trump is pretty much attempting a coup


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member



Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Parler has been removed from the Apple and Google online app stores.
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There are four lights
20 Year Member
Trump getting banned from twitter was going to happen anyway, as soon as he was out of office. I still think it's a bad idea, though. He was poised to completely undermine and divide the republican party on an hourly basis for the rest of his life. This move actually strengthens the right.

Apple and google stores removing the alt-right's bolt hole is also a well intentioned but poorly thought through move. It doesn't get rid of their bad ideas; it only removes the ability of normal people to monitor them and prepare for or react to them in real time. And you can't silence such a large portion of the populace without calamitous unintended consequences. The inability of tech leaders to foresee the blowback that will come from this is really disappointing. The lack of vision is shocking.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Trump getting banned from twitter was going to happen anyway, as soon as he was out of office. I still think it's a bad idea, though. He was poised to completely undermine and divide the republican party on an hourly basis for the rest of his life. This move actually strengthens the right.

Apple and google stores removing the alt-right's bolt hole is also a well intentioned but poorly thought through move. It doesn't get rid of their bad ideas; it only removes the ability of normal people to monitor them and prepare for or react to them in real time. And you can't silence such a large portion of the populace without calamitous unintended consequences. The inability of tech leaders to foresee the blowback that will come from this is really disappointing. The lack of vision is shocking.

I mean, it is the American left after all. They're basically experts at bungling whatever goodwill they gain through Republican malevolence and malfeasance in massively short order. You won't make them see this as their failing though, because they're 'right' after all.

I thought the dichotomy between Pence's speech post chamber invasion and Schumer's was quite telling. One got a round of applause, the other got silence.

I still stand by this post.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I thought the dichotomy between Pence's speech post chamber invasion and Schumer's was quite telling. One got a round of applause, the other got silence.

Seems pretty simple. Applause if you like, no applause if you don’t.

For example: an enabler putting his foot down for the first time and saying the right thing, while being in the esteemed position of VP: applause.
An unpopular minority speaker or whatever Schumer is (if anything, he’s not well liked, to the degree Pelosi is disliked) receiving silence.

I don’t think this has anything to do with candor, but with bad gate keeping by the democrats. Strong leadership is ignored and diminished in favor of redeeming favors. Just as in high school, you have seniors who get a spot on varsity simply for moving up through JV. They didn’t eat it by merit. They earned it by validating the junior reserves with an able body. Schumer sucks. He’s weak.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I think that the videos of rioters hunting for Mike Pence and yelling they want to hang him and put his body in front of the capitol building were vile, and that for him to speak publicly about restoring order and condemning these actors was the right thing. But don’t think that what Schumer said was wrong. He was simply the wrong person to say it. The only thing he should say is “thank you.”


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mike Pence's political career is like that of a contractor on the second death star.

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There are four lights
20 Year Member
CNN is reporting that one of the rioters arrested at the scene asked for a Russian interpreter while being charged. Their inference seems to be that there may have been foreign backing behind some of the people involved, but that sounds a little hokey to me. Back in the day, Russian plants would speak flawless English. And if caught, would never reveal their Russian origins. That would kind of defeat the purpose.

It's still interesting, though.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
That's the old days.

Today by and large Russia wants to make sure you to know what they did.

For example it sounds like the KGB or whatever they call themselves these days gave American intelligence evidence of most of it's interactions with Trumps campaign staff. Video and sound recordings, transcripts, photographs.

I bet a bunch of it wouldn't have been able to be linked together without it.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
I don't know if it's true or not, but I read that there are plans for armed demonstrations at state capitols on the 16th+ now. If you want to peacefully protest, fine, but you don't need a damn weapon to do it.


20 Year Member
There’s a time and place to protest with a weapon and yeah, this isn’t it.

But that’s the price of freedom.

I hope no one with a weapon does anything dumb because they’re going to get killed.

Unless we see more colluding LEOs.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
I hope no one with a weapon does anything dumb
I wouldn't be overly broken up if that guy in the concentration camp hoodie and his buddies did something dumb with weapons and got themselves killed.

But yeah, the law enforcement officer complicity thing is troubling, and to the surprise of no one, seems to be the one aspect not being investigated post-riot.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
I wouldn't be overly broken up if that guy in the concentration camp hoodie and his buddies did something dumb with weapons and got themselves killed.

But yeah, the law enforcement officer complicity thing is troubling, and to the surprise of no one, seems to be the one aspect not being investigated post-riot.

Per NPR last night (USA time zone), there is an open investigation, re: Capital Police collusion/complicity. No link-I heard it on All Things Considered driving home