Samurai Shodown Sen US release - March 30


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Really? That's your complaint? That it doesn't play exactly like the game you already own?

I'm not raging against the machine or anything- the slowness and lack of ability to pull bread and butters out of the gate isn't for me ATM. The game may grow on me. I'm ok with the fact it doesn't play like the other SS games after spending more time with it. . .my initial rxn may have been rushed. I was hoping sen would be to sam sho what regA is to KOF.


Over Top Auto Mechanic
15 Year Member
Apr 1, 2005
Sorry, but isn't the whole point of buying a game in a series that it's supposed to play more or less exactly like the games you already own? That's why you're preordering the thing and plunking down $50. They're selling the game based on the Samurai Shodown brand, and that you can't do your bread and butters out of the gate is a load of crap.

I specifically bought this because it's a Samurai Shodown game and not some other fighting game, and I feel what I got is some other fighting game. It more or less looks and sounds the part, but it doesn't play right and it doesn't feel right. The gameplay is awkward and it feels more like a Soul Calibur title (but not as good) - especially with all the juggling.

Black Shroud

Mr. Big's Thug
Jan 9, 2009
I specifically bought this because it's a Samurai Shodown game and not some other fighting game, and I feel what I got is some other fighting game.

Im sure everyone told you that a couple of times before you bought it


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
Sorry, but isn't the whole point of buying a game in a series that it's supposed to play more or less exactly like the games you already own?
Um, SamSho has a history of re-inventing itself fairly radically.

Im sure everyone told you that a couple of times before you bought it

As an additional aside, any other issues with the game aside, I have to say that I do like how Sogetsu plays in this. He's got a stylishness that doesn't feel shoehorned in from his design, but is actually part of his moveset.
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Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
Welp, I'm going to see if I can sweet-talk the people at the local video rental into getting a copy of this. Then I can rent it for 5 bucks, make a judgement one way or another, and buy it from them for 20 bucks in a month when no one else has rented it.


Genjuro's Frog,
Aug 21, 2001
OK I spent a decent amount of time monkeying around in practice mode a few of the characters and then a test run (well I only got as far to sub-boss DRACO in story mode, default difficulty).

So Charlotte is pretty well in this version, and so is Sogetsu, and I fair well with Kazuki too.

Considering I was using the crappy X360 controller I did not do too bad. Tho I have yet to try out the netgame.

Charlotte is quite well thus far. Granted there are quite a bit to memorize in combo possibilites with her. But she has quite a repertoire stringing her multi-hit splash fount move that ends in a vicious KD swipe. She can string pretty well with some combo fun off that move.

She still has her splash gradation tho tweaked to make sense in an SC-clone gameplay. Tho I prolly would have more fun with the moves I memorized thus far if I was using an actual joystick. But I actually got to Draco with Charlotte...

So far with Sogetsu, I got by with his combo setup and a disappear-behind-opponent combo setup then stringing a <- HS.HS.HS combo where he does his multi-dash slashing all over the air moves ala Guy SSFIV ultramove. Hmmm...that was sweet.

Kazuki had been a close variation with Sogetsu but he is a quirky badassery.

I am still studying Hanzo, Jubei, and Genjuro. I do wish I had a better stick to work with but these guys are turning up some combo fun against the AI thus far so I find an interim affinity with these guys thus far...

I tried out the lil gurl with a berserk-like blade, meh thus far... Claude is a potential. some pretty good combo strings with him tho I get raped with him early need to practice a bit more. Ahh let see...the Native-Am guy kinda suck with the dual-axe, kinda slow for my taste.

This Haohmaru version feels 'toned' but I do like his setups potential into combos, plus his power swings are WICKED.

My interest in the game is elevating a little bit as I spend time with it. There some characters thus far that you feel some satisfaction kickin ass as you figure out some of the combo strings and setting up the AI with it (like Charlotte thus far)...

Still not worth $50. I am still disappointed that K2 didnt go with 2D plane kinda like SFIV. I am enjoying the game quite a bit more as I play.

If only I can get through Draco....


Nov 20, 2009
So I picked this up last night. My initial impressions are not good. I had already played the arcade version, so I already has some exposure to the gameplay.

The fighting and animation just feel really stiff to me. Soul Calibur on PSP blows this away in movement and animation. It seems transition animations are barely there and the way the characters walk and dash feels very off. The feeling of landing hits doesn't feel good either. The levels you play in are very bland too.

I am going to put in more time for the rest of the week and on the weekend, but it feels like a bad Soul Edge (pre-calibur) clone, but with the coolness of the SS characters. But this is where the graphics I think let it down. The in game models have no personality or style.

The front end and art is so damn cool. I wish the in game graphics could at least come close.

Maybe the gameplay will grow on me, we shall see.


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
Well, anyone dislike it enough to trade their copy for an MVS cart or sell it yet?


Morden's Lackey
Jan 28, 2009
I tried to play a match online last night when I got home from work, and not a single match could be found.


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
Yeahh. no used copies for sale on Amazon yet. Or eBay for that matter.

I'm guessing it's selling terribly, as it sounds like the game isn't said to be that great yet used copies aren't showing up immediately.


Morden's Lackey
Jan 28, 2009
Yeahh. no used copies for sale on Amazon yet. Or eBay for that matter.

I'm guessing it's selling terribly, as it sounds like the game isn't said to be that great yet used copies aren't showing up immediately.

It just came out yesterday...


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
Yeahh. no used copies for sale on Amazon yet. Or eBay for that matter.

I'm guessing it's selling terribly, as it sounds like the game isn't said to be that great yet used copies aren't showing up immediately.

Why buy used so close to its release date? At most, you're likely to save $5.


Formerly Megatron2929
Aug 7, 2008
I'm a diehard SamSho fan, and I have very low expectations for this game, but I can't justify spending $50 on it. I'll wait until it hits the bargain bin or someone sells it cheap on the selling forum.


Over Top Auto Mechanic
15 Year Member
Apr 1, 2005
Well I didn't have much of an expectation for the game to begin with, but that was due to KOF XII. I tried not to read up on Sen in advance so I wouldn't get too disappointed ahead of time.

Um, SamSho has a history of re-inventing itself fairly radically.

Ok well Samurai Shodown 3 I didn't like at all for that reason, but the other installments' changes have on the whole been additions to the existing system rather than complete overhauls. I expect between revisions that they maybe add a move or revise a combo here and there, or add game modes or some other mechanic - those things are external to the characters and that's fine; it's good to mix it up. What I don't expect -or want- is for the characters themselves to be completely overhauled.

I find the familiarity with the characters is what makes the game feel like a part of the series. You can play almost any character from 1 through 6 and it will seem familiar - maybe minor changes or additional moves but nothing that won't be apparent with a minute of tinkering. With Sen that's not the case.


Basara's Blade Keeper
10 Year Member
Dec 22, 2009
the JAP version was region locked. I seriously doubt they made the US region free.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I'm playing the game and liking it a lot. For some reason it feels to me like a Maximum Impact with swords. The moves are for the most part there, you just have to use them a bit differently and I like that for a change of pace.

In a sense the technical aspect of a "duel" still remains untouched, there's still a very nice feel of swordplay in the game and blocking correctly is actually challenging and rewarding if done right, I'm still trying to work with a nice set of basic combos to mix it up with a small amount of characters to start.

One thing is for sure though, this is a game you can't just pick up and play 'cause is rather confusing at first, but then agaon since SSIII it's always been that way.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Holy titties are Draco and and the last guy pains in the ass. Draco is just seriously one cheap motherfucker, as noted elsewhere, Christ, the only way I could figure out to beat him was to exploit the AI by doing little jumping VSs constantly in his face since the AI doesn't respond to that effectively, maybe only blocks about 25% or so, max, and doesn't counterattack it much and then can't ground you to start combos or use the shotgun.

That's up there even for cheap SNK bosses. That's more just dumb, really.

Then Golba (is that his name, I think?) is just hard as hell, too. Goddamn. I would say I lost to him at least 15 times in a row before I finally won.

Doesn't help that the tech on the game would be sad even for a launch game- there must be at least 45 seconds, total, of load time between every match or so, even on fucking retries.

I dunno, it's certainly not a good game by any means, but I'm still finding it to be strangely compelling. I think.

Can't really recommend a full-price purchase to anyone who hasn't already made one, though.

Oh, I do like the art style, though. The portraits are cool, as mentioned, and I know that technically-speaking, the character models and the backgrounds aren't anything special, but I like them for some reason. They have a certain style, "look," whatever you want to call it, and I like it. It speaks to me, man.

One last edit- I'm playing it on a stick, not a 360 pad. I can't use those things for anything at all that requires precision anymore, they're terrible and getting worse. I can only imagine just how much worse Draco would be on a pad.
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Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
there must be at least 45 seconds, total, of load time between every match or so, even on fucking retries.
I think that's your machine. My "eeeeehhhhh" 360 loads up pretty quickly.

I'm still finding it to be strangely compelling. I think.
I have to agree. There's a paradoxical depth to it that's bizarrely engaging.


Dodgeball Yakuza
Oct 26, 2003
Upon further review the game seems adequate but shallow. A lot of the moves listed in the skill list are just various button presses and directional tugs you can do in certain moves. Music is ok as are the voices. K2's modeling is a generation behind but it doesn't bother me as much as the shallowness of the combat. Also, remember that you can skip certain startup events.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I have to agree. There's a paradoxical depth to it that's bizarrely engaging.

I was also quite entertained the first time I chopped off Nakururu's head with Haohmaru's :forw::down::downf: HS to end a match. She was so young to go out like that.

It certainly doesn't add any depth or anything, but at least they got the gore right if they insisted on adding it.


New Challenger
Aug 21, 2007
Samurai Shodown Sen is...SENsational! Ok, it is not up to the quality of the earlier...2D Shodowns, but it is a fun fighting game with Samurai, Ninja, vikings, A Jim Kelly Clone (not the Buffalo Bills QB, the martial artist from Enter The Dragon and many other films). The decapitations are...exquisite, and SSS is easilly the most gory fighter since...Barbarian on the Commodore 64.


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
It just came out yesterday...
Yeah, and with titles that sell well, usually SOME idiot has gotten it, played it in a day, and put it up for sale already.
Why buy used so close to its release date? At most, you're likely to save $5.
It was for a point of reference, sweetheart. See above.

I was also quite entertained the first time I chopped off Nakururu's head with Haohmaru's :forw::down::downf: HS to end a match. She was so young to go out like that.

It certainly doesn't add any depth or anything, but at least they got the gore right if they insisted on adding it.

Samurai Shodown Sen is...SENsational! Ok, it is not up to the quality of the earlier...2D Shodowns, but it is a fun fighting game with Samurai, Ninja, vikings, A Jim Kelly Clone (not the Buffalo Bills QB, the martial artist from Enter The Dragon and many other films). The decapitations are...exquisite, and SSS is easilly the most gory fighter since...Barbarian on the Commodore 64.
Nice! I'm lookin forward to trying it.


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
Anyone tried installing the game to HDD to see how it performs?