Trump will win the 2020 election


20 Year Member
One way or another, he will remain president.

Let's talk about the how and the after effect of that.

Found this gem on reddit:

Directing democrats towards a record number of mail-in ballots would be step 1 is a 5-part plan to legally allow trump to remain president with a minority of votes, minority of the electoral college, and only relying on decisions made by republicans in power. Similar to how JQA got the presidency.

1) Push a disproportionate plurality of Democratic votes to be mail-in votes by convincing your base that COVID “is a hoax” and they need to vote in person.

2) Push a narrative of mail-in voter fraud (and “discover” Republican cases of mail-in fraud so people on both sides are ready to accept the fraud story). Shut down the post office if you can to ensure chaos.

3) In republican held State Legislatures, Republican state governments refuse to certify their votes for the EC due to “widespread fraud”.

4) Fight to have mail-in votes removed from the count like hanging chads were in 2000 for Florida. If the trump filled Supreme Court doesn’t back you, agree to a “compromise” to simply give the electoral votes to no one—as is the republican held state legislature’s prerogative in Wisconsin, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc.

5) If neither candidate can get to 270, it defaults to the House of Representatives—which most people don’t realize votes on a one state one vote basis under the 12 Amendment—which gives the majority (26) votes to republican held states.
And boom, trump is reinstated as president with neither a majority of popular support nor of electoral college votes without any directly illegal action at only the discretion of Republicans.

Just for the record, I'm "Ridin' with Biden", but I'm not convinced he'll be president come 2021. I won't like it, but Trump will win somehow, some way and then chaos and revolution will really happen.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
GWB got two terms, so I have zero doubt Americans are dumb enough to let Trump blunder through 4 more years, kneecap Americans and gleefully hand the world to those who want to destroy us.

When GWB got reelected, I had the same feeling as watching the cops who beat up Rodney King get off. Like how can anyone watch the same footage everyone else watched yet come to such a moronically opposite, willfully blind conclusion? But apparently, a lot of people can. Proudly. They won't let people with brains tell them what to do.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
I saw a video of some crazy Floridians in a town hall meeting and a few weeks ago, it was disturbing (they were calling covid-19 a hoax, Bill Gates wants to control the population, other crackpot theories) and the one thing that got to me was one of the comments:

These people are registered to vote. Are you?

America really needs to make Election Day a federal holiday.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
The problem with federal holidays is that most Americans don’t get paid on them.

Just the salaried, which are probably majority white.


20 Year Member
As a newly enslaved...salaried, white American I can confirm that I get holidays off now.

Previous nine years as an hourly employee I worked (but I’m in 24/7 child care) on all holidays and we didn’t even get time and a half. Now hourly employees get time and a half. On 4 holidays during the year they work.

So Yeah.

Vote by mail!

I go to the polling place though because it’s literally in my neighborhood.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
As a newly enslaved...salaried, white American I can confirm that I get holidays off now.

Previous nine years as an hourly employee I worked (but I’m in 24/7 child care) on all holidays and we didn’t even get time and a half. Now hourly employees get time and a half. On 4 holidays during the year they work.

So Yeah.

Vote by mail!

I go to the polling place though because it’s literally in my neighborhood.

I voted by mail, and not entirely sure where my polling place is (only been here a year). But many times what I see is people being moved from hourly to salary when the employers realize they need them to work overtime, but don't want to pay for it.


20 Year Member
GWB got two terms, so I have zero doubt Americans are dumb enough to let Trump blunder through 4 more years, kneecap Americans and gleefully hand the world to those who want to destroy us.

When GWB got reelected, I had the same feeling as watching the cops who beat up Rodney King get off. Like how can anyone watch the same footage everyone else watched yet come to such a moronically opposite, willfully blind conclusion? But apparently, a lot of people can. Proudly. They won't let people with brains tell them what to do.

No joke, I think he's going to win. Elections are not about popularity contests. It's all about the electoral college and don't forget that gwb and his friends pulled some shit off in Ohio to win the reelection.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
No joke, I think he's going to win. Elections are not about popularity contests. It's all about the electoral college and don't forget that gwb and his friends pulled some shit off in Ohio to win the reelection.
Apparently the Supreme Court rules just yesterday that the electoral college must side with the popular vote this time.

I don't see Trump winning, as he has had many opportunities this year to cement himself as a leader. It's like 2020 was giving him every chance to step up and take charge, and he fumbled it.

I feel regardless, Trump will win and further divide the country, or lose and claim that the election was stolen. Either way, his followers will follow and ant actual change will be tinged with that hate.


20 Year Member
It’s my understanding they ruled states could punish faithless electors. I don’t know that the electors are obligated to vote their pledge.

Does Roberts really want Trump in power? He is a GWB appointee and in my mind there is a difference between a GWB Republican and a Trump “Republican” Sycophant.

As Chief Justice I hope he’s concerned with the dignity of the court as an institution.

Justices get to play the long game though, so who knows.


20 Year Member
It’s my understanding they ruled states could punish faithless electors.

Yep. Nothing to do with the national popular vote. The states still determine how electors are chosen and in what proportions.

P.S. I don't believe Trump wins. He would lose today, and it actually seems like the general is going worse for him than the midterms, which isn't how it's supposed to work.


20 Year Member
Quick question to those of you feeling like POTUS gets reelected. Were you surprised by the outcome in 2016?

I'm asking because, while I didn't consider it the most likely outcome, I felt a deep and continul dread about how plausible it was. I remember friends just not seeming to register it when I said the projected likelyhood was worse than the odds on a round of Russian Roulette (1/5 during the week or so prior to the election, according to 538).

This resignation to four more years of Trump feels like the expectation of a McCain victory that my liberal friends seemed to feel after being shocked in 2004.

Maybe I'm just susceptible to confirmation bias, but I don't see how re-election is the more likely outcome, and I trust my eyes.

(Just in case I'm coming across as an optimist, I don't think Biden will be able to "right the ship.")


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Trump's populist positions will 'trump' the many controversies surrounding Biden's candidacy.

After 4 years of the 'god emperor', people know what they're getting and these are very turbulent times. It is my firm belief that people will be grabbing for the life preservers rather than diving into rough seas in hope of finding the island paradise.

Biden's support for the police and for American monuments can easily be spun as contradictory stances when contrasted with the supposed democratic base.

I also don't believe Biden's courting of the younger Americans and minority vote will charge the voters he's pursuing to go out and vote.

Combine that with a media that can't get its story straight and that is at open war with itself and four years of the 'fake news' narrative has sent people flocking back to their echo chambers where things make sense to them.

I also think we're seeing the beginning of the end of the DNC. At we know it.

Whether you like him or hate him, Tucker Carlson is drawing historic high ratings and I don't think those are hate watches. I think this is indicative of a phenomenon where are a lot more people listening to the pundits on the right than are willing to admit.

That is my .02


20 Year Member
I think we're reading people's instincts similarly, but Biden seems utterly boring, and therefore more of a "life preserver" than the guy who officially informed Congress of the United States' withdrawal from the World Health Organization just today.

Carlson in '24 maybe.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
I think those snap decisions mobilize bis base all the more.

I also think that the most watched news network on television can easily spin it into a statement of 'defiance against a corrupt organization that has been compromised and is culpable in the pandemic's spread'.

Is the WHO sucking the chinese sugar tit? I don't know and I'm past the point of believing in any narrative about them. Can they produce a medication that works? Can they produce a vaccine? If so, great. If not, then it doesn't matter. Let me know when you come up with something.

In the meantime, resentment can easily be stoked and the 'no masks' people will love it.

Meanwhile, the counter narrative will be that the protests didn't cause any spread but you still have to practice social distancing.

Nobody knows what's real anymore and most won't believe in ''. 'The science'is far from settled.

And only one side is talking about reopening the country and putting earned money back in your pocket. At least, in the popular narrative.

Summer's here and the time is right for dancin' in the street.
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Loyal Neo-Disciple
I'm just really getting tired of not having more options. This political duopoly is asinine. There's way more than two sides to the American people and it's about fucking time there's more diverse representation. I'm voting for Jo and I don't even agree with 50% of her platform. She just has more in common with my leanings than the two old pederasts.


20 Year Member
Approval is up with Republicans and down with everyone else. That's not a winning strategy.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
We will see in November. Until election day, I give none of this data any purchase on my payche.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Anyone not wearing a mask is going to vote for Trump which is like 90% of the country now so yeah Trump will win again. I can feel it in my bones!

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I'm just really getting tired of not having more options. This political duopoly is asinine. There's way more than two sides to the American people and it's about fucking time there's more diverse representation. I'm voting for Jo and I don't even agree with 50% of her platform. She just has more in common with my leanings than the two old pederasts.

This feels like an RT talking point.

If you had to choose between Trump, Biden, and myself, and yourself, 3 of those votes are a bad idea and right answer is the guy who can assemble a competent cabinet to steer the country toward stability.

If your goal is to burn it all down because shit doesn’t work for you, then don’t vote Biden. Don’t vote for stability.

But this isn’t about having more choices to pick the best (a method that is wildly beneficial to the conservative party, as discovered by Otto von Bismarck’s administration, along with universal suffrage), there is the choice between control and chaos. Every time. In ‘08, Obama was the vote for chaos, under the euphemism of change. In 2004, Bush was the vote for control, under the guise of protecting the strides America made against “terrorists”... and obviously, Trump was the vote for chaos as well. It’s not about liberal or conservative. And more choices will simply be more control vs chaos, which will lean stronger to control, as chaos is spread out.