WATERMELON Games Kickstarter - PAPRIUM, the 16-BIT Beat Them All Coming to the Next-GEN!


Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
Anyone interested in Paprium but missed out you now have another chance at both a digital version and/or physical Genesis/MD version.



PAPRIUM, the Near-Legendary SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Brawler is Coming to the Next-GEN Platforms, STEAM, PS4/5, and so Much More!

10 Years after Pier Solar - PAPRIUM - released in 2020 is WM's new landmark in what can be achieved on 16-BIT hardware.

PAPRIUM is a brutal - screaming 90's - game with a unique take on the genre such as multiple paths and hints of RPG elements. It's also challenging most of the Beat Them Ups (or did we say Beat Them All?) published on modern platforms! PAPRIUM is also a true hommage to older/venerable brawlers such as Streets Of Rage, Final Fight, C&D or Double Dragon.

Never heard of PAPRIUM? You can click the banner above to watch the original 16-BIT trailer. More details can be found at bottom of this page.

We are proud to bring PAPRIUM to Next-GEN hardware, SONY Playstation PS4/5, STEAM (Windows/Linux...) and soon more?


Iconic Romhacker Analinguist
Jul 31, 2013
It's too bad they don't like making good games and actually shipping cartridges to paying customers as much as they like taking money and begging for funding online.


Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
Yes, it really does sound like some people still haven't received their Paprium orders. I got mine and many other people did as well; and WM/Fonzie is still telling us that he will ship to the remaining people when he can.

I believe they ran into big money troubles but because so many got Paprium it looks like WM is working it's way out of this mess.

Of course this alone can be enough reason to not want to buy into new WM projects. I get it. Personally I believe WM is working hard to do right.

At a minimum I'll be buying a PS4/5 Physical version (although right now it's not known if that means a physical disc or digital code in a box).


King's Dry Cleaner
Mar 25, 2021
It would've been nice if PAPRIUM was realeased on the Dreamcast also, but oh well.
Sorry for the off topic post.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I really cannot believe that people are still giving these idiots money... after everything that happend with Paprium, really?

With their track record, you might see this come out just as the PS6 and Xbox Series XX hit the shelves.

The game isn't even that good. Nowhere near what was promised... I'd rank it alongside the likes of Rival Turf.


Haomaru's Blade Shiner
10 Year Member
Dec 20, 2009
Anyone in the Euro scene who got a bit more into the whole Watermelon mess would never back any shit from this company anytime!!! They are a mess and Fonzie has a god complex and is completely nuts. Like really nutier than nuts! He believes in some kind of grand conspiracy against him personally and his company etc. etc. Really please do not support this guy anymore! I know a few guys who worked with him on Pier Solar when WM still was a solid company and they told me that he got really psychotic in the process of making Pier Solar. Kicked out good people and also betrayed some of his fellow enthusiast working on PS... *rant off*


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
That is why I love them. They are the rockstars of retro gaming. The drama , it’s like the kardashians or something.

The story is as following:
People preorder
Fonzie doesn’t deliver on time.
People complain to PayPal.
PayPal blocks fonzies PayPal account.
Fonzie goes an lives in a hole in china to finish up the game.
Takes on loans from family and friends to finish everything up.
Looses all his devkits and source material on an Air France flight. Basically doesn’t have backups.
Has a launch party in 2018. But it is clear something is very wrong with the datenmeister auxiliary chip.
Goes back to live in his parents basement to finish up the game and cart hardware.
Releases the game and opens new preorder
to pay back those family loans.
Same douches hem hi got him blocked at PayPal block him again . So all funds are frozen once again.
Starts kickstarter to get some funds.


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
Pier solar was a big let down for me, fortunately I inly paid a few bucks on ps3 back then.
Also saw a part of that interview, wouldn't spend a single cent on any WM product. Fuck 'em

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
That is why I love them. They are the rockstars of retro gaming. The drama , it’s like the kardashians or something.

The story is as following:
People preorder
Fonzie doesn’t deliver on time.
People complain to PayPal.
PayPal blocks fonzies PayPal account.
Fonzie goes an lives in a hole in china to finish up the game.
Takes on loans from family and friends to finish everything up.
Looses all his devkits and source material on an Air France flight. Basically doesn’t have backups.
Has a launch party in 2018. But it is clear something is very wrong with the datenmeister auxiliary chip.
Goes back to live in his parents basement to finish up the game and cart hardware.
Releases the game and opens new preorder
to pay back those family loans.
Same douches hem hi got him blocked at PayPal block him again . So all funds are frozen once again.
Starts kickstarter to get some funds.

That's being a rockstar? Aside from showing how much of an egomaniac he is at every chance I only see a complete loser. "Goes back to live in his parents basement" holy shit he's a ROCKSTAR OF RETRO GAMING.

He's a delusional retard, there are many other people making cool games for old consoles that aren't douches that are worth the purchase (that's right, purchase, not preorder with a 5+ year lead time)


Lasso Champion
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
I got all of my carts from them and I love both games…. So I’m don’t know what you’re talking about.

I still haven't received my Paprium preorder copy. They haven't even responded to my support ticket email after 10 months. Just delays and excuses to string people and more financing along.

Still waiting for Project N, too. You think Fonzie is going to make good on that by 2030?
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massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
I still haven't received my Paprium preorder copy. They haven't even responded to my support ticket email after 10 months. Just delays and excuses to string people and more financing along.

Still waiting for Project Y, too. You think Fonzie is going to make good on that by 2030?
Probably 2031. It is really strange that you haven't received your copy yet . I got it two weeks after release. Anyways I give more money to a lunch with my wife then the cost of these games.


Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
The Kickstarter already has a lot of 'add-ons' that you can buy.

And as the campaign progresses more items will be added.

A Paprium guide has just been added and it looks very good. This game is full of secrets and I'm sure there will be lots to cover.

Paprium Compendium.png


Krizalids Fashion Designer
Oct 31, 2016
The game crazy expensive in Ebay, so might be worth risking 1/4 of the eBay cost to get a cart.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
I'll buy it on Steam at some point if it comes out. It looks really good for a genesis game, but I like an instant return for my money so I can't justify giving Fonz money and hope he releases the game 10 years later.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
Since you don't know it "News & Rumors" is for Neo Geo stuff only.

BTW: old news


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
The Kickstarter already has a lot of 'add-ons' that you can buy.

And as the campaign progresses more items will be added.

A Paprium guide has just been added and it looks very good. This game is full of secrets and I'm sure there will be lots to cover.

View attachment 53027
Why are you shilling for these people? Who cares what they offer as incentives given WMs track record it's all bs. If Fomzie offered me the moon on a stick with a Paprium sticker on it I wouldn't give him my money again... and given the huge coverage of lies, bullshit and other nonense behind WM since Paprium's announcement back in 1989, why would any one back WM thinking this will be any different? Blows my mind.

And all the secrets and hidden elements in the world won't detract from the fact that the game is a mediocre belt-scroller.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
That paprium guide just seem like extra pages of ego stroking from someone who thinks he's bigger than he actually is... and some cool art from people who I presume left the project long ago lmao.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Why are you shilling for these people? Who cares what they offer as incentives given WMs track record it's all bs. If Fomzie offered me the moon on a stick with a Paprium sticker on it I wouldn't give him my money again... and given the huge coverage of lies, bullshit and other nonense behind WM since Paprium's announcement back in 1989, why would any one back WM thinking this will be any different? Blows my mind.

And all the secrets and hidden elements in the world won't detract from the fact that the game is a mediocre belt-scroller.
Have you played this game ? How do you know it is mediocre.