Crucify me: I think the Gamecube is Nintendo's most forgettable system


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
NGCD is a piece of shit btw.
I think it's pretty awesome if you don't try to play fighters on it, and you get the UNBIOS.

Certainly happier with Windjammers, Pulstar, Last Resort, Alpha Mission II, and Viewpoint on CD versus tracking down MVS carts. Even accounting for the cost of the console+mod it's still much cheaper to get all those games on CD and you don't really lose anything.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Omega + Neo CD with UNBIOS is a killer combination.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
I think it's pretty awesome if you don't try to play fighters on it, and you get the UNBIOS.

Certainly happier with Windjammers, Pulstar, Last Resort, Alpha Mission II, and Viewpoint on CD versus tracking down MVS carts. Even accounting for the cost of the console+mod it's still much cheaper to get all those games on CD and you don't really lose anything.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Omega + Neo CD with UNBIOS is a killer combination.

I was just trying to get under NGCDFreak's skin is all. I had a Neo CD Front Loader, it was alright but I'd take an MVS (or even an AES) instead. AES is pretty awesome if you stick to loose carts.


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
Gamecube had a lot of great stuff that I think we've forgotten, or overlooked. A lot of the better Gamecube titles felt like N64 follow-ups (but weirder, in the case of Mario Sunshine, etc.)
F-Zero and Smash Bros saw (arguably) their best entries on the series
1080 Avalanche is more enjoyable than the original, and Wave Race Blue Storm is a solid follow-up
Rogue Squadron 2 is incredible and still looks good; 3 looks incredible for its time, even if it plays like butt for half the game.
Chibi Robo is great and woefully underrated
Luigi's Mansion is short but enjoyable.
Donkey Konga is a decent rhythm game, and Jungle Beat is a cool concept
Eternal Darkness I haven't played recently, but have fond memories of
And then there's some offbeat stuff like PN03 that didn't catch on, but was really unique

So I'd say it's actually Nintendo's most underrated system. On some level, I do agree with the OP that it's forgettable, as evidenced by the fact that we forgot all these great games. That doesn't meant we should've forgotten them, though.

Colorado Rockie

Terry Bogard's Taylor
Jan 5, 2012
I'm in the minority for sure, but the Gamecube is my favorite Nintendo system. I didn't have a NES or SNES growing up, so that probably plays a part in it.

Super Mario Strikers, Baten Kaitos, Paper Mario, RE1+RE4, Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia, Mario Golf, Mario Kart DD, Pikmin 1+2, and Animal Crossing are all excellent games that still hold up extremely well even today.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
I would agree GC is the most forgettable. N64 is much less forgettable because it was so much worse. GC was a decent console, but not spectacular, so it's easy to forget.


Been There., Done That., It Was Shit.,
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
And what about Wave Race Blue Storm?

Man, those rain effects make KOF '99 look like garbage! GARBAGE!!!!!


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
Gamecube+gameboy player is all the nintendo you need.
Oct 18, 2012
Gamecube may be the most forgotten at the moment, but WiiU is most forgettable. "Wasn't that the addon touchscreen thing for the Wii?"


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
But seriously, hear me out.

NES: Need I say more?
SNES: Lots of great classics and an incredible evolution of the NES.
N64: Nintendo's first foray into 3D consoles, the analog stick, lots of awesome, memorable games (the best wrestling games around)
Wii: Come for the motion controls, stay for the truly oddball stuff. I can't believe how much better The Last Story was than anything Final Fantasy.
Wii U: Console gaming nirvana this generation. Literally the most fun I've had with a console in years. An incredible, if somewhat small, library once you get past the gimmicks.

What did the Gamecube do? It had weird controllers, a lot of horsepower for its time, and while it certainly has a lot of great games, there aren't a lot that you can't find elsewhere. The Nintendo exclusives have largely been superseded by Wii and Wii U versions, too. With Smash Wii U out, why would you ever play Melee again? I don't even play N64 Smash anymore since I got the Wii U version, and I loved that game. Don't even get me started on Resident Evil 4. In addition to coming out on just about every other console, have you seen the proper HD mods for the PC version?

The only game that gets me hype for the Gamecube anymore is Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. Yeah, yeah, crucify me for that, too.

This is a terrible post by the way.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
op makes.a popular opinion thread and then.acts like its.super unpopular to hate the fuckong gamecube



I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
So I'd say it's actually Nintendo's most underrated system. On some level, I do agree with the OP that it's forgettable, as evidenced by the fact that we forgot all these great games. That doesn't meant we should've forgotten them, though.

Honestly, I agree. I feel the GC fixed many of the N64's problems and had some really great games. I could go point by point, but many of the ok N64 titles are there on the GC, but more refined.

Stepping back, the ability to use component video, the Wavebird, and the GBA adapter were just freaking awesome when they were current. The Wavebird was a superb wireless controller, especially figuring that in 2002, it would be another 4 years until Sony or MS caught up and made their own. The Game Boy adapter was another choice piece of equipment. Released in 2003, it gave you an instant and amazing library of games. On that side note, the GBA is still one of my favorite systems of all time.

I feel that by the time the GC was released, their second string to Sony was already set in stone, On top of that, they continued to be Nintendo (a pain in the ass) and refused to support DVD in the US (another HUGE mistake).

So...forgettable? Nah. Disappointment? 100%. It was the exact same thing with Sega and the Dreamcast. The Saturn was a failure in the US and the DC just couldn't gain support although it was a neat little system. I tend to look at the GC like Sega fans do the DC.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
i tried playing Mario Sunshine & it just wasn't for me...Have so many gamecube games still unopened.


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Mario sunshine to me was the black eye of the 3D Mario titles. It just seemed to have some issues in places with camera (which was shocking to me) and wonky design/control in spots. Visuals and audio side it was a big step back from Mario 64, but then Galaxy and it's sequel popped up and proved to me even more it was an odd ball screw up. Even then it is still kind of fun even with the oddities of it.

I have no GC games I haven't messed with, but then again I only have kept 25 of what once was probably 50 more than that I got rid of between not liking them anymore(meh with age) or just culling the herd for whatever reason. I would not stop myself from buying a few titles I used to like if they popped up cheap in my area and I had the time for them, time being a thing. I saw a really nice non PC version of Pikmin 2 recently for a fair rate but left it a week ago, and a few weeks earlier Phantasy Star Ep1+2 too. I don't like not being able to get to stuff and currently I'm sinking at least an hour a day into DQ7 on the 3DS now. It's good and a shame, I want focus but I still haven't finished DS DQ Rocket Slime or any other DS title I re-picked up lately and they'll be time sinks (New SMB, Metroid, Zelda.) I left a Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow DS game on the shelf last weekend over time, not price which bugged me.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I know people are going to hate me for saying so, But I really thought that the Gamecube analog stick was great for fighting games. Of course, the only traditional fighter I played on it was CSNK2. But it was so easy to find the right stick angle (because of the Octogon).

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
Honestly, I agree. I feel the GC fixed many of the N64's problems and had some really great games. I could go point by point, but many of the ok N64 titles are there on the GC, but more refined.

Stepping back, the ability to use component video, the Wavebird, and the GBA adapter were just freaking awesome when they were current. The Wavebird was a superb wireless controller, especially figuring that in 2002, it would be another 4 years until Sony or MS caught up and made their own. The Game Boy adapter was another choice piece of equipment. Released in 2003, it gave you an instant and amazing library of games. On that side note, the GBA is still one of my favorite systems of all time.

I feel that by the time the GC was released, their second string to Sony was already set in stone, On top of that, they continued to be Nintendo (a pain in the ass) and refused to support DVD in the US (another HUGE mistake).

So...forgettable? Nah. Disappointment? 100%. It was the exact same thing with Sega and the Dreamcast. The Saturn was a failure in the US and the DC just couldn't gain support although it was a neat little system. I tend to look at the GC like Sega fans do the DC.

Pretty much my opinion as well.

I know people are going to hate me for saying so, But I really thought that the Gamecube analog stick was great for fighting games. Of course, the only traditional fighter I played on it was CSNK2. But it was so easy to find the right stick angle (because of the Octogon).

I didn't like it for CVS2 simply because the traditional 6 button system is easier after so many years. However Soulcalibur 2 did play pretty damn good on it once you got used to it. When I went back to play the game again on PS2 and Xbox it felt foreign and took some getting used to.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Pretty much my opinion as well.

I didn't like it for CVS2 simply because the traditional 6 button system is easier after so many years. However Soulcalibur 2 did play pretty damn good on it once you got used to it. When I went back to play the game again on PS2 and Xbox it felt foreign and took some getting used to.

Yeah, the button layout wasn't great... Unless you are a scrub like me that always uses the same strike over and over. Usually HK and HP (or sometimes MP and MK),
Last edited:


Armored Scrum Object
Sep 27, 2013
Well it had a decent version of Ikaruga. That's about all I can say for it. The Wii is hands down their worst system though, not even by a close margin.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
For me Metroid Prime alone is enough to like the system. Yeah the Wii got MP3 but the first two are much better. Other M was fun but wasn't as good as Prime. Aside from that I think the other nintendo consoles had much better showings for most of the 1st party franchises. Both N64 Zelda titles are better than both GC Zelda titles. Mario 64 is also better than Mario Sunshine. Star Fox 64 is better than Star Fox Assault. People that play competitively say SSBM is the best one of them all but I prefer both SSB64 and SSB WiiU. Mario Kart DD might be the most unique and it was fun as well but the franchise as a whole is pretty strong.

The GC did end up having a more diverse game library than the N64 but they really didn't learn many of the lessons they needed to learn in order to be successful. They were just as arrogant going into the GC. They finally went with the optical drive but made the weird choice of not going with DVDs. They underestimated the newcomer yet again and it kicked them in the ass. The system design was also part of the reason it failed since the thing looks like it's made for kids. They should have made that Panasonic deluxe edition their 2nd model to appeal to the older audience. And even though they had some notable 3rd party support it was still weak overall. And finally the biggest thing that the GC has going for it today as a console is the GBA player. The backward compatibility with the Wii pretty much makes owning the system outside of the GBA player kinda pointless. Though I guess you can say the Wii U makes owning a Wii pointless. I do like that Nintendo made it so you only have to own the last 2 out of 3 consoles. Kind of crazy to think the Wii U is a supped up Wii and the Wii is a supped up GC.


Time? Astonishing!
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Gamecube is awesome and also indestructible.

Plus it has a handle.


Morden's Lackey
Apr 3, 2013
Donkey Konga and Jungle Beat alone are worth owning the system. Sucks Konga 3 never got released outside of japan though.