Fatal Fury/Garou Game will be a ‘Very Big Release’ for SNK; Will Focus on Single-Player


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Yeah. Get yer dragon punch for only $0.99.
I think it was DOA6 where they not only charged for new costumes but once you changed costumes you also had to pay to change back.

As for this new MOTW or whatever it's going to be I expect they just mean an actual single player story line with cutscenes and maybe some side challenges. Not a radically new style single player mode like what SFVI seems to be trying to do.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I think it was DOA6 where they not only charged for new costumes but once you changed costumes you also had to pay to change back.

As for this new MOTW or whatever it's going to be I expect they just mean an actual single player story line with cutscenes and maybe some side challenges. Not a radically new style single player mode like what SFVI seems to be trying to do.

IIRC, that lasted about a week until even the brain-dead DoA fans rebelled and they removed that "feature".


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
you forgot micro transactions
I think SNK will stick to their current modus operandi.

Worthwhile DLC seasons/packs for console games.

Disgustingly exploitative microtransactions on mobile games farmed out to Korean and Chinese developers.


Amusaka's Lacky
Jul 11, 2016
I hope it has line changing. For me that’s part of the FF DNA but I could see them pussying out of it and just having a single line


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Yeah. I also think they should add a FPS mode and some RPG elements, would make a fighting game even more exciting.
Didn't CapCom do that already with the way of the hado mode on that last SF2 switch game?

I hope it has line changing. For me that’s part of the FF DNA but I could see them pussying out of it and just having a single line
Of course it won't have the most defining element that made Fatal Fury the standout game it was.
It will have 1 button for "regular" attacks, 9 buttons for specials, and the automatic I win button to make it accessible for the new players.
Oh, and its going to be 2.7D this time.
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Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
FF has a fixed route, you can't go where you want.

SpikeOut series of games come to mind. Not sandbox level of free-roaming of course, but not a side scroll either.

I’d love a new Spike or Slash Out game.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
SpikeOut series of games come to mind. Not sandbox level of free-roaming of course, but not a side scroll either.

I’d love a new Spike or Slash Out game.
SpikeOut Battle Street (?) on og Xbox is awesome, would be nice if they'd continue the series.


Fired up the fuck
Noob of the Year
Jan 23, 2020
I don't really get this pushback against the idea of Fatal Fury having some single player content like it's a bad thing. An interactive Southtown you can wander around in sounds great to me.
Same, it just adds to the game, it's not like any of the familiar gameplay elements will be scrapped in favor of it, always down for a more fleshed out story campaign besides the normal arcade ladder. Fatal Fury lore is great and an interactive South Town or Second South Town sounds great. If it actually becomes a thing, it'll most likely be like MK and if you don't care about it, plain skip it or don't play that part of the game.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Line changing was fun in ff2 for sure, but I always found it to be absurd and just plain silly


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Line changing was fun in ff2 for sure, but I always found it to be absurd and just plain silly
Line changing and line sway were just the forerunners to 3D fighting games allowing sidestepping and stuff. VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Not really that silly. Especially when it worked really well like in RB2.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Line changing and line sway were just the forerunners to 3D fighting games allowing sidestepping and stuff. VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Not really that silly. Especially when it worked really well like in RB2.

Yeah, it worked well in the 7th game in the series. Most casual fans found it nothing but an annoying thing you engage only by accident.


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
I haven't bought many new fighting games, but I almost feel obligated to buy it.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
If I were to bet money this is going to be Mark of the Wolves 2 and feature very similar game systems to the original - one lane, TOP system, similar combos... All will be in the graphic style of KoF XV but the characters will be slightly bigger. My biggest dissapointment with the KoF XV graphics are that they seem like a shittier version of SF5.

Here's what I want:

The DotEmu (recent ninja turtles) to do an actual 2D fighting game with sprites - hell they can use the original sprites and add to it - and make a REAL 2D fighting game. No one (except Skullgirls which I don't like) is doing this and it would be a huge deal for all the jaded retro game fans.

We can dream... story mode? Who cares.. fighting game stories have always been cheesy as fuck. We need solid head to head game play and graphics that old fans and new fans can get behind.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
In this thread we find out who aren't really fans of Fatal Fury.
Because you have to lap it up wholesale? Fuck that.
I love Fatal Fury

@STK, maybe I should have said imo. But I just didn't like the way it is integrated in what was an otherwise a standard fighting game. I have never been very good at the game I will admit, so as I said I can only speak purely subjectively about the mechanic. Maybe if I got the game more I would change my mind, I don't know. Still consider myself a big fan of most things Southtown related.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
I haven't bought many new fighting games, but I almost feel obligated to buy it.

Yeah, I did that for about a decade until I stopped. I paid full price for KOF Maximum Impact knowing full well it sucked. In the end the crappy little shorts on the bonus DVD were better art than the game they were created to promote.

This stuff will seem better than MI when it comes out but it will age faster than unrefrigerated milk. People say it “doesn’t look that bad”, just like how they said it about Street Fighter EX (because Street Fighter EX looked way better than Virtua Fighter 1) but no way in HELL will any of this new 3D last any longer than Rival Schools or Wild Ambition or any other crap that modern day SNK fans (addicts) have had to settle for since the Neos died.

“It doesn’t look that bad” isn’t what you want to hear or say about something that cost millions to make. Samurai Showdown 2 was never ever described as “not that bad”. It was *excellent*.

KOF XIII was it, kids. It’s never going to be that good again and that was a mid-tier KOF.