Hi Matt, yea Ive been talking with Mike so if you have any questions about NeoGeo integration I offer my help where I can. There are little quirks here and there with the system that you'll need to be aware of given the different NeoGeo hardware models and regions. It's all easy stuff but it could be quite easy to miss some things here and there for some setups.
I think the main thing people would probably like to see is the game work within the standard NeoGeo game footprint so for example it would fully work in a NeoGeo Multislot in relation to attract mode, automatic game cycling and game selection. And of course because the NeoGeo is an arcade based system, the game working on a credit based game start system gives it an extra buzz.
As far as the UniBios goes, no game really takes advantage of the Unibios but I guess game owners might like to see the possibility of the UniBios ingame menu being accessible (not locked out) so the unibios could technically add cheats for the game at a later date. That would mean the first 0x300 tiles on the FIX layer including the standard NeoGeo font set (or a font set of your own design) so the UniBios can display correct text. It also requires you use the standard NeoGeo Bios I/O call each frame (0xC0044A,
https://wiki.neogeodev.org/index.php?title=SYSTEM_IO). The NGdev games have this locked out, I suspect because it will be saving them some 68k cycles and protection related, the NeoGeo Bios I/O call does steal quite a bit that you may need. That said it is however possible to create your own I/O to replace the bios default while still keeping the game fully NeoGeo bios and UniBios compatable. Actually thinking about it, I'm surprised no one has actually done this yet and put it up on the wiki pages.