Xbox One Impressions


Disciple Of Orochi
Jan 5, 2004
Does anybody here own a Xbox One and really enjoy it? I am tinking about getting the White Sunset Overdrive bundle. Is Killer Instinct worth my time?


Kula's Candy
Oct 2, 2013
Does anybody here own a Xbox One and really enjoy it? I am tinking about getting the White Sunset Overdrive bundle. Is Killer Instinct worth my time?

KI is really fun, combo breakers are easy to understand with little studying and combos are pretty lax on inputs. Easy to get up and running, but long sets and mind games are where it shines with the breakers.


Disciple Of Orochi
Jan 5, 2004
It looks like fun plus you get the two classic games if you buy the whole deal. I wish XBone was getting the new guilty gear though.


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
10 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
KI is one of the easiest fighters to get into that still has some solid fighting game juice. Very fun game. If there was pretty much anything else on Xbone that interested me I would get it, but can't really justify it for just KI.


Disciple Of Orochi
Jan 5, 2004
KI is one of the easiest fighters to get into that still has some solid fighting game juice. Very fun game. If there was pretty much anything else on Xbone that interested me I would get it, but can't really justify it for just KI.

Same here, I really want the white console. But I guess that I will just wait for a simline with a 1TB hard drive and the Jp Slumps. Plus every game seems to be getting more exclusives on PS4.


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
Plus every game seems to be getting more exclusives on PS4.


Been on the fence with both, but I think Bloodborne is going to finally tip the scale for me. Hopefully there's a bundle release to go with it.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Got the Xbox One on launch just for KI. I hooked up to my Kraylix cab & was fun for month or two but no one in my fight group really wanted to play it. Played the Titan Fall beta & that was a lot of fun, but when i finally bought Titan Fall, i never opened or play my xbox anymore...Only when there is a free game i turn it on to download something.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
My parents got me a XB1 as a gift last year; I might not have bought it if it had been up to me. Nearly a year later and I'm sort of shocked by how few worthwhile games have come out on either the XB1 or PS4. The best games right now are either remakes or DLC games like Killer Instinct. Otherwise I get more play out of my Wii U. One thing I'm pleased about with the XB1 is that the d-pad is finally good. After suffering through the worst d-pads of all time on pretty much any 360 pad outside of a few Horis, it's nice that they finally got it right.

Notable disappointments:

Kinect Sports Rivals: Even if you can get the game to function properly for yourself, it ruins everything when you have friends over and the game doesn't do what it's supposed to. Motion games that fuck up ruin the party mood pretty quickly. "Hey, why doesn't my character turn? I am doing the turning motion" "Yeah.. you sure are. And he's not turning. Uhhh... Let's play Mario Kart."

Crimson Dragon: Actually a decent game, but it should be way better. They could have just done a Panzer Dragoon Orta HD update and it would have been better than Crimson Dragon. It sucks when your new game on your new system is inferior in almost every way to your old game from two generations ago. Yeah, I think the graphics in Orta are just as visually stunning despite lower res. No reason for that.

Titanfall: Played the beta extensively and decided not to buy. Online-only garbage.

Destiny: Obviously multi-platform, but this game is a huge disappointment to me. I liked Halo for the campaign with the occasional deathmatch. Making the game online-only ruins it for me. I have to play games that I can pause at any time due to family obligations.
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Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
Only game I play on my XB1 a lot is Titanfall, love it. Can't wait for Titanfall 2 if it is a full campaign and multiplayer game. Hopefully EA doesn't only give them 9 months again. I'd prefer at least a 2 year wait for it so I know if will have more content.

I agree about Destiny and Kinect Sports, very disappointing.

But most disappointing thing is the lack of games for this system. It's like MS is still supporting the 360 and forgot about the new baby.
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Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Only thing I play on the XB1 is Fibbage, the new game from the old Jellyvision guys (You Don't Know Jack). Didn't care for Titanfall (but I'm not big on multi-player focused shooters) and while Killer Instinct looks great (and the soundtrack is terrific), the game is still pretty threadbare at this point (8 chars, weak single-player content, etc.). Looking forward to Season 2.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
I hardly play mine. It has a ton of cool features going for it, and the community participation in uploading videos and screenshots is awesome. There's just hardly any games to take advantage of it. Lack of titles is really hurting it, but it hasn't even been out a year yet. Mine will probably see more play in 2 or 3 years.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Impressions are about the same as the PS4. Does a lot of stuff, needs games. Would rather do all of it on a PC anyways.

Kinect has some neat features.
Snap has some neat features.
The HDMI-in has some neat features.
Sharing features are neat.
Skype and playing with friends is neat.

I could live without all of them if it had them games.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
The Kinect does make an outstanding webcam with Skype. I use mine to talk to my brother's family in California. That alone is obviously not worth the price of a Xbox, but it's something. The camera will follow you around the room and has a really wide angle when zoomed out; he can see the entire room I'm in.


MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
Impressions are about the same as the PS4. Does a lot of stuff, needs games. Would rather do all of it on a PC anyways.

Kinect has some neat features.
Snap has some neat features.
The HDMI-in has some neat features.
Sharing features are neat.
Skype and playing with friends is neat.

I could live without all of them if it had them games.


Nearly a year in, I still only own Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3, and I haven't even gotten around to opening the latter yet...

Poison Sama

The Hentai Christ
20 Year Member
Jun 29, 2002
I picked one up about a month ago, so I've been using it quite a bit since it's still new to me. I bought a Kinectless model for $300 brand new (trade-in offer with my old 360), and it came with 2 free games (another special offer), and I think that was a fair deal for what it is. I really like the system so far, but it does have some issues.


Quiet while in use
The Snap feature
Gold sharing for all accounts on one console
Friend list improvements
Dashboard leaderboards for every game
Steady flow of system updates that add/improve features
Great controller


Limited audio-out and video-out options
HDMI output isn't as good as PS3's (and I'm assuming PS4's too)
No download/transaction history on the console
Internal HDD isn't user-upgradeable
Game install times can be quite long

All that aside, I think the console has more interesting exclusives (both already out and coming very soon) than the PS4 does. I'll definitely pick up a PS4 when Bloodborne comes out though.

And current Xbox One owners who are looking for something new to play should definitely check out D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, a new adventure game by Swery65 (the creator of Deadly Premonition). I'm about half-way through my main playthrough and it's been very entertaining so far.


Marked Wolf
10 Year Member
Feb 1, 2010
KI on Xbox 1, I dreamed about that game many time, but I never thinked it was to be released on Xbox.
Thats a surprise of the life !

Pretty Amy

Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Sep 15, 2013
Kinect Sports Rivals: Even if you can get the game to function properly for yourself, it ruins everything when you have friends over and the game doesn't do what it's supposed to. Motion games that fuck up ruin the party mood pretty quickly. "Hey, why doesn't my character turn? I am doing the turning motion" "Yeah.. you sure are. And he's not turning. Uhhh... Let's play Mario Kart."

You forgot to mention. The. Worst. Fucking. Character. Designs. In. The. History. Of. Video. Games.

Crimson Dragon: Actually a decent game, but it should be way better. They could have just done a Panzer Dragoon Orta HD update and it would have been better than Crimson Dragon. It sucks when your new game on your new system is inferior in almost every way to your old game from two generations ago. Yeah, I think the graphics in Orta are just as visually stunning despite lower res. No reason for that.

Remember it was originally supposed to be a Kinect game. I think there's a lot of design holdover from that time. Giant targeting cursor? Probably because you used target with your hand.


I Love Frames!,
Jun 12, 2002
I bought one for Destiny and the Halo Collection and have fallen in love with Titanfall. It still needs some UI improvement but it is much better now with the quick snap dash then it was a few months ago.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Somebody slap me - I got a major hankering to play some Killer Instinct and when I get a major hankering for something I usually do something impulsive and buy an Xbone.

I honestly can't think of a single (exclusive) game I want to play on it right now other than KI - but admittedly I haven't really been following the system.

Any other good exclusives in the pipeline?
Any other must haves right now?

Sunset Overdrive looks ok...but isn't that basically just Infamous?


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
My buddy has one. He loves racing games and so do I, Forza Horizon 2 is a great 'arcade' racer and forza 5 a great racing sim.
Haven't played any of the other games yet but we're thinking of picking up sunset overdrive.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
not really. its more Jet Set Radio than Infamous. Its a great game that's very underrated

It does look fun. Well. I think between KI, Sunset OD and that new Oni Forest game I'm sold. Dammit.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
I ended picking up an XB1 mainly for Sunset Overdrive and Killer Instinct. I mainly buy games for the PS4 and WiiU. Hopefully Halo 5 will have me booting up the XB1 more.