Favorite Joystick to Play With


Rugal's Thug
Nov 26, 2012
I currently own 2 virtua stick high grade, I have modded one with a ps360 and the other I'm currently modding for dedicated neo geo , If you can find one these are truly one of the best sticks you will ever use!

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Wow Marty, all that work is paying off though, it looks pro.

Nice! Lookin' clean!

Thanks for the compliments Chris and Bryan appreciate it! I'll be glad to get these done tbh, mounting those connectors broke my ballz. I'm well accustomed to fabbing lots of small stuff but, just trying to get X2 DB holes on 1 stick to align up perfectly behind each other is a bitch. Not to mention having to do the other stick as well sheew, I need a beer lol.
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Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
Nice work on your sticks. Your patience and attention to detail shows.


Morden's Lackey
Jan 25, 2014
Agreed, that was a sexy response to a challenge MCF-76. Who needs 3D printers when you can whip an adapter like that up using re-purposed parts? Perfection always seems to double or triple the time it takes to do things though, there just isn't a way around that :D

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Thanks mr_b & SmokeM, well if I made more of these I would definitely not want to mount the DB's there again.

Here's a side shot of it the DB are almost flush with the enclosure. The cord fits perfect.



Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002

My sticks aren't nearly as nice as MCF 76 but I think I got the job done. I guess I just don't have the patience.


I needed to add an overlay onto this stick because I goofed when drilling my joystick holes. So this stick needed to be bondo'ed and painted. Looks a lot better than before.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Dino, you did awesome on these man i love them! I like the overlay as well, it really makes me want to add them on mine.

What did you think of these enclosures? My opinion about them was overall great. I like the thickness of the plastic, and how when you slide the top and bottom together it kinda locks in place.

View attachment 26425

My sticks aren't nearly as nice as MCF 76 but I think I got the job done. I guess I just don't have the patience.

View attachment 26426

I needed to add an overlay onto this stick because I goofed when drilling my joystick holes. So this stick needed to be bondo'ed and painted. Looks a lot better than before.


Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
I love the feel of these enclosures. You're right, the plastic is the right thickness and the angles is perfect for joysticks.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Great job Dino. That's what I was telling Marty about putting an overlay, the thing it's perfectly meant for it. Scott at Gamesongraphix is the man to go to, get his bulletproof material and trust me, you're gonna love the results.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
These sticks look all really and and you guys are encouraging me to make my own. Is there good places to start out? Want to try and build one similar to that black one EG built.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
These sticks look all really and and you guys are encouraging me to make my own. Is there good places to start out? Want to try and build one similar to that black one EG built.

Yeah man just jump right on in thats what i did. Figure out the parts list you want to put into them but i wouldn't go to over the top on the first build. You can get everything you need except the DB-15's from Focusattack.com

Ask EG on those enclosures that he used not sure but i think he made those, plus he knows everything about sticks. Also you can ask Xian Xi as well if you need guidance or help on the build.

Electric Grave

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Jan 29, 2004
I'm not sure which black one Tacoguy is referring to but if it's the one I think, then I'm sorry to say that was build from scratch, no cases to be found to make one like that. There are a few commissioned builders at SRK that could make you a case for the right price or better yet build it all and put it together for you, it does get pricey though.

Desktop enclosures are the way to go for easy DIY projects, I love them. I only made those cases 'cause during those times there was nothing I could get my hands on to make a stick, I mean a real decent stick so I had to grab the bull by the horns and go at it, but that was years ago, now there's so much access to just about anything you can think of, building something from scratch is not needed anymore. Building a stick now for someone like myself would be a very personal thing, like Hanzo forging a sword. Not to say I didn't always took care of everything with care, but there was a time I was building sticks like 3 at a time and never really ventured into designs or anything, if I was to do it now, I would play with what I've learned plus new ideas that I've gathered form more creative builders.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
I was referring to this one

Just like the simplicity to how it looks.

I think I am gonna try going with these desktop enclosures. They see really good for this sort of thing. I will take a look at those sites and start ordering parts parts this week. Seems like these dont take long to build either.

I'm pretty sure that pic is the one E.G. built out of wood, he will half to answer for sure though. Yeah the desktop enclosures are perfect for making sticks. There are several very nice one's out there to choose from depending on how you want it to look.

s. k. technique

Kuroko's Training Dummy
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2005
For the Neo I use the MAS stick, its has a solid base and a real arcade feel...plus the one I have has an auto fire switch which saves my hands around level three of Blazing Star. I also use the WWE brawlstick for pc gaming, it has a terrible overlay picture, but the sticks itself is ok.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I'm pretty sure that pic is the one E.G. built out of wood, he will half to answer for sure though. Yeah the desktop enclosures are perfect for making sticks. There are several very nice one's out there to choose from depending on how you want it to look.

Yeah, it was built from scratch.

tacoguy, if you like that style just take the pic to one of the SRK guys and have them make it similar but with all the craftsmanship they have acquired over the years. You should see how amazing their work is, please feel free to use those pics for reference. Nothing too fancy to it so it should be fairly easy for one of them. The thing is custom isn't cheap but the enclosures are and I think it's right up your alley if you're willing to tinker a bit with it. I think it's part of the fun and it gives me that rewarding feeling of DIY projects.


Windjammers Wonder
Dec 8, 2013
I'm really considering buying a razer atrox, is this a totally stupid move?

I really like how it's so freaking customizable and easy to mod.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I dunno, that depends on what you want it for. Any decent box is easy to mod.


Morden's Lackey
Jan 25, 2014
I'm really considering buying a razer atrox, is this a totally stupid move?

I really like how it's so freaking customizable and easy to mod.
Quanba Q1 is a lot cheaper and looks to be about on par. They're extremely easy to swap parts in and out of.


Jun 29, 2015
Got a neo-geo cdz and really liked the small controllers coming along
but i do prefer the big arcade stick :)

(one of my 2 small controllers is broken..the small box holding a white button for the moving pad fell off...
with the soldering and all.. i dont know if i can manage to repair something like that :( )


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Mar 5, 2003
I'm not as crafty as some of you guys, but I do have a joystick I'm ordering through Foe Hammer that I'm gonna do custom artwork for and wire up for a Supergun. One question about cutting artwork - I purchased a pretty neat circle cutter that cuts the holes for Seimitsu buttons and Sanwa joystick perfectly, but it only goes as small as 1 inch. Does anyone know the size I need to cut the artwork to fit inside the clear Seimitsu buttons? I was thinking about buying a simple punch to get them nice and round.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
I'm not as crafty as some of you guys, but I do have a joystick I'm ordering through Foe Hammer that I'm gonna do custom artwork for and wire up for a Supergun. One question about cutting artwork - I purchased a pretty neat circle cutter that cuts the holes for Seimitsu buttons and Sanwa joystick perfectly, but it only goes as small as 1 inch. Does anyone know the size I need to cut the artwork to fit inside the clear Seimitsu buttons? I was thinking about buying a simple punch to get them nice and round.

I installed artwork in my buttons as well. But it was just printed paper and I laminated both sides. Then I used a circle ruler to find size and cut out w/ scissors. How thick is the artwork you are using for your buttons? Depending on the thickness and type of material will determine what kind of tool you will need to cut it with.
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