Talking with gamers at work should be fun, but it's depressing.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Would you do the same if they told you they posted on

I could care less what games someone is into but for the most part I'd be lucky to even come across someone who plays games at all. It seems most people are into raising their kids, going fishing, or some such thing. You know like normal, well adjusted people with full lives.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I generally don't bring up video games in conversation with other adults (outside of my friend group) unless I have to but it does depend entirely on where I run in to people. If I'm at a brewery or any place where the chances are good that people have decent social skills, I'm generally happy to engage with people about whatever games they play, regardless of it's something I remotely give a shit about. I might not care about CoD or FIFA or whatever game they're playing but they'll likely be emotionally intelligent enough to realize I'm being polite and change the subject eventually.

If I'm anywhere where the socially awkward congregate, I avoid engaging people in general but definitely don't hit any of the potential landmine topics. I worked at an EB for several years in college and was the sounding board for countless social rejects to endlessly blabber about whatever bullshit they were in to. Got to the point where I'd just go in to the back room to pretend I had work to do to get them to fuck off when they wouldn't take the hint.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
There are quite a few gamers at work. One collects complete NES games. Another had a Turbografx, but is about his retropie and gaming PC now.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
On the one hand, I get it.

On the other, don’t be a fucking gatekeeping Zeta who longs for the days when the hobby was “pure” or not full of “casuals” or whatever.

Nerd shit is casual and mainstream. Younger folks didn’t even grow up with the types of games we like to play.

But yeah, whoever said don’t be an anti social asshole was on point.

Or be an asshole I guess, just be it on this forum and not IRL.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
They are not the problem, you are.

Your opening statement sounds like the average snob for almost any scene:
They dont like good beer, I only drink local microbrews...
They dont like good music, they only listen to what's on the radio...

Millions of people play CoD. It's clearly not the worst game ever. Fighting games and shmups are retro and a dying genre.
Go play some boomer shooters while shaking your fist in the air and complaining about whippersnappers and their CoD.
Yeah, we are the fringe weirdos of the gaming community.
At best you might run into a casual Street Fighter fan.
Most "gamers" only recognize Mario, Madden, CoD, Halo, whatever the current cool thing is like the new spider man or Diablo games.
It's Sad But True.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Only time I talk games at work is if someone asks me about a classic game from my era. Games are brought up sometimes...after all, the place I work has a game room :p


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
There are quite a few gamers at work. One collects complete NES games. Another had a Turbografx, but is about his retropie and gaming PC now.
I think only my immediate supervisor is a gamer. Hes asked me if Im getting this or that when its coming out, typically we have the same taste in games. But thats really about it. We dont watercooler about that hot new Elden Ring DLC or whatever.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Yeah but that’s because the DLC isn’t out and all we’ve seen is a single piece of concept art for it.
Well yeah but I was using that as an example lol. We don't get in depth about game x or y, we just kinda 'did you play Spiderman 2? Cool."

The Chief

U.N. Apologist,
20 Year Member
Feb 4, 2002
Well yeah but I was using that as an example lol. We don't get in depth about game x or y, we just kinda 'did you play Spiderman 2? Cool."
This is the equivalent of one of the 23 year old technicians I work with calling me dogger and giving me a fist bump every time I see him.


One Nut,
20 Year Member
Nov 28, 2000
Uh yeah I don't talk to anyone about games, especially co-workers.


Not just that, I don't talk to anyone about gaming in ANY walk of life. I don't mean that in an anti-social way or to promote being anti-social. TBH, I can't stand most gamers, let alone other enthusiasts/hobyists. Most that I come across have some shit going on like OCD, hoarding, compulsivness, autism/aspergers, etc & the worst is that they (the older ones) are always wanting to walk down memory lane, many a time with them rose tinted glasses on. Al,most all of that shit is just a form of mental masterbation & a waste of time so I avoid it at all costs.

Talking aout any of that shit at a place of work is nothing I would want a part of & it should e the same for the majority as well. Your at work to earn a living & your 30's & 40's are the prime time top do that shit. Pissing away time with cheap talk when you could put that to action making $$$ & actually DOING something gaming related later on.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Well yeah but I was using that as an example lol. We don't get in depth about game x or y, we just kinda 'did you play Spiderman 2? Cool."

Pssst…I was just trying to be a dick to you :emb:


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
When I grew up in the 90s, it was the same damn thing wasn't it? It was even worse than it is now because kids would get bullied for liking nerdy shit like video games instead of getting out and being active.

My whole life I felt ashamed of video games and especially the massive collection I amassed once I got a part time job at 16 and then joined this hell.

And think about it, before any of us joined this forum how much did we really know about games anyway?

I bet all of us went from thinking, "Yeah this is a real cool game you've probably never heard of called Gunstar Heroes" to realizing there is literally an entire sub-section of the gaming community where guys are buying and selling actual arcade PCBs, superguns (finding out what a supergun is and that they exist was a mindfuck for me at 17), etc. and that whatever I thought made me a 'real' gamer was just child's play. After getting into buying real arcade games and Neo-Geo that's all what SNES and Genesis look like.

Then you spend the next couple of years living In the Hunt getting big boy things, like a Saturn modded to play Japanese games, a consolized MVS, even stupid shit like Crows The Battle Action because only 1,000 were made. Then when all that's done you realize none of this shit even mattered, now you've got a massive collection of games but no real life skills because you spent all your free time working and then buying games from grown men on the internet.

Fuck now I'm way off course. Clearly I have issues. I'm pretty happy owning some Chinese knockoff switch that has 2,000 games downloaded on it. That's all I need nowadays. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish I had the courage to try and meet people who had the same interests as me. But even back in high school I didn't like the people who openly said they were gamers. I guess life is just like that then. Cheers faggots


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Good point by others, some of you at least have somebody to talk to about gaming,... even if they are normie gamers, it's still something.
I have zero people I can talk to about any of my hobbies at work.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I'm pretty happy owning some Chinese knockoff switch that has 2,000 games downloaded on it.

Same. I used to have an Anbernic... something. I gave it to my brother in law since i never used it, but it had however many emulators on it I cant even remember.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
When I grew up in the 90s, it was the same damn thing wasn't it? It was even worse than it is now because kids would get bullied for liking nerdy shit like video games instead of getting out and being active.

My whole life I felt ashamed of video games and especially the massive collection I amassed once I got a part time job at 16 and then joined this hell.

And think about it, before any of us joined this forum how much did we really know about games anyway?

I bet all of us went from thinking, "Yeah this is a real cool game you've probably never heard of called Gunstar Heroes" to realizing there is literally an entire sub-section of the gaming community where guys are buying and selling actual arcade PCBs, superguns (finding out what a supergun is and that they exist was a mindfuck for me at 17), etc. and that whatever I thought made me a 'real' gamer was just child's play. After getting into buying real arcade games and Neo-Geo that's all what SNES and Genesis look like.

Then you spend the next couple of years living In the Hunt getting big boy things, like a Saturn modded to play Japanese games, a consolized MVS, even stupid shit like Crows The Battle Action because only 1,000 were made. Then when all that's done you realize none of this shit even mattered, now you've got a massive collection of games but no real life skills because you spent all your free time working and then buying games from grown men on the internet.

Fuck now I'm way off course. Clearly I have issues. I'm pretty happy owning some Chinese knockoff switch that has 2,000 games downloaded on it. That's all I need nowadays. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish I had the courage to try and meet people who had the same interests as me. But even back in high school I didn't like the people who openly said they were gamers. I guess life is just like that then. Cheers faggots
I gave you a like. A couple of things: I'm sorry you feel you don't have any life skills. Anyone with some raw talent can get a little training and get a job at a company in the U.S. if they put their mind to it. In my case I wanted to switch my career to IT when I came back from Korea, so I grabbed some computer certifications, and that helped me land a job at a company where I did well and ended up doing completely different things than I studied for.

I'm sorry to hear about your negative feelings about this hobby. I still have most of my game collection stuff, but I managed to eventually afford a place to keep my shit, and it's one of the things I'm happy with in my life now. I'll admit I have some arcade PCB's laying around that probably need to be sold off, but there's no urgent need to dump anything, so meh.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I'm always shocked when people talk about being ashamed of being into games growing up. If you had friends that shit on you for that then they weren't worth being friends with.

All of my friends were into gaming to at least some degree growing up. Even in high school when people seem to be the most self conscious and eager to pretend to be adults and separate themselves what they perceived to be childish or dorky. We spent tons of time playing all sorts of consoles and going to the arcade on a fairly regular basis. We also skateboarded, did graffiti, went to tons of parties, chased girls did a bunch of drugs and general fucking around.

Nobody I hung out with ever felt judged for being into games. It was just a natural part of what we all did and we never thought twice about it. When I hear people talk about being ashamed and judged for it it just seems so weird to me. We were all hyped as hell when the DC came out and enjoyed it to the fullest, that was a great couple years and it was peak high school. Tons of people would come over to my house all the time to play the Neo, it was fucking awesome.

I guess if you were some legitimately autistic spaz that compulsively talked about gaming 24/7 with zero social awareness then you probably were being judged but I get the feeling that a lot of people that hid their gaming habits did so because of their own mental hang ups.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I gave you a like. A couple of things: I'm sorry you feel you don't have any life skills. Anyone with some raw talent can get a little training and get a job at a company in the U.S. if they put their mind to it. In my case I wanted to switch my career to IT when I came back from Korea, so I grabbed some computer certifications, and that helped me land a job at a company where I did well and ended up doing completely different things than I studied for.

I'm sorry to hear about your negative feelings about this hobby. I still have most of my game collection stuff, but I managed to eventually afford a place to keep my shit, and it's one of the things I'm happy with in my life now. I'll admit I have some arcade PCB's laying around that probably need to be sold off, but there's no urgent need to dump anything, so meh.
Don't worry about lonesage right now, he's just grumpy from all the MSG this last 7 days