Let's all state the obvious here:
Biden needs a landslide or this thing is going to Trump.
What if Biden only wins by 2%
It doesn't count?
Why should a landslide matter?
Even children get older and I'm gettin' older, too.
Within hours, James Randi would be dead.
Big day of scandal coming up:
Like I said there's no way we're going to make it to November 3rd without a bunch of bullshit being thrown at us. Sorry lonesage. Hate to say I told you so.
Here's an email being sent to people to threaten them:
Interesting but voter registration status and whether you voted or not is a matter of public record in most states, no?
That said those seeking to use such information for political gain are despicable shitbags.
States need to stop subsidizing party elections.
Don't you remember right after Trump got sworn in, he tried to get the voting records from a bunch of states?
and only 15 said no.
POTUS followed through on his threat to post the 60 Minutes interview.
It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
There's a debate tonight right?
I'm not crazy about how the story is being presented with no mention that the girl is in her mid-20s, and is only referred to as 15 by Cohen as part of the joke. It's bad enough anyway, but it's kind of needlessly dishonest. Not to mention they purposely maneuvered Rudy into thinking he was about to get his dick sucked, then act shocked when they get the reaction they were hoping for. Get an old man who probably hasn't received any female attention in at least 10-20 years drunk on whiskey and then flirt with him. All instigated by her. Then hold onto the footage in silence for months, so that it can be released at the exact right time to do maximum damage. It's the kind of move I'd expect more from the right.Hopefully this drops tonight between 8-12 EST.
My initial reaction to the first post in this thread was, "What a scumbag." Which I guess still stands. But when I looked for further information, I saw that Cohen's daughter is not 15. And I saw that Giuliani going after a 15 year old was the angle almost every site was most pushing. I dunno. It's creepy enough if she's 26 or whatever. I don't know why they have to push the 15 thing, which we all know his supporters will use as ammo when they inevitably figure it out. Well, maybe with them it's not inevitable, but you know what I mean.Wow, SouthtownKid type up that thoughtful post in a couple minutes.
It's live now.
Imagine what a state actor (and not a hollywood actor) could have done to compromise Rudy in that situation.
I'll leave that kind of imagining to conspiracy theorists like you.
No such thing as a honeypot operation in your universe?