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15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I have a pair of XM3's and the XM4 is a slight improvement on that. The XM5 on the otherhand feels flimsy.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
holy shit that looks cool, is the game any good?
It's, uhm, interesting. You play Laurie Strode and have to save kids from getting slaughtered by Michael Myers during Halloween night. There are safe rooms on the utmost left and right sides of each level, bringing kids there will save them and give you points, as does stabbing Michael with a knife that can be found on random locations in a level. Rescuing 5 kids or stabbing Michael twice will take you to the next level with a faster Michael chasing you around.

There's gore in the game, Laurie's head is getting chopped off if she collides with Michael and blood is pumping out. The well-known Halloween title theme is playing throughout the game which can get slightly annoying after a while. In attract mode, the music is a bit more elaborated with a second voice which is hilariously out of tune.

Neither Laurie's nor Michael's names get mentioned in the game, Laurie is called "the babysitter", that prolly was to avoid legal problems. The makers of the game didn't even have enough cash to commission printing proper labels, the labels of the og carts were white with "Halloween" written on it with an orange marker pen.

The game has a certain quirky history and makes a great conversation piece on Halloween so I'm very happy with my purchase.

Now I want the same cool pcb shape release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, another one of those obscure 2600 games.....



A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
I like the Halloween game actually. I bought repros of that one and Texas Chainsaw Massacre on 2600 a few years back. They're not great games or anything, but not bad either, and pretty fun. Mine are just standard Atari carts with custom labels though. That custom pcb is sweet, tak.


Time? Astonishing!
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Well don't let it just sit on the shelf. It's worth playing and it's not too long.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
But if I don't put it on the shelf the shelf will get dusty.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
10 Year Member
Apr 11, 2010

Well, the Portal sucked ass, turns out they’re going for stupid money, sold it instead of returning it. Got the slim for free from my profits. Much smaller and lighter and more importantly doesn’t heat my office up like a furnace like my phat one.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
10 Year Member
Apr 11, 2010
Tarded and a flipper on a single post

yeah, I’m a scalper. I especially love to open my items so I can tempt fate and devalue what I’m about to explode in value on the marketplace. I preorder by the single unit to make sure I get as little profit as possible because preordering on multiple sites is gay, then put the item up at list hoping people will be stupid and bid up the price.

It’s foolproof. I live in a 1 million dollar mansion with eight lambos now cause I is genius.
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10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2013
I bought it with the intent of keeping it. Made me motion sick. Put it up for sale at list. People bid it up. Blame them for going stupid on something let’s be honest is barely worth the asking price. Not buying preorders to flip. Or selling over MSRP list price in hopes to up prices on the market. Had it at 199 open box and just sat and saw if there was any attention. It being bud on once none the less the amount it did shocked me. Didn’t know they were rare lol.

Use logic instead of assuming the worst in people and you won’t look like an ass. If they want to lose money because they can’t wait seven days for restock, they’re the idiots.



J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
I’ve been a fan of Crisis Force for a while but finally decided to get a cart. The seller was fairly local and it was cheaper than Japanese sellers/ listings. He even threw in the extra cart to my surprise.

Haven’t bought and arcade board in at least three years too

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Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
yeah, I’m a scalper. I especially love to open my items so I can tempt fate and devalue what I’m about to explode in value on the marketplace. I preorder by the single unit to make sure I get as little profit as possible because preordering on multiple sites is gay, then put the item up at list hoping people will be stupid and bid up the price.

It’s foolproof. I live in a 1 million dollar mansion with eight lambos now cause I is genius.
ok but you're still lame as fuck


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
It's, uhm, interesting. You play Laurie Strode and have to save kids from getting slaughtered by Michael Myers during Halloween night. There are safe rooms on the utmost left and right sides of each level, bringing kids there will save them and give you points, as does stabbing Michael with a knife that can be found on random locations in a level. Rescuing 5 kids or stabbing Michael twice will take you to the next level with a faster Michael chasing you around.

There's gore in the game, Laurie's head is getting chopped off if she collides with Michael and blood is pumping out. The well-known Halloween title theme is playing throughout the game which can get slightly annoying after a while. In attract mode, the music is a bit more elaborated with a second voice which is hilariously out of tune.

Neither Laurie's nor Michael's names get mentioned in the game, Laurie is called "the babysitter", that prolly was to avoid legal problems. The makers of the game didn't even have enough cash to commission printing proper labels, the labels of the og carts were white with "Halloween" written on it with an orange marker pen.

The game has a certain quirky history and makes a great conversation piece on Halloween so I'm very happy with my purchase.

Now I want the same cool pcb shape release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, another one of those obscure 2600 games.....

Where did you purchase this?