Wii Price & Launch Date Thread ($250 w/ Wii Sports on Nov 17 in the US)


Nov 9, 2000
Nash said:
Considering that Nintendo is making the Wiimote mandatory for the Wii version of Twilight Princess, I don't see them making any exceptions for other games to allow the option of non-Wiimote controls.

Then I'm definitely going to wait for the GC version of TP and I'll just pass on Metroid Prime 3 all together.


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
DangerousK said:
You talk as if it is a bad way to play a 3D platformer when you don't even fucking know for sure!

$250 compared to the $400 for the 360 and the $600 for the PS3 is budget.

Christ, if you can't afford $250 for this system, I don't know what to tell you.

I suspect the reason for Wii Sports whether you like sports or not is that it will show off the capabilities of the system extremely well.

I don't view it as the second coming, I just think we should wait to see for sure. I'm definitely going to buy this, but if I think it sucks I will be sure to say so.

I prefer to keep an open mind rather than draw conclusions before it comes out which is what too many people do.

Everyone else is talking like it's automatically going to be great, same difference. I've seen the same stuff they did and it doesn't look good to me.

The fact that they're packing Wii sports is probably because it wouldn't sell that well at launch in the US. Me, you, and Nintendo know that the majority of people getting one will want it for Zelda and Mario. Now they can charge $250 for it and all it cost them was a game that obviously didn't cost a whole lot to make.

I can afford the system, that doesn't mean I'm not upset about the price. Hell I can afford a PS3 at Launch if I wanted one, but I'm not getting it because I don't see it as worth the money.

I waited on a 360 till this past Saturday because it wasn't worth the money to me, till now. Since you want to talk about price, I paid $445 for a 360 Premium, a second Wireless Controller, and a Play and Charge Kit. Was $475 at Costco (which means I have a near infinite warranty), but was $20 off at the door, and it came with PGR3, which I just sold on eBay for $20. I've also got a bunch of games for nice and cheap off eBay.

It's not a matter of being able to afford it, I can, it's a matter of getting something that I feel is worth the money I'm paying for it.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
$445 for a soulless piece of asstastic shite, congrats, same boring crap but in hi res.

oh, would you like a $1k tv with that?



Dec 25, 2001
kernow said:
$445 for a soulless piece of asstastic shite, congrats, same boring crap but in hi res.

oh, would you like a $1k tv with that?


No, but a $2K TV does just nicely I've found :)


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
BC_Gambit said:
No, but a $2K TV does just nicely I've found :)

I already had my HDTV, which was a great buy for a lot more than just 360 Games. It sure does work real nice though.

Guess my souless 360 kind of sucks despite all the fun I've had on it. Oh well I can't wait to spend $250 just to play a GameCube game with a controller that may or may not suck!!!

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Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Nov 20, 2001
BC_Gambit said:
No, but a $2K TV does just nicely I've found :)

SONNED. :kekeke:

PS. I don't really have anything for or against expensive TV's.


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
Magnaflux said:
SONNED. :kekeke:

PS. I don't really have anything for or against expensive TV's.

Depends on how important it is for you. Though if you want a big screen TV, which many people do reguardless of HD or not, you're spending a good amount of money anyway.

A normal TV is about 27" and you can get decent 27" HD Sets for about $300. Kernow is just being a bloody vagina for some reason. I think it somehow relates to linux.


Aug 8, 2001
kernow said:
$445 for a soulless piece of asstastic shite, congrats, same boring crap but in hi res.

oh, would you like a $1k tv with that?


Congrats on your future second Gamecube.:make_fac:
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Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
kernow said:
$445 for a soulless piece of asstastic shite, congrats, same boring crap but in hi res.

oh, would you like a $1k tv with that?


Soulless = I have nothing but baseless hate for


Dec 25, 2001
Magnaflux said:
SONNED. :kekeke:

PS. I don't really have anything for or against expensive TV's.

Yeah, I don't normally enjoy bragging about "things" anyways (especially ones that depreciate like MOFO's).

However Kern's vitriol and general ANTI HDTV'ness started to wear thin as I read the whole thread.

What's a better waste of my money? A 360 and a decent TV? A Wii, a ridiculously expensive controller, and some games that look like they should be in the bargain bin?

Online multiiplayer or nintendo's "that's not what gamers want, its just a fad :lol: "

Paying $5-10 for what should be $1 to $2.50 virtual roms? That's priceless.

Oh well, however you spend your money, its okay as long as it makes you happy. I can honestly say I'm happy with my 360 launch day purchase, the couple of games I've bought that still see regular play, and the upgrade I made to HDTV.

If you're happy flailing about the floor like a crazy person screaming Japanese marketing slogans that's fine by me. I'll just laugh at you is all.


Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Nov 20, 2001
BC_Gambit said:

Heh, none of that was aimed at you. I think some people spend a little too much time inside of doors and online perhaps.

$300 for a 27" HDTV? I suppose prices have fallen considerably since I last peeked. I need to replace my set since it died last week, but I've been getting so much homework done without it.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
$50-$60 games?
Controller accessories reminiscient of Voltron toys ('buy all 5 to make Voltron!') that will definitely go above $50 if you buy extras for friends?

Still super retarded of Nintendo for not doing a Mario game for launch.
Its substitute of using Wario in a bunch of mini-games is far from acceptable.

It's obvious to everyone now that the only 'budget' thing about this system is its console price (which should be $200) and graphics.


flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003
Haha, Wiisports being bundled will make people think they are buying the Eyetoy+Play bundle once more -- probably not the best idea.

LoneSage said:
It's obvious to everyone now that the only 'budget' thing about this system is its console price (which should be $200) and graphics.


Lower production value games with lower graphics/audio quality for the same price of PS3/X360 games is laughable.


Dec 25, 2001
Magnaflux said:
Heh, none of that was aimed at you. I think some people spend a little too much time inside of doors and online perhaps.

Hey, no offence taken.

I'm a veteran console warrior, currently serving in my third tour of duty :)

And I'll admit to spending too much time inside, but if you had a 50/50 chance of being eaten by a bear every time you walked to the mail box, wouln't you be a shut in as well? :lolz:


Nov 9, 2000
Got this from a link someone posted for GameLife.

In reference to the Revolution Channels thing
Guy on GameLife said:
It's a slick little interface, but I continue to question whether users will want to sit in front of a television browsing the web without a keyboard, especially at non-HDTV resolutions. I guess we'll see when the Wii launches in the Americas on November 19th.

Um... it's news to me but is the Revolution NOT going to support Hi-Def? Is that for real?


flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003
Um... it's news to me but is the Revolution NOT going to support Hi-Def? Is that for real?

480p tops.

This was announced long ago.


Lt. Laser,
Feb 27, 2002
Mark of the Wolves said:
Exactly. It's just a GCN lathered up with some creatine w/ a Remote.

What is the PS3 then? Its a PS2 latherd up with some creatine, except no innovation.

What is the XBox 360 then? Its a Xbox lathered up with some creatine, except no innovation. Not to mention that the Xbox 360 uses the same tired controller as the original Xbox and is only good for people with PC's that are not powerful enough to play any next-gen games.

Atleast the Wii is trying to innovate with a unique control scheme and push towards the future. I can care less if the graphics are not as nice as the ones on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

This is a Neo-Geo forum and you guys are all crying about graphics and specs and throwing gameplay and originality to the side...


Nov 9, 2000
Mushiki said:
480p tops.

This was announced long ago.

Wow. Just fucking wow.

Nintendo about online gaming: "Pfft... No one plays games online. I guess we can sell a broadband adaptor for our Gamecube console if people wanna play one or two games online. Can you imagine? Playing games against other people, online?! LAWLS"

Yeah. No one plays games online. :rolleyes: Xbox Live was a complete bust and Sony's online games never have any players on them. lol @ stupid Microsoft and Sony and internet gamers.

Nintendo about Hi-Def: "Pfft... No one plays games in Hi-Def. Yeah it's becoming more and more popular and prolific in recent years but come on, no one wants to see our new awesome Zelda game in crisp, 1080p resolution. That's just crazytalk."

Yeah, count me out of the HD revolution. Why would I want exponential clarity and awesome detail? THAT SHIT IS USELESS!


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Neo Maikeru said:
This is a Neo-Geo forum and you guys are all crying about graphics and specs and throwing gameplay and originality to the side...

Graphics and specs are certified.
How much fun we get out of innovation is not.


Noooooooo peeking ;-),
Mar 5, 2001
Well I have to check out the new Mario and see how it plays before I make a decission on buying the system and game.
The $250 price is not that bad, but I still haven't seen anything I want for it..
I also think that the idea of getting a Wii just to play retro games is just stupid...
and that's just my opinion, I'll rather spend $150 and get a modded xbox and play all retro games....Now getting a wii to play Metal Slug.>WTF just get a PSP and play it on the GO plus a lot more games with it.
Like I said I'll probably will buy one but I have to wait and see if they came make a good Mario and a good Mario Kart.

and why all the mad talk about the 360? Hell I enjoy mine a lot, it's a really great system, and I only payed $300 for it, it's all about waiting and getting a nice deal on it....Even people here were selling it for $300 and I play live every single day and I love it....COD2, GRAW, PGR3, SF II, GOW, Q4, NFSU, the list goes on and on, and I don't see anyother system doing this any time soon, specially the ps3 with there networking problems...Also if you go to Costco you can get a Wireless controller and a play and charge kit for $49 but hell the batts last a long ass time, I'm still using the ones that came with the system...
Oh Yeah I also bough my HDTV for DVD's and not Gaming, but it's a big plus:D


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
Neo Maikeru said:
What is the PS3 then? Its a PS2 latherd up with some creatine, except no innovation.

What is the XBox 360 then? Its a Xbox lathered up with some creatine, except no innovation. Not to mention that the Xbox 360 uses the same tired controller as the original Xbox and is only good for people with PC's that are not powerful enough to play any next-gen games.

Atleast the Wii is trying to innovate with a unique control scheme and push towards the future. I can care less if the graphics are not as nice as the ones on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

This is a Neo-Geo forum and you guys are all crying about graphics and specs and throwing gameplay and originality to the side...

Yes this is a Neo-Geo forum. You know the system that was insanely overpriced for its time but featured graphics and sound that were way ahead of it's competition.

It's also the same "innovative" system where 90% of the game library is composed of Fighting Games and Shooters.


Nov 9, 2000
JHendrix said:
Yes this is a Neo-Geo forum. You know the system that was insanely overpriced for its time but featured graphics and sound that were way ahead of it's competition.

It's also the same "innovative" system where 90% of the game library is composed of Fighting Games and Shooters.

Hey hey hey!!! Ok... let's all calm down and stop slamming the Black Monster OK?

Leave the Neo out of the NextGen discussions.