey.

Sami was the next out to even the odds. Cole noted that Sami was the one who would be able to help Jey, who has always distrusted Sami. As Sami approached the ring, fans chanted “Sami Uso!” Sami and Holland battled in the corner. Jey grabbed Holland, and Sami punched him. Cole said they were working together. Sami talked to Jey about having to work together. Butch recovered and leaped onto them. Cole said you have to be on the same page if you’re going to survive WarGames. Sami saved Jey from a charging Holland, and he was sure to let Jey know what happened.

Drew McIntyre entered third for his team, giving the babyfaces the advantage. Drew tossed Sami and Jey around the ring. Drew said he was feeling pretty Uce-y. When Drew set up a superplex on Jey, Sami saved Jey. Drew gave Sami a DDT and then kipped up. Fans counted down and next out was Jimmy Uso. Reigns was sitting the back corner of the cage and Solo stood with is arms crossed, stoic as usual. Jimmy slid three tables into the ring. Jey and Sami got into an argument over how a table should be used. Jimmy got between them. Cole said Reigns looked disgusted. They fended off Butch, then went back to trying to figure out how to work through their issues. They worked together to set up a table in the corner. They showed Sheamus and Owens anxiously looking on from the cage.

Next out was Owens. He ran to the ring. Cole said it’s his second WarGames match. Graves said he had the Dusty ensemble on but was missing cowboy boots. KO bashed the Usos with a chair, then DDT’d Jimmy on one. He landed a cannonball on Jey, then landed a swanton. KO suplexed Jey through a table set up in the ring. Solo Sikoa came out next to even the active wrestlers. Drew caught a charging Solo with a flying headbutt. Everyone was down and slow to get up.

Sheamus came to the ring next. Sami blocked his entrance by holding onto the cage door. Sheamus powered his way in and began slamming Bloodline members. Sheamus leaped off the top rope with a flying clothesline to both Usos. Reigns entered last, with the rest of Bloodline down in one ring while the babyfaces were gathered in the other ring ready to fight. When Reigns entered, the ring announcer said, “Let the WarGames begin!”

Both groups of five stood in opposite rings, although Jimmy could barely stand. The babyfaces charged into the other ring at The Bloodline. Reigns took control and knocked everyone down. He set up a spear, but Sheamus stopped him with a kick. Drew joined Sheamus in going after Reigns. The Usos and Sami came to his aid. The five babyfaces bent the five heels over top ropes and bashed them over a dozen times with forearms to the chests. Cole said it’s the damnedest thing he’s ever seen. Sheamus played to the crowd, pounded his chest, and delivered a big boot to Solo. Reigns speared Sheamus, and then Butch made the save. Sami held up Butch and then Jey went for a superkick, but Butch moved and the superkicked took out Sami. Graves said it was happenstance. Cole said, “Perhaps.” Fans booed.

The Usos gave Butch the 1D for a near fall broken up by Holland (barely). The Usos stereo superkicked Holland. Reigns speared Holland through a table in the corner. Solo saved Reigns from Drew slamming him through a table. Solo gave Drew a Spinning Solo through the table. KO gave Solo a stunner and scored a near fall, interrupted by Reigns. KO and Reigns had “a moment” staring at each other from across the ring with everyone else down. They circled each other and yelled at each other. They said they weren’t done with each other and then fought. Reigns blocked a Stunner and then landed a Superman Punch. Reigns went for a spear, but Owens landed a superkick and then a Pop-up Powerbomb. He hit a Stunner next and scored a near fall, with Sami stopping the ref’s third count. They created a visual that KO would have pinned Reigns, which KO can reference in building up a match between then down the line.

Fans loudly chanted “Sami Uso!” KO and Sami stood and stared at each other. KO looked down at Reigns and asked, “That’s your family?” Jimmy went for a superkick on KO, but KO blocked it. Sami then gave KO a low blow. He looked conflicted about it afterward. Cole noted KO was best man at his wedding. Cole wondered if he was second-guessing himself. Sami stood and charged at KO with Helluva kick. KO was dead weight in Sami’s arms; Sami dropped him. Jey landed a frog splash for the three count. Reigns hugged Sami adfterward as Solo and the Usos looked on. Sami looked down at KO, really emotional. Jey hugged Sami. Sami hugged back. Jey really leaned into the hug. Sami and Jimmy then chest bumped. Cole said The Bloodline are all on the same page, at the expense of KO. “Did Sami Zayn sell his soul tonight?” asked Cole.

WINNERS: The Bloodline.

(The match was about the action, but mostly it was about the story of Sami’s loyalty and they played that aspect of the match brilliantly start to finish, not to mention stellar backstage segments earlier in the night. Every single member of Bloodline along with Owens were tremendous in telling the story throughout the match. Drew, Butch, Holland, and Sheamus contributed to the match for sure, but weren’t really integral to the Sami-Bloodline story.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
William Regal is leaving AEW at the end of the year to rejoin the WWE. All Elite Wrestling boss Tony Khan has confirmed William Regal requested his release so he could return to WWE in 2023 to work with his son Charlie Dempsey over in the NXT brand. Under the conditions of his release, once he’s free to re-sign with WWE at the beginning of January he will only be eligible to work backstage for the first year. From that point – once his AEW contract would have ended, had they activated his extension – he’ll be permitted to work on television again, if he wanted to.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Matt Riddle being injured at the hands of Solo Sikoa on the December 5 episode of Monday Night Raw was reportedly put in place to write Riddle off of the show due to a positive drug test.

Bodyslam is reporting that Riddle failed another drug test and will be sent to rehab. The report indicates that Riddle failed a drug test ahead of Summerslam, which forced his match with Seth Rollins to be pushed off the card and moved to the Clash at the Castle show in the UK. After that test, Riddle was told another positive test would lead to an ultimatum of be fired, or go to rehab.

Matt Riddle is a former WWE Raw Tag Team Champion. Early this year, Riddle appeared to be heading toward being one of the pillar faces of the company due to his popularity with Randy Orton as a member of RK-Bro. Before Summerslam, Riddle faced Roman Reigns for the WWE Undisputed Universal Championship on an episode of Smackdown.

Most recently, Riddle had been teaming with Elias. This week on WWE Raw, Elias dedicated his in-ring musical performance to Riddle who will be off of television for six weeks according to the Raw announce team on Monday Night.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Vince intends to return to WWE and believes he got bad advice from people close to him when he agreed to step down. He now believes everything would have blown over.

To recap what a horrible person he is:
  • Haha
Reactions: Syn


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
And the WWE has a few other problems. Mandy Rose was released due to content being posted to her FanTime page, a day after her 413 day reign as NXT Women's Champion came to an end and Matt Riddle, which was recently "injured" was taken off TV due to a possible failed drug test, which is his second.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
The Mandy Rose thing is hilarious. Though he's a notorious shitbag, Malki Kawa (her agent) claims she's made $500,000 since she got fired. I guess that's not out of the realm of possibility considering she raised her sub price to $40/month and I'd guess that she charges extra for some of the stuff she'll do and/or send to people.

In addition to the various pics and vids, she also rates dicks, for instance. This I know due to various accounts of said ratees on reddit.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Just google "Mandy Rose nude reddit" and you'll find it. Like most OF stuff it's not exactly high quality porn. Would it kill these ladies to just take a good clear shot of their boobs?

They are very nice boobs though.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Aalyah And Dominik Mysterio Offered To Donate Their Kidneys To Konnan

Konnan recently announced he started dialysis and he’s waiting for a kidney donor to have a transplant. During a recent episode of his Keepin’ It 100 podcast, the wrestling legend shared (via that Dominik and Aalyah Mysterio actually reached out and offered to donate their kidneys to him.

“It’s an ongoing thing to get a f-cking kidney donor. I actually have seven people from the show, and believe it or not bro, this is beautiful, do you know who offered me their kidney? Dominik and Aalyah, both.”

Konnan went on to explain how he’s been in rough shape physically, noting how he’s lost 70 pounds and had been incredibly weak. He noted how dialysis saved him and went on to explain how he ended up having another issue with his kidneys.

“I’ll tell you what saved me bro is the fu**ing dialysis. I didn’t want to do it. This is my second kidney replacement. A lot of people think, ‘Oh steroids.’ Well, if it’s steroids, why don’t more people have kidney problems?”

“What actually happened is, I was in an extreme match in Tijuana, and a ladder came all the way from the top and I was looking the other way, and it landed and it fu**ing broke my kidney and I didn’t even know it because I just thought it was normal pain.”

“Not too long ago, I did an angle in AEW with the FTR guys. They gave me this pile driver and I never had time to like, go, because I got there late. We were like second on, and next thing you knew, we were in the trailer and we were going to the fu**ing ring. So they never really showed me how to do the pile driver. So it’s like this weird different pile driver I’d never taken, and when I hit, I went like, holy sh*t. I felt that.”

“Then for months and months, I was having problems with my back, with my traps, with my ribs, and I just thought it was a pinched nerve. When I finally went to the fu**ing doctor, they were like, ‘No, you have a dislocated shoulder and a cracked rib.’ Bro, that hurt like a mother fu**er.”

“Same thing with the kidney. When I bursted, when it burst or whatever, I didn’t go to the hospital because you know, Mr. Macho here. Then finally when I had kidney problems, they were like, ‘Bro, your kidneys are so dehydrated, we don’t even know what to tell you.’”

Konnan said he had a terrible experience with dialysis the first time, but his doctor warned him that if he didn’t continue treatment that his organs would start shutting down. Konnan noted that he was so weak because of the lack of iron in his blood and started feeling much better once he continued treatment.