Nintendo NX for March 2017. Zelda delayed. No NX at e3. WTF


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
If the CPU and GPU aren't close to PS4 quality, it's all over. And if the games have a 32GB cap based on the software medium (as suggested in the article), it's all over. Otherwise, they have a small chance of staying in the home console market. Either way, I just don't see how they could make such boneheaded decisions regarding hardware design.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
those banking on a relative powerhouse - prepare for disappointment
it makes sense that their next handheld system will be as powerful as the PS3 generation, the 3DS being equivalent to a 128bit

I think you're giving the 3DS too much credit. Looks like a midpoint between N64 and Dreamcast to me.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I think you're giving the 3DS too much credit. Looks like a midpoint between N64 and Dreamcast to me.

maybe but my point was that it was taking that route, as in cheapest tech available, their stance being based on innovation regarding existing tech mostly, and not related to cutting edge tech.

in fact the NX being a variation of the WiiU is not at all surprising.

the Wii was a Gamecube with whiter teeth. Nintendo pitch tent at the bargain section.

they should call it the WiiY, as in why?


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Eh, I think that the whole "Nintendo's secret is to use older tech" is a bit of a fallacy. NES, GB, and Wii, sure. But SNES, N64, and GC were all pretty powerful for their time. And even if that is their strategy, yeah, they get to break even or make a few bucks per unit rather than selling hardware at a loss, but that's at the expense of 3rd party support, which is not a fair trade in my opinion.

They've talked about "unifying" their console and portable hardware, but this feels more like throwing out the console business than a unification between the two.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
This is exactly what many of us suggested - A console that is far more mobile than a home brick. I was hoping for a combined mobile/console system, so I'm jacked.

The era of the home console is over. The PS4 and Xbone are a poor man's computer. There's nothing unique about either platform. They offer no advantages, and they both fail miserably as a media box. The fact that they were grossly inadequate at launch is even more evident now that they are releasing updated hardware only 2 years later.

The WiiU survived because it offered something different. Nintendo would not survive if they released a direct competitor even if it was 2x the power of PS4 neo. The Tegra part would be a bit of a bummer if it's true. Tegra's are far more powerful than people expect, but it's not as good as an AMD APU. I'm sure nintendo tried to gain an advantage by switching to Nvidia, but Nvidia doesn't have anything to compete in this space.


Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Nvidia Tegra isn't awful but not much an improvement on the Wii U specs if at all. I hoping they put Tegra 2 in it, could be possible given it isn't out yet and neither is the NX.

Tegra makes perfect sense for a portable console. I bet the new nintendo console is going to be tiny (at least smaller than wii u gamepad) with lots of battery life.

Cartridges could be great, I miss those days of little to no load times :)


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I think you're giving the 3DS too much credit. Looks like a midpoint between N64 and Dreamcast to me.









And if you count New 3DS...
(too many images
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20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Eh, I think that the whole "Nintendo's secret is to use older tech" is a bit of a fallacy. NES, GB, and Wii, sure. But SNES, N64, and GC were all pretty powerful for their time. And even if that is their strategy, yeah, they get to break even or make a few bucks per unit rather than selling hardware at a loss, but that's at the expense of 3rd party support, which is not a fair trade in my opinion.

They've talked about "unifying" their console and portable hardware, but this feels more like throwing out the console business than a unification between the two.

well maybe they want to win back the Japanese audience who are all about their cellphones and shit. since the Vita is basically dead and Sony look to have left the portable industry, this could be a winner takes all strategy. as disgruntled as the whole current state of gaming may have us, can't help but feel Nintendo are reading things quite correctly.
maybe this will be a japanese-centric system.


Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Not to be mean, but apart from maybe the Resident Evil screenshot I'd say all of those are about par with the dreamcast.

If I could be bothered I'd post images of soul calibur, sonic adventure 2, shenmue and phantasy star online here. I'll concide the resident evil revalations looks better than Code Veronica did.


Been There., Done That., It Was Shit.,
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007


Camel Slug
May 10, 2016
Nigga, fuck yo miibos

Agreed, but I do wonder what Nintendo are going to do with amiibo going forward. I mean they've already blown their load by releasing all the Smash characters, plus a load of Mario and Kirby ones. And the Animal Crossing series which no one seems to care about....

They've made Nintendo a shit ton of cash, so you'd think they'd want to continue with them, but they're going to have to increase their functionality somehow.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Not to be mean, but apart from maybe the Resident Evil screenshot I'd say all of those are about par with the dreamcast.

If I could be bothered I'd post images of soul calibur, sonic adventure 2, shenmue and phantasy star online here. I'll concide the resident evil revalations looks better than Code Veronica did.

but the original post I made was about the 3DS being on par with 128bit consoles. it's just how I see the handheld evolution going with N, save the VB which was 32bit, elsewhere it's been 8bit,16bit,64bit(DS),128bit, and now possibly on par with PS3/WiiU. maybe the technology didn't actually reflect the bits I am mentioning but it seems to me that those are the generations of consoles it basically brought to the handheld world on a timeline they themselves deviced anachronologically. if that is even a word I don't know


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Given the sort of knowns and unknowns you could speculate within fair reason what to expect here given the story in the last 24 hours. We're working with a system here, a tablet/controller device of sorts that is running some form of a NintendOS that's suspiciously like Android but not, and that is very very capable of good things because of the Tegra chip within.

Given Nintendo likes to go cheap, but not too cheap, and likes to use known easy to grasp and use tech, and given what's on the market now and how they like to stay within a budget you can guess out what we're kind of looking at. At a rough guess here, look no further than the Nvidia Shield Tablet and Console using the T1/X1 processors or potentially the quietly worked upon sequel that should pop up anytime too. The word out there so far that is solid is that the device is stupid easy to code for, that people who know Android or make Android games can literally pop and drop a game off that and have it running relatively well on this NX device with nearly no effort and just mild tweaking to get things kosher *plus meeting Nintendo Tech Standards too.* If this mock up is correct I think we'd be looking at the potency of either of the existing Shield devices power considering Nvidia is developing it with them, why not use what's already R&D'd and cheap to export to another device? NIntendo can then still safely lie and say it doesn't run Android, as much as Amazon will say theirs doesn't because it runs FireOS (hmm NintendOS??) seems plausible. Look at what has come out so far that only works on the Shield device such as that 1080p level Doom 3BFG edition with the prior 2 games included that runs at a solid 60fps while the shitty console versions run at half that and get some FPS hiccups (which is tragic.) There are other titles that Shield runs too that are jaw dropping. Also figure this, those games when shoveled over onto Android only run within the 1-2GB space, and only 1-2 games currently in the format reach into the 3-4GB cap...this Nintendo device will if not a lie/rumor handle a 32GB space. LOTS of room for development of bigger things.

It's just something to think about as those are some knowns with the OS leaked by game makers on the back side, then the nvidia info that came out too with some flavor of Tegra if it's the shield tablet/console one or the newer chip., and the rest. That's my take on it at least. Nintendo may be boobs when it comes to consoles but on the portable side they're competent even in a world where tablets and phones are chewing away at their market penetration. This way you'll have a system that can use those games that are eroding their sales base plus have their own stuff to compliment to as well which would be a win-win, especially if that thing gets some basic tablet services (email, browser, netflix-amazon-etc streaming, etc.)


Chin's Bartender
Nov 6, 2015
Man... a little rumor made by Eurogamer... an affiliate of Nintendo Life which has been filling in dead news-time with various NX rumors, since there is little news to actually report. I mean they have 3 fucking articles about the same fucking rumor right next to each other.

Is it possible the NX is using an ARM SOC with Nvidia tech? Yes, especially for a handheld, the 3DS uses an ARM SOC with a mobile video chipset.

Am I going to get all upset and call it now that Nintendo is making a micro console ? No, because its just a rumor, and it contradicts press releases concerning the NX. Whatever it is, its likely going to be as powerful as the current PS4/XB1.

So if its Nvidia... its probably a custom SOC much more beefed up then the Tegra they are releasing.

But really we don't know enough yet to be feeling anything ATM.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
yeah. the internet has speculation fever. I'll hold off with the guessing games, but I'm really interested in the handheld aspect as someone that travels almost weekly.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
well.. it's not a home console per se, so it falls into the portable category as do all tabletops.
it is the successor to the gb. it qualifies as a handheld
also, maybe at the time the VB was a very, very, very odd thing. but once it was dead and buried I unearthed one and it is stunning. like Rezo sais. it is a one-of-a-kind contraption, a strange monster, but a monster non the less.

While if I could only play one home console for the rest of my life I'd probably choose the Japanese Sega Saturn for the expansive variety of arcade titles, there's only 3 consoles I hold dear to my heart.
The Virtual Boy for my first Stereoscopic 3D experience, the Gamate for being a console created by one of these most imaginative atari 2600 developers IMO, and the Neo Geo AES for being an arcade perfect version of the first arcade machine that I purchased for myself (my father collected Arcade machines since before I was born, and my mother pinball).

So yes, back to the Virtual Boy. Too weird to live, too rare to die.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Those 3DS screenshots look nice, but they don't look as good in person on a 3DS XL. Plus they're using a lot of tricks to fake lighting and some of those textures are super muddy. Some of the particle effects are nice though, and the Resident Evil game does look good. But I think the N64 would have come pretty close to recreating about half of those.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
Oh please no! Really can't stand HCG.

Nerd with an opinion? Check.

Wall of games as a background? Check

Doesn't seem to really understand what he is talking about? Check Check


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
If it's a tegra chip set. I'll hold reservation. I own a shield tv and the thing is blazing fast and produces quite a bit of power for such a small piece of machinery. Now I don't necessarily believe the Tegra chipset rumor. Just because of what I've seen with my shield tv is that it would be on par power wise to the Wii U in the graphics department. Now that would put it leaps and bounds better than the DS but not a jump for their current console.

I would say that the current Wii U, for Nintendo titles, is more than enough. But we all know that it wouldn't be enough to entice 3rd party publishers. The rumors were more steady on this thing being able to run the current Unreal Engine at current gen specs(PS4/XB1).

I definitely buy the rumors that this thing will be hybrid unit, but there has to be some type of dock that allows for more power. It's plausible to have a Tegra chipset in the portable but perhaps offering a dock that allows an external GPU like that of current laptops that allow for a external GPU.


Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Man... a little rumor made by Eurogamer... an affiliate of Nintendo Life which has been filling in dead news-time with various NX rumors, since there is little news to actually report...

...Whatever it is, its likely going to be as powerful as the current PS4/XB1.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 4 years ago Eurogamers sources were the first to report the specs of the Wii U, known then as Project Cafe accurately,

Its definitely going to be based on Nvidia Tegra, all we can hope for is that Nintendo have the sense to wait for Tegra 2 which will narrow the gap between it and the PS4/Xbone, rather than use the two year out of date Tegra 1 by the time the NX is released.