Anyone still playing Warhammer 40K these days? (tabletop game)


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Anyone still playing any Games Workshop stuff these days?

I'm thinking about starting to play Orkz in 40K. I've had the 40K rulebook for some time, but never got any codexes because I was dicking around with GW's LotR Strategy Battle Game (which was a waste of my time). Now i'm think I'd like to start a 40K Ork army, mostly because i'm bored and figured I could buy one $20-30 model (or set of models) a month. It would give me something to do, as i've always enjoyed modeling and I haven't had much time lately to do anything creative. Mostly If I picked one project model wise a month too work on I could actually get it done and not have a bunch of stuff piling up. I don't have the cash to work on the projects I used too (building stuff, small electronics, etc) a few years ago, plus I don't have the tools either but I still have a ton of modeling stuff.

I know some peoplw who play this locally, so playing wont be a problem.

I don't really want to collect a bunch of armies, just some Orkz and maybe some Imperial Guard to Battle them, but the IG stuff can wait. Ideally i'd like to have enough stuff some day to do small Ork vs Ork battles.

Thoughts? I'm well aware of the money pit that this is.



Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Yeah, I got back into it sometime last year. Now I'm just as addicted as I was in high school, ha ha. Better think twice about whether you're really ready to take the plunge there, Lagduf. Money pit indeed.

All kidding aside, a new edition of WH40K, and a new boxed set is supposed to be coming out this summer. I'd hold off until it does, especially because it's supposed to be Orks Vs. Space Marines in the box.

For cheap GW goods check out:

And for GW rumors and useful modelling tips:

If you ever have any modelling questions, feel free to hit me up with a PM.


Buriki-One Fight Promoter
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2005
tsukaesugi said:
For cheap GW goods check out:

i don't know if this is relevant at all or anything, but i found a Warhammer 40K Eldar War Walker in box laying around, it's got some paint on it but if anyone's interested they can have it for a couple bucks for shipping. i can snap some pics if interested. not sure if it's even complete.



20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001

Playing 40k again and the fantasy battle revival is coming along nicely.

Yeah, it's semi-expensive but then again, what isn't?


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
tsukaesugi said:
Yeah, I got back into it sometime last year. Now I'm just as addicted as I was in high school, ha ha. Better think twice about whether you're really ready to take the plunge there, Lagduf. Money pit indeed.

All kidding aside, a new edition of WH40K, and a new boxed set is supposed to be coming out this summer. I'd hold off until it does, especially because it's supposed to be Orks Vs. Space Marines in the box.

For cheap GW goods check out:

And for GW rumors and useful modelling tips:

If you ever have any modelling questions, feel free to hit me up with a PM.

Are you kidding me, a new edition of 40K already? I thought the 4th edition just came out, what 4 years ago? My understanding was that not a whole not changed between 3rd and 4th though? Yes/No?

Space Marines vs Orcs in a new boxed set sounds awesome though. I'd definitely be all over that. That would give me a decent start for two armies, and at least let me play against my friends without them having to have an army.

I'll probably wait then. Does this mean all new codexes and such?


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
tsukaesugi said:
Yeah, I got back into it sometime last year. Now I'm just as addicted as I was in high school, ha ha. Better think twice about whether you're really ready to take the plunge there, Lagduf. Money pit indeed.

All kidding aside, a new edition of WH40K, and a new boxed set is supposed to be coming out this summer. I'd hold off until it does, especially because it's supposed to be Orks Vs. Space Marines in the box.

For cheap GW goods check out:

And for GW rumors and useful modelling tips:

If you ever have any modelling questions, feel free to hit me up with a PM.

I just found this on the 40K website:

Looks like it's a new edition of the rules that is supposed "refine" the previous edition. Codexes and army lists wont be changed.

So I think i'll still pick up some Ork Boyz and the Ork Codex since they'll be compatible.

When that new starter comes out (and I really hope it is Ork vs Space Marines) i'll pick that up too.

I think part of the reason that I didn't get in to 40K earlier was that I wasn't interested in Space Marines vs Tyranids. From a thematic standpoint I much prefer Orks and Marines.


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
I think about it once a week or so, but then remember I barely get to buy the games I want as it is. It's not just expensive, it's time consuming as well. And don't even get me started as to how painting minis affects my mild case of OCD..

So I stick with the PC version of 40k.

Now if all my local friends got into it again, they would probably have little trouble dragging me in. I keep praying they continue to abstain.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Lagduf said:
So I think i'll still pick up some Ork Boyz and the Ork Codex since they'll be compatible.

When that new starter comes out (and I really hope it is Ork vs Space Marines) i'll pick that up too.

This info is from the Bell of Lost Souls, which I linked to earlier. It's completely unofficial of course, but these guys are usually spot on with their reporting:

According to Games Workshop USA Sales Representative Mark Koscielniak, the new Warhammer 40k 5th Edition Starter Boxed Set will include a “Crap-Ton of miniatures”.

The new boxed starter, due out in September of this year, will include the popular “mini-rulebook”, dice, measuring sticks and the proverbial French “Crap-Ton” of miniatures including:
1– Space Marine Commander (full sprue)
1– Space Marine Tactical Squad (10 models)
1– Space Marine Terminator Squad (5 models)
1– Space Marine Dreadnought

The set will ALSO include:

1– Ork Warboss
2– Ork Boyz Mobs (20 models total)
1– Ork Nob Mob (5 models)
3– Death Koptas

The retail price on this tremendous deal will be a ridiculously low $59.99! A quick analysis of the retail value of this set is valued at a cool $262 bucks, and that’s not even counting the retail value of the 3 Death Koptas, the “mini-rulebook”, or the dice!
The new 5th Edition starter will be called “Battle for Black Reach”.
The regular hard cover 5th Edition rulebook is due out in July, with a retail price of $49.99.

I'm betting that these figures will be slightly smaller / less poseable / less dramatic than the figures from the regular boxed sets, just like the Marines and Tyranids from the 4th edition starter set. Still, it's a great deal though.

Lagduf said:
I think part of the reason that I didn't get in to 40K earlier was that I wasn't interested in Space Marines vs Tyranids. From a thematic standpoint I much prefer Orks and Marines.

Yeah, when I was in high school, I had the Imperial Space Marines boxed set, and the Space Ork Raiders boxed set. Back then, Space Marines, Orks, and Eldar were the only armies around, so I hear you.

I prefer to play Space Marines vs Chaos, because all the drama and tragedy of the Horus Heresy really appeals to me. If GW made a pre-Heresy Marine boxed set, I'd play straight up historical Marine vs Marine campaigns.
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Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
I used to play 40K back when 3rd edition was fairly new, but the store I hung around in shut down. I was left with tons of models and a hell of a lot of money sunk into a hobby I never touched again...

But my local comics store is gonna start doing Warhammer soon. Looks like I'll be addicted all over again. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :emb:


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
tsukaesugi said:
This info is from the Bell of Lost Souls, which I linked to earlier. It's completely unofficial of course, but these guys are usually spot on with their reporting:

I'm betting that these figures will be slightly smaller / less poseable / less dramatic than the figures from the regular boxed sets, just like the Marines and Tyranids from the 4th edition starter set. Still, it's a great deal though.

Yeah, when I was in high school, I had the Imperial Space Marines boxed set, and the Space Ork Raiders boxed set. Back then, Space Marines, Orks, and Eldar were the only armies around, so I hear you.

I prefer to play Space Marines vs Chaos, because all the drama and tragedy of the Horus Heresy really appeals to me. If GW made a pre-Heresy Marine boxed set, I'd play straight up historical Marine vs Marine campaign.

I saw that info after prodding around the Bell of Lost Souls site. Pretty awesome if it's true, seems like a decent amount of figures for Orks and Marines to get some armies started. I liked that Battle for Macragge had terrain, but even if this new starter doesn't it is still a really good deal, especially for noobs like myself.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Ghost-Dog said:
It's not just expensive, it's time consuming as well.

Me and my brother joke that it's a spacetime issue. Neither of us have the space to store all the figures and books, nor the time to paint. But we do it anyway, cause we're addicts.

Ghost-Dog said:
And don't even get me started as to how painting minis affects my mild case of OCD.

Ha ha, tell me about it. I work at a rate of about 10 hours per figure. No matter how much I try to speed paint, something in my psyche won't let me.

My brother is the same way, so what he did was this - he bought enough "painted to gaming quality" figures off of eBay to form the core of his troops. Then he bought and painted all the special characters and vehicles himself. Over time, he plans to replace the figures he bought of eBay with ones he paints by himself, and then resell the eBay ones. That's one way to start an army anyway.

Fantasy Flight Games (which Lagduf often links to), sells pre-painted plastic Sci-Fi figures, so if you don't care about using official GW mini's, you can boost your army with these:


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002

Took this pic last year, when my valiant Blood Angels forced off against my friend's* traitorous Chaos Marines. We were both just getting into the game so most of our figures were unpainted / semi-painted.


The new army I'm working on - the vile and diseased forces of Nurgle. The smaller figures are Forge World Chaos Renegades. One of the benefits of living in Japan is that I can use Tamiya modelling tools, which are a thousand times better than the ones GW sells.

*my "friend" is someone on these boards, but I don't want to "out" him as a wargaming geek!


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
tsukaesugi said:
Fantasy Flight Games (which Lagduf often links to), sells pre-painted plastic Sci-Fi figures, so if you don't care about using official GW mini's, you can boost your army with these:

I can't help it, i'm a Fantasy Flight Games whore. They develop and publish easy to play, medium complexity, heavily thematic games that I just adore.

AT-43 looked cool to me, I thought about getting in to it...It's produced by Rackham which is out of France. FFG is really big on having publishing ties with other markets, and putting out stuff that isn't their own. It's probably why they are doing so well.

:eye: :eye:

Someone just bought the Ork Codex.

My local gaming store is pretty cool, they've moved twice in the past two years, each time to bigger locations. When I walked in (first time in the new location) there were like 4 guys playing 40K and apparently they're running 40K tournaments with Prize Support now.

I'm glad to see a hobby store that can still survive!
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Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Lagduf said:
I can't help it, i'm a Fantasy Flight Games whore. They develop and publish easy to play, medium complexity, heavily thematic games that I just adore.

Oh, I would be too, but there's nowhere in Tokyo that stocks their complete line, and the shipping costs for their boxed sets would be brutal. (I'd really love to order their remakes of the old GW board games.)

Lagduf said:
Someone just bought the Ork Codex.


You'll have to post some pics once you get some figures painted.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
I used to be into 40k years ago. I had a Chaos Army half marines, half demons but I got over it.

My biggest love was Necromunda. I love the campaign style of gaming and you don't have to spend too much on models. I had a Spyrer gang. Actually, I think I'm going to get back into it. Fuck they were some fun times!:)


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
tsukaesugi said:
You'll have to post some pics once you get some figures painted.

I'm an idiot and am going to pick up an Ork Battleforce tommorrow.

My mother (lolololololz) is in town this week (she lives in CA) and gave me some cash for my birthday which was last week with express orders to spend it on myself and not on bills or save it. Gotta do what mom says, eh?


20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
Hey yo, huge White Dwarf reader here. (at least old school)

If anyone here knows a lot about White Dwarf issues, I have a question.

In almost every issue I read (of course latest issue I read was years and years ago), there used to be Player VS Player battles towards the end of the issue. Mostly the same players played, and they had little pictures of the battlefield during turns and such, and the players wrote what they were doing.

It was like a normal tabletop scenario game, and they wrote down everything that was happening, adding "fantasy" speak as well. Every game had a storyline going into the game.

I absolutely adore those, and I am wondering if they ever made a dedicated book on it, like a collection of these battles in a single book.

EDIT: Wikipedia explains it better :

"The monthly battle reports have arguably been White Dwarf's most popular feature for many years, as acknowledged during various White Dwarf editorials. Battle reports used to be blow-by-blow accounts of a battle between two or more forces, usually with their own specific victory conditions. The reports followed the gamers through their army selection, tactics and deployment, through the battle to their respective conclusions. The format has gone through several changes in recent years - ranging from a simplified, generalized style in the 2006-7 editions, to a return to a more detailed and visual style in October 2007."
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Hey yo, huge White Dwarf reader here. (at least old school)

If anyone here knows a lot about White Dwarf issues, I have a question.

In almost every issue I read (of course latest issue I read was years and years ago), there used to be Player VS Player battles towards the end of the issue. Mostly the same players played, and they had little pictures of the battlefield during turns and such, and the players wrote what they were doing.

It was like a normal tabletop scenario game, and they wrote down everything that was happening, adding "fantasy" speak as well. Every game had a storyline going into the game.

I absolutely adore those, and I am wondering if they ever made a dedicated book on it, like a collection of these battles in a single book.

EDIT: Wikipedia explains it better :

"The monthly battle reports have arguably been White Dwarf's most popular feature for many years, as acknowledged during various White Dwarf editorials. Battle reports used to be blow-by-blow accounts of a battle between two or more forces, usually with their own specific victory conditions. The reports followed the gamers through their army selection, tactics and deployment, through the battle to their respective conclusions. The format has gone through several changes in recent years - ranging from a simplified, generalized style in the 2006-7 editions, to a return to a more detailed and visual style in October 2007."

Yeah, AARs (after action reports - taken from the actual military term) are fairly common among wargamers of all types. It's really fun when people talk about what they did and why as they try to establish a narrative of starts.

I can't wait to start a Waaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!


20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
Lagduf said:
Yeah, AARs (after action reports - taken from the actual military term) are fairly common among wargamers of all types. It's really fun when people talk about what they did and why as they try to establish a narrative of starts.

I can't wait to start a Waaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!


I'm just wondering if White Dwarf released a collection of the battles they printed almost every month in their magazines.

Because I liked reading mostly only that in the issues I have, but they cost too much per magazine just for a monthly battle...I can only find old issues for $5 and up. :(


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002

I'm just wondering if White Dwarf released a collection of the battles they printed almost every month in their magazines.

Because I liked reading mostly only that in the issues I have, but they cost too much per magazine just for a monthly battle...I can only find old issues for $5 and up. :(

I doubt they have a collection, maybe some one has some scans online?

I decided on my Ork Army, it is going to consist of all the models in the Ork Battleforce + 1 HQ choice (why the battlepack doesn't have and HQ choice i don't know).


20 Ork Boyz (probably do 2 units of 10 each)
1 Trukk
3 Warbikez
1 Warboss

Should be enough to dick around with, do small battles.

The base point value would be something like 290, but I think I can add upgrades to get near 400 points, especially if I give all of the optional upgrades to the Trukk, make one of my mobs 'ardboyz, and give at least one mob stickbombz.

I have a really sweet idea for constructing an Orc encampment complete with a battle pit (where Oks solve their disputes) and a racetrack (bikes are for racing).

I'm pretty sure the Trukk is the coolest vehicle in the entire warhammer 40k universe, i don't care about anything else, even the colossal (in price and size) forgeworld stuff that the marines and IG can use.

I wonder if their is a mega trukk? A giant forgeworld trukk? That'd rule.

I mean, the thought of a crew of Orks riding around on some piece of shit trukk thats about to fall about just cracks me up. My desire to play Orks is clearly because they're the most hilarious race. They also have the best reasons for waging war: because they're good at it, because they can, and for loot. Fucking awesome.
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
One question:

How do you keep track of your troops when you play a game?

Do you print out a sheet just listing what wargear each unit has, and then that units stats? It will take a long time before i memorize this stuff.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Lagduf said:
One question:

How do you keep track of your troops when you play a game?

Do you print out a sheet just listing what wargear each unit has, and then that units stats? It will take a long time before i memorize this stuff.

There was official army-organizing software for the last version of the game (3rd edition), but I think most people just type all the info up in a word processor and use that.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Just write the characters, squads etc... stats, equipment and points values on a sheet of paper.

p.S what need is there for you to use the latest ed. rules, they're overtly simplified and not as fun, imo 40k started to go downhill after the 3rd edition.