Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The ice on the lake started thin, which is why they made it across initially as a small party. It froze over as the evening was approaching. The heroes mentioned that while they were on the island. Throwing the rock was also showing the ice had then frozen over as they waited there.

The thing that really baffles me is how 6 of them managed to survive. Jorah, Tormund, and Dondarion were all pretty much dead. If Jorah just fell off the dragon, then the story would remain somewhat loyal to the books. Tormund, great fan favorite, should have drowned when pulled into the ice. And not sure what Beric is doing there.

D&D have become too invested in characters that aren't their own. George would have killed them all and let Lyanna Mormont become the focus of the books by now.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
The Arya/Sansa thing is so jarring. I want to think they're setting Littlefinger up, but for that to be the case the writing will have to do some really stupid gymnastics.

If it's not, then it's even worse almost, since it makes two smart characters into complete idiots.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The Arya/Sansa thing is so jarring. I want to think they're setting Littlefinger up, but for that to be the case the writing will have to do some really stupid gymnastics.

If it's not, then it's even worse almost, since it makes two smart characters into complete idiots.

Prediction: Petyr will sense that Arya and Sansa are plotting to kill him, and he will teleport back to the Vale. When he arrives he will see Jon Arryn's son come to greet him. But it will be Arya, who teleported to the Vale. Then she will teleport back to King's Landing and kill Cersei.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The Arya/Sansa thing is so jarring. I want to think they're setting Littlefinger up, but for that to be the case the writing will have to do some really stupid gymnastics.

If it's not, then it's even worse almost, since it makes two smart characters into complete idiots.

Prediction: Petyr will sense that Arya and Sansa are plotting to kill him, and he will teleport back to the Vale. When he arrives he will see Jon Arryn's son come to greet him. But it will be Arya, who teleported to the Vale. Then she will teleport back to King's Landing and kill Cersei.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2009
Need a dragon pulled out of a lake? The Hardhome Depot has you covered!


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
I take it the dragon wasn't dead yet? That's how Night King was able to turn it to a White Flyer? Or he has to touch animals to turn them unlike dead wights.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The ice on the lake started thin, which is why they made it across initially as a small party. It froze over as the evening was approaching. The heroes mentioned that while they were on the island. Throwing the rock was also showing the ice had then frozen over as they waited there.



It was stupid and there's no justifying it, not even with that half baked reason the show gave.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
made perfect sense to me.....

Yeah me too...The ice was thin & after that one dude that got tackled, it triggered the ice to collapse....The guys were on the rock & waited a couple days on there for dragon bitch to come...I think with the presence of the Night King being there brought more of the cold finally freezing it.

What i dont get is why didn't they throw javelin or better yet wights with bow n arrows. The hound was able to throw a big ass rock, so they weren't that far away. Maybe the Night King is a greenseer too, able to see the future & knew dragon bitch was going to come...He needed a way to get over the wall & a dragon is the only way.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I think you guys are missing the big picture

Time ceased to hold value in the GoT universe, such that characters and birds were teleporting everywhere, just so that D&D could fit everything in 7 episodes (everything which included Euron, who pales in comparison to Ramsay and Joffrey).

We can try to rationalize the last episode to the point that it's passable, but we would still be left with a series that is stuttering and sputtering its way into oblivion.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I think you guys are missing the big picture

Time ceased to hold value in the GoT universe, such that characters and birds were teleporting everywhere, just so that D&D could fit everything in 7 episodes (everything which included Euron, who pales in comparison to Ramsay and Joffrey).

We can try to rationalize the last episode to the point that it's passable, but we would still be left with a series that is stuttering and sputtering its way into oblivion.



Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000

Jon's travels are the green line, the Night's King's journey is the red line.

When these things stop mattering to the writers, there are any number of reasons for it happening.

The ice, the time shifts, thinking Cersei could be convinced to do anything if they show her a zombie....all of this stuff means nothing anymore because the pacing is wildly inconsistent. Being dismissive of these problems is indicative of a much larger issue.

Some day, when you revisit this series, you will understand why Season 7 is where it all started to fall apart.
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Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The really fucking stupid thing is that if D&D WANTED information to travel quickly, they have Bran RIGHT THERE to use his magic to do it.

But no, let's have Gendry run to Eastwatch, followed by ravens, followed by dragons, while everyone somehow doesn't freeze to death in the middle of an ice lake.

The Night's King just sat there and watched it all, for days, when he had ranged weapons at his disposal the whole time. Should we try to fill in these cavernous plot holes so that the episode doesn't suddenly suck, too?

It's nonsense.
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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Why not just fly a dragon up to scope it out? Instead we got a mini Fellowship of the Rings. It felt forced.

This season has been enjoyable to watch but it seems like the cliff notes version.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
This season has been enjoyable to watch but it seems like the cliff notes version.

I stopped enjoying it with all of this "seeing is believing" business. It's just not fun watching characters trying to prove things we as viewers know to be true to other characters who aren't buying it.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
I think you guys are missing the big picture

Time ceased to hold value in the GoT universe, such that characters and birds were teleporting everywhere, just so that D&D could fit everything in 7 episodes (everything which included Euron, who pales in comparison to Ramsay and Joffrey).

We can try to rationalize the last episode to the point that it's passable, but we would still be left with a series that is stuttering and sputtering its way into oblivion.

This is it.

GoT lost its value when the money machine realised they needed to create the show without the actual story written.

JRR Martin fucked his fans in the ass but couldn't cum so he got his stunt caulks to do it for him.



A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
The really fucking stupid thing is that if D&D WANTED information to travel quickly, they have Bran RIGHT THERE to use his magic to do it.

But no, let's have Gendry run to Eastwatch, followed by ravens, followed by dragons, while everyone somehow doesn't freeze to death in the middle of an ice lake.

The Night's King just sat there and watched it all, for days, when he had ranged weapons at his disposal the whole time. Should we try to fill in these cavernous plot holes so that the episode doesn't suddenly suck, too?

It's nonsense.

He's waited thousands of years.

He can wait a while longer.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
He's waited thousands of years.

He can wait a while longer.

He's also seen everything, but only feels fit to tell Sansa she looked pretty when she got raped.

The only solace this show can offer is that Bran is the Night's King, and that he gets killed in the end.


Galford's Armourer
Feb 7, 2010
It's not so much the teleporting that annoys me with this show right now, it's that it has lost ALL finesse. It feels like I'm watching Vikings. Thing happen without meaning because there is no build up and it has turned into a crowd pleasing cheese show.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
Just read an article where the director of this episode acknowledges the problems with time, but also suggests that time might behave differently north of the wall since "it’s always sort of an eternal twilight ." That's so lame. But it really bothers me that I feel like he comes off as having the attitude that it really shouldn't matter to the audience so much.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
It's not so much the teleporting that annoys me with this show right now, it's that it has lost ALL finesse. It feels like I'm watching Vikings. Thing happen without meaning because there is no build up and it has turned into a crowd pleasing cheese show.

Vikings has always been like that, so it doesn't bother me with that show.

But I think 'finesse' is the correct word to use here to describe GoT's problems. There was a deliberate and gradual buildup to events in GoT that made everything feel more momentous and plausible.

Remember when we suddenly discovered that both Ghost and Summer were captured by the Night's Watch deserters that murdered the Old Bear? It was odd, abrupt and convenient. It was a clear example that when they stray from Martin's blueprint, there is a narrative awkwardness that diminishes the show's overall quality.

If this had been the show's crafting method earlier, Dani would have been conquering Essos by the end of Season One.

D&D are hacks and they've been exposed. No wonder they don't want to do the GoT follow up show-it's apparent that without Martin's guidance, they're not capable of pulling it off.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
D&D saw what happened when HBO told Nic Pizzolato to make a follow up to True Detective. They gave him everything. He created a mountain of shit.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Just read an article where the director of this episode acknowledges the problems with time, but also suggests that time might behave differently north of the wall since "it’s always sort of an eternal twilight ." That's so lame. But it really bothers me that I feel like he comes off as having the attitude that it really shouldn't matter to the audience so much.

Yeah, see....fuck that guy if that's his opinion. One of the things that made GoT a more tactile experience was its grit and texture as a lived in world where things moved and behaved in a believable fashion. Even when the magic was elusive and nebulous, such as with Melissandre and Thoros, things didn't happen merely for the sake of narrative convenience. These things happened in order to advance the plot (murdering Renley) and establish themes (capricious deities and rebirth).

You can't suddenly just say 'well time works differently, don't worry about it.' Audiences have a right to challenge these ideas when they're introduced out of the blue and label them as the show's attempts to explain away the mistakes they've made.

Also, what a waste of Benjan Stark if that's how he's going out. However, as I believe the following:

Coldhands from the books is actually Brynden Rivers, the Bloodraven from the later years of the Targaryen dynasty,

and I believe Benjan is a surrogate for that character, we may not have seen the last of him as it's likely he may still have a necessary role to play in Martin's blueprint.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Huh? Bloodraven is the Three Eyed Raven in the books. Unless you mean Bloodraven is warging into some dead NW guy. But that's not his physical body.

Edit: shame what they did with 3ER in the show.
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Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Huh? Bloodraven is the Three Eyed Raven in the books. Unless you mean Bloodraven is warging into some dead NW guy. But that's not his physical body.

Edit: shame what they did with 3ER in the show.

In The World of Ice and Fire, written by GRRM, it's stated that Brynden Rivers was declared a kinslayer when Aegon V ('Egg' from the Dunk and Egg stories, also written by GRRM), ascended the throne, but offered him the mercy of joining the Night's Watch over execution. Rivers took the black, and the last anybody knows of him, he was lost while ranging north beyond the Wall.

The correlation I'm trying to draw here is that I believe Coldhands still has a significant role to play, and Benjan Stark is a placeholder for Coldhands on the GoT show. I am saying that whatever Coldhands is going to do in the books, Stark will do in the TV show because it's not an act can be easily removed from the story.

But who knows if they'll do it?
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