Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Charlie's Angels, the first one, came out when I was in sixth grade. I loved that movie at the time, I thought it was cool as hell. It had a great energy to it and was perfectly cast. Sam Rockwell killed it and now I just remembered the inexplicable Thin Man character played by Crispin Glover. Oh shit, Tom Green as Chad! I think I watched it in a jampacked theater on a Friday night. Good memories all-around.

The sequel though, wtf. I won't even lie to the Kid and tell him I'll give it another chance.
Second one is better than the first. (Lie to me and pretend to) Watch the uncut version. Bernie Mac treats it like an opportunity rather than phoning his performance in the way Bill Murray did.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Sure, no problem, I'll get around to it after Fletch Lives and Get Smart.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Terminators Genesis and Dark Fate.

Genesis: Yeah i know thats not how its spelled but I can't be bothered. After 3 and Salvation, I can see why they wanted to reboot the Terminator franchise with Genesis. But it was just a misstep after a wrong turn. Emilia Clarke is adorable as always but much like ScarJo, she couldn't act sad if she were crying at her dad's funeral. Also, not a match for Linda Hamilton in any way shape or form. I dont know if they are the same height but to me Clarke seems much shorter than Hamilton. She looks like a little girl rather than an early 20s Sarah Connor. Just not a good match. She cute tho. She def cute.

Johnny Meathead as Kyle Reese? I dont know who this guy is but Im guessing hes a less talented/expensive version of Sam Worthington? Wasn't he in one or more of the Expendables movies? Biehn's Reese was an average height and build guy, but they decided to get some 8 foot neanderthal to play the part.

I think JK Simmons must've had some gambling debts to be in this one. So dumb and trying to set up a new trilogy/franchise with the "who sent Arnie back to 1973" angle. The guy they got for John Conner looks like a dollar menu Quentin Tarantino too. And way to fuck up the entire story by making the character who's supposed to save humanity the actual bad guy.

Dark Fate: So after watching this one again it didn't seem as bad as the first time I watched it. It wasn't very good in the end analysis, but it was definitely better than 3, Salvation and Genesis, though the bar was set pretty low by those 3. McKenzie Davis needs to decide if she's cute or not. She reminds me a lot of a drummer I know, very similar build, short hair, kinda sorta mannish but also bangable at the same time. Ive only seen her in one other thing, I think an episode of Black Mirror but thats all I remember her from.

The augmented human angle isn't a terrible idea, and "El Terminador" being Mexican somehow worked, but he ain't no Robert Patrick. Seeing the way his Terminator "Rev 9" was an endoskeleton wrapped in T1000 metal was kinda cool but it made me dislike T3 even more because they could have gone with that for the Terminatrix. It only made sense. But at this point there's not much they can do to upgrade a Terminator for the eventual sequel/reboot other than just making it grey goo, but thats basically what this thing is. There's just no surpassing the T1000 idea.

The gal they got for the John Connor analogue must've gone to the same acting school as Emilia Clarke, but is not nearly as adorable as Clarke. I cant decide if they went with the "girls take care of stuff" mentality but I'm thinking thats what they were after. I did like how they sorta built on what the T800 was doing in T2, learning and evolving and all but I can't accept that it 'lacked purpose' after killing teen John and then joined a family, raised a son and becoming an interior decorator. I know Cameron was involved with this one but he should have been a little more stringent on where they were going with them.

tl;dr - They should have stopped at T2.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
Also tried to rewatch The Terminators. 1 > 2
Watched the extended cut of 2 with the terrible happy ending. Won't watch the extended cut again. I stopped after 3 and should have watched the first 3 times instead.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
Tourist Trap

I've had this one on my list for a while, but never took the time to watch it and I'm glad I finally did because it's a goofy fun time. The kills are kind of lame and the characters (aside from the killer) are all boring as fuck, but man is that killer just selling this so hard. He is chewing the hell out of the scenery and doing a damn good job at being an unhinged goofball. There's some legit creepy effects with all the dummies/masks and I dug the final ending shot a lot.
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Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Yeah, Tourist Trap is a legit underappreciated horror gem or whatever the fucking Youtube influencer phrasing is for that. Goofy and weird and Chuck Connors gives his absolute all. I wouldn't call it a great movie but any horror/slasher fan should see it.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
I'm fully in camp "more random backwoods folk need unexplained psychokinetic powers" in Horror movies.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Fletch Lives and T3 are vastly superior to the Charlie's Angels movies.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016

It was good. A little long, slow, but good. I actually liked Tommy Chamomile Tea as Paul in this one more than the first. Zendaya as cute-as-a-button-but-no-titties as she is, I didnt think she was a great choice for Chani.

Austin Butler as Fayd was... interesting, I guess? Maybe I missed something (or a detail from the book I dont remember) but I dont know why the Harkonnens would sometimes shift to completely black and white to color based on their position on screen. It was weird and annoyed me.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
A Moment Of Romance- Stylish Hong Kong action/romance from 1990 starring Andy Lau. I had never heard of this until recently but apparently it's a highly regarded and influential film. I can see why, while it's not as artsy and slick as Fallen Angels or as badass as something like The Killer it's definitely on the same level. It's very heavy on the romance and melodrama, honestly it's so far beyond cliche it comes back around and somehow manages to work.

The plot is pretty basic; Andy Lau is a gangster and when a bank robbery goes wrong he takes a girl hostage in order to escape and the two of them immediately fall in love. Then they have the cops, rival gang members and her parents after them. Andy Lau spends a lot of time riding around on a motorcycle at night and being a cool lonely guy doing cool lonely guy things. The girl is pretty blah and comes off more as a simpleton than a naive girl in love but again this is melodrama of the highest degree and it reaches almost surreal levels of stupidity. So whatever. There's some great cinematography and shots of HK but it never feels like it's trying to show off.

Apparently this was ghost directed by Johnny To, which I believe as it certainly has his finger prints all over it. If you like HK genre stuff this is recommended.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Bullet Train - Brad Pitt plays a hitman/professional thief whose "bad luck" just brings misfortune to others... who generally also happen to be hitmen / gangsters travelling on a bullet train to Kyoto. It's supposed to be a comedy / action film, but I didn't laugh that much and the action was just so-so. Pitt's very likeable (usually is), and there are two cameos. one of which probably generates the funniest exchange in the film. Directed by David Leitch, of John Wick fame, Bullet Train is probably the weakest film he's done... either this or Atomic Blonde. Lot of CGI toward the very end of the film, and it's quite shonky.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Joe Bob had The Toxic Avenger last night. Hadn't seen it in probably 30 years. Toxie (and Troma in general) is the good kind of exploitation trash. There's plenty of baaad acting and the sound mix is terrible but there's some legitimately good stunt work and practical gore stuff and the whole thing is so tongue-in-cheek that you can't get too all up in your feelings about its technical shortcomings. I always loved the obvious ADR for Toxie's voice and the villains are so hilariously 80s. The fact that Toxie became kind of a marketable character that got toys and cartoons and whatever else is some bizarre "could only happen in the 80s" shit.

I have to imagine the upcoming remake will be embarrassingly bad and completely miss the point.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I used to watch Toxic Avenger, Total Recall and Robocop multiple times when I was like 5 and 6 years old. At that age I knew movies were not real so it was just fun. I remember being in second grade and talking to someone about Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight and them being shocked that I could watch it. I guess my reaction was, it's fake, what's the big deal.

Then I watched Toxic Avenger about five years ago and I could barely stomach the bad guys running over that poor boy riding his bicycle. Weird how that turned out. I'm definitely more sensitive to those kinds of things nowadays.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla (74')- This is prime old school Godzilla nonsense, just goofy as hell. An imposter G, aliens, a psychic, a magic pipe, a magic statue and all kinds of nonsensical "science". I love that they consistently over explain needless plot points and completely ignore anything that should be explained. Also the first half of the movie is them taking the magic statue from Okinawa to northern mainland Japan and them immediately having to go back. Completely nullifying everything that happened. Good stuff.
Saw this in the theater, 76ish...awesome!


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Re-watched a ton of stuff recently, and, for better or worse, this one stands out:

Terrifier 2 (re-watch) - I had somehow forgotten how nasty this was. Just, like, yeah, there's a few scenes that are impressive in pushing the limits especially in non-CG effects. It's entirely too long at 145 minutes but also somehow doesn't quite make you mad at it. The third one in the series is apparently due for a Halloween 2024 release, pretty sure Art is gonna be back but I can't help but think the little mini-chick-Art would be a better villain, srsly she is something. It's still fun as hell and incredibly hard to judge on terms of quality but recommended if you like the genre.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
Re-watched a ton of stuff recently, and, for better or worse, this one stands out:

Terrifier 2 (re-watch) - I had somehow forgotten how nasty this was. Just, like, yeah, there's a few scenes that are impressive in pushing the limits especially in non-CG effects. It's entirely too long at 145 minutes but also somehow doesn't quite make you mad at it. The third one in the series is apparently due for a Halloween 2024 release, pretty sure Art is gonna be back but I can't help but think the little mini-chick-Art would be a better villain, srsly she is something. It's still fun as hell and incredibly hard to judge on terms of quality but recommended if you like the genre.
Next one is supposed to be a Christmas film, which I am totally there for.

I'm a big fan of Art and the franchise, but that running time on part two was just so unnecessary.

I'll happily take a two hour plus long Horror film if it's some A24 artsy shit, but for gore-fest schlock like Terrifier? That's just dumb.
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Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Please don't tell me McG is one of those Bryan Singer/Brett Ratner pedos. Maybe he's never done any other good movies, but those two McG Charlie's Angels movies are fucking tremendous. Ratner has never once done anything even slightly good. I don't know if even Uwe Boll could manage to fuck up a movie with Chris Tucker in his prime and Jackie Chan the way Ratner did.
No he isn't as a while back I remember in a interview that after his brother overdosed on cocaine he by his own words has been "the friend that doesn't party or anything but hopes you call him as your designated driver & etc." Last movie I saw of his that he did was The Babysitter movies on Netflix which had it had better casts could have been enjoyable imo.

on topic:

Monkey Man
- even better the second time

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
Hundreds of Beavers

What an absolute treat.

I have been waiting on this one for a while now and it did not let me down in the slightest. This is just peak creativity and is a testament that there are still plenty of people out there in the world that continue to bring joyously unique ideas to film.

I'd suggest watching the trailer in lieu of me even bothering to start explaining this as I feel like it's better seen than described, but if you're a fan of Looney Tunes and absurdist comedies then this is a must-see.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Keanu Reeves has been cast as Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

I can't believe fucking Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey, James Marsden, and Idris Elba are in a god damn Sonic movie.