Terminators Genesis and Dark Fate.
Genesis: Yeah i know thats not how its spelled but I can't be bothered. After 3 and Salvation, I can see why they wanted to reboot the Terminator franchise with Genesis. But it was just a misstep after a wrong turn. Emilia Clarke is adorable as always but much like ScarJo, she couldn't act sad if she were crying at her dad's funeral. Also, not a match for Linda Hamilton in any way shape or form. I dont know if they are the same height but to me Clarke seems much shorter than Hamilton. She looks like a little girl rather than an early 20s Sarah Connor. Just not a good match. She cute tho. She def cute.
Johnny Meathead as Kyle Reese? I dont know who this guy is but Im guessing hes a less talented/expensive version of Sam Worthington? Wasn't he in one or more of the Expendables movies? Biehn's Reese was an average height and build guy, but they decided to get some 8 foot neanderthal to play the part.
I think JK Simmons must've had some gambling debts to be in this one. So dumb and trying to set up a new trilogy/franchise with the "who sent Arnie back to 1973" angle. The guy they got for John Conner looks like a dollar menu Quentin Tarantino too. And way to fuck up the entire story by making the character who's supposed to save humanity the actual bad guy.
Dark Fate: So after watching this one again it didn't seem as bad as the first time I watched it. It wasn't very good in the end analysis, but it was definitely better than 3, Salvation and Genesis, though the bar was set pretty low by those 3. McKenzie Davis needs to decide if she's cute or not. She reminds me a lot of a drummer I know, very similar build, short hair, kinda sorta mannish but also bangable at the same time. Ive only seen her in one other thing, I think an episode of Black Mirror but thats all I remember her from.
The augmented human angle isn't a terrible idea, and "El Terminador" being Mexican somehow worked, but he ain't no Robert Patrick. Seeing the way his Terminator "Rev 9" was an endoskeleton wrapped in T1000 metal was kinda cool but it made me dislike T3 even more because they could have gone with that for the Terminatrix. It only made sense. But at this point there's not much they can do to upgrade a Terminator for the eventual sequel/reboot other than just making it grey goo, but thats basically what this thing is. There's just no surpassing the T1000 idea.
The gal they got for the John Connor analogue must've gone to the same acting school as Emilia Clarke, but is not nearly as adorable as Clarke. I cant decide if they went with the "girls take care of stuff" mentality but I'm thinking thats what they were after. I did like how they sorta built on what the T800 was doing in T2, learning and evolving and all but I can't accept that it 'lacked purpose' after killing teen John and then joined a family, raised a son and becoming an interior decorator. I know Cameron was involved with this one but he should have been a little more stringent on where they were going with them.
tl;dr - They should have stopped at T2.