WATERMELON Games Kickstarter - PAPRIUM, the 16-BIT Beat Them All Coming to the Next-GEN!


Lasso Champion
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
Your first line just proves you're a fucking idiot. You're proving it so I can resolve the fucking issue.

Its like if you wants the issue resolved put in a little work. Shit happens especially when the games delayed as shit. When people started getting their pre invoices confirming addresses that when you should have known something was wrong if you didnt get one.

That's when I reached out to Watermelon, smart guy. But your friends haven't responded to support tickets in a year (if ever).
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Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
Well, someoone who goes by a handle like yours, it comes as no suprise that you chucked a load of money at them... and that's your perogative and I'm glad for you that you got what you ordered... in the end.

My experience was Paprium, and that will be my only experience with WM.

The chaos between the pre-order and when the game finally arrived was a complete joke, and to this day I am genuinely astounded I actually received something. However, despite the great product presentation, the game itself was a disappointment given the "hype".

Furthermore, many people couldn't play the game when they got it due to the technical fudges that went into making the cart work so WM could ship something. I have problems with my cart - despite having an original Jap MD with, allegedly a compatible serial range, the game will not work with my MD alone and only works when my Mega CD is connected.

So, yeah, Paprium was a fiasco, and given there are still many who have received no game and no refund, the fact people will still give Fonzie money is frankly, bizarre.

We were lucky, we got something for the money we handed over - but that doesn't mean to say that WM are trust worthy, or to be trusted; and I certainly would not promote them, their "work", or encourage others to hand over their money.
I can't fault anyone who doesn't want to buy anything from WM because of the problems we've all seen.

And it's good that the drama about Paprium has been so prominent. Anyone participating in the Kickstarter should have their expectation properly set. Although there will be some people pledging who have never heard of Paprium or WM before.

I've noticed diehard belt-scrollers don't seem to like Paprium's gameplay. When the fighting mechanics matter above all else the graphics, story, presentation, secrets, etc don't appear to have much value. For me, I still really enjoy playing Paprium.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I dont even get how people can compare paprium to anything other than Demons. The other stuff is so technically inferior and limited and experience. Xenocrisis is 5 stages that will last you 30 minutes. Paprium has something like 20 stages and 60 songs and does things that no other genesis game ever has. Papriums biggest flaw is hit detection and some ai that could clearly use tweeks.
Lol, come on...
Things never done before on the Génesis, 30+ year old hardware, who gives a fuck. It is only somewhat impressive, but too much of the selling point is just hyperbole. At it's core this game isn't that impressive. Hit detection problems I would say is a reasonably big enough deal plus enemy a.i., which is central to the core worth of a belt scroller.
Personally I find trying so very hard to emulate the japanese style in terms of aesthetics as in bad taste. So much pretention and dishonesty.

It's not as easy as it looks to make something of FF or SoR2 quality


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Hoping this gets dumped so i have a new game for my GG!
Fonzie will probably think of a way to copy protect this. You'll just have to suck some cock to get to that 60 bucks to buy the cart

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Fonzie will probably think of a way to copy protect this. You'll just have to suck some cock to get to that 60 bucks to buy the cart
There is no chance i will spend 60 bucks on a GG game. The entire library is barely worth that. Lol


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I see WM is now offering to put backers in the game as a villain... how ironic... the only villain here is Fonzie, and actually, I'm willing to wager that a lot of people would pay good money to punch him in the face repeatedly.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
I see WM is now offering to put backers in the game as a villain... how ironic... the only villain here is Fonzie, and actually, I'm willing to wager that a lot of people would pay good money to punch him in the face repeatedly.
That would be a good Tier on the kickstarter. I can't help to feel sympathy for the dude. Those Kickstarter videos were hilariously bad. Jump on my lovetrain... No thanks fonzie

I still cant figure out how preorder the GG game or the compendium. _> I'm a retard,done
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Morden's Lackey
May 6, 2021
Hoping this gets dumped so i have a new game for my GG!
Don't get your hopes up, as Fonzie may be up to his old tricks again and implement a line of code to prevent the .ROM from running on emulators. Same shit happened with GG Aleste 3.


Morden's Lackey
May 6, 2021
So this just happened. GG version.
View attachment 53101
Looks way too good to truly be a Game Gear game. Then again, GG Aleste 3 looks like it should be a late Mega Drive title so who knows. Maybe I'm just a fool who doesn't appreciate Fonzie's greatness... Nah, that can't be it. Joking aside, I'm cautiously hoping the modern ports of Paprium don't take a fucking eternity to come out like the original Mega Drive release.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Looks way too good to truly be a Game Gear game. Then again, GG Aleste 3 looks like it should be a late Mega Drive title so who knows. Maybe I'm just a fool who doesn't appreciate Fonzie's greatness... Nah, that can't be it. Joking aside, I'm cautiously hoping the modern ports of Paprium don't take a fucking eternity to come out like the original Mega Drive release.
Don't count on it. Everything will take an eternity. It is his way


just another sazae fake account
Nov 13, 2014
I managed to get a copy of the first batch and I'll admit, it's pretty fun. Not as good as the best beat 'em ups of the era, but better than I expected after all of the delays. I am also naive enough to jump on the Kickstarter for the game gear, dreamcast, and another copy for the genesis. Fingers crossed they have their shit together and actually get these released by end of 2022.


Morden's Lackey
May 6, 2021
I managed to get a copy of the first batch and I'll admit, it's pretty fun. Not as good as the best beat 'em ups of the era, but better than I expected after all of the delays. I am also naive enough to jump on the Kickstarter for the game gear, dreamcast, and another copy for the genesis. Fingers crossed they have their shit together and actually get these released by end of 2022.
With Fonzie at the helm, you never know what kind of batshit shenanigang he'll come up as a possible lame ass excuse...


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Stop giving these fuckers your money.
Why? Over the last decade, I bought 3 games from them. All of them arrived and all were fun to play. These fuckers deliver so why you hatin'?

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Stop giving these fuckers your money.
You know I'm starting to admire how much leeway people have in retro (ugh) circles just because they're delivering or promising SHINY NEW THING. The guy's an egomaniacal douchebag who took a decade to release a barely above average genesis game and burned a lot of bridges, but come round the next fundraiser everyone is queuing up. Lmao.


Lasso Champion
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
What questions should I be asking? It's a freaking videogame not the cure to cancer.

I don't want to be a broken record, but:

Where's Project N and all of the money that was invested in it over the last 8 years or so?

Why haven't all Paprium pre-orders shipped?

Why can't Fonzie respond to customer service emails in a timely manner (less than a year's time)? Is he ever going to respond to these questions from paying customers he's ripped off?

Why can't he finish anything without starting the next scheme?


J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
Once there are physical copies in an online storefront like Castlemania, then make a hard consideration about purchasing. Until then, dont throw cash at this company.
This I’ll wait for a physical or digits even when they are more prevalent. Paprium looks good to me, but with most things I’ll let the drama play out and worry about other games I’d like to get that are already easily available. If I miss out I miss out.