OFFICIAL Star Trek Thread

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Pssh, TNG Worf was nothing more than Riker's Chewbacca.

Rumour has it Michael Dorn, who plays Worf, has been pushing really hard for a Worf spin off series and may be getting somewhere with it. Five years ago I think he might have had a chance, but personally I think the new films have put the nail in the coffin, but will have to wait and see.

Also, before the TNG films were pulled because of 'franchise fatigue' Brent Spiner was working on a script that pulled together all five Trek series so far. Would have been interesting to see what that could have held - though I wasn't much of a fan of Generations.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Rumour has it Michael Dorn, who plays Worf, has been pushing really hard for a Worf spin off series and may be getting somewhere with it. Five years ago I think he might have had a chance, but personally I think the new films have put the nail in the coffin, but will have to wait and see.

Also, before the TNG films were pulled because of 'franchise fatigue' Brent Spiner was working on a script that pulled together all five Trek series so far. Would have been interesting to see what that could have held - though I wasn't much of a fan of Generations.

Dorn's been talking about doing a Kickstarter to get a Worf-show off the ground. With all the Trekkies out there I bet it would be crowdfunded in a hurry.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977

Of course, DS9 brought up the fact that Qo'noS was attacked by the Hur'q who were driven off. I believe it was later linked to how the Klingons ever got warp drive.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Dorn's been talking about doing a Kickstarter to get a Worf-show off the ground. With all the Trekkies out there I bet it would be crowdfunded in a hurry.

I reckon so - people are trek hungry, it's been over 7 years since a new tv episode of any kind of star trek has been released. The next series, whatever form it takes, is going to be huge.

I hope when it's released it's more like the other tv series and doesn't take too much from the new films - I think they're great for the big screen but the thing I've always liked about the tv series' is the slow, ponderous, thoughtful nature of it all. That's what made Picard the greatest captain of all time.




Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Mar 13, 2008
So from some comments it looks like the bad guy is supposed to be gary mitchell and from that preview it sort of fits. I was hoping for Khan or something from one of the books oh well well see.


Kula's Diamond
10 Year Member
Aug 16, 2011
Official Trailer (shown with The Hobbit)

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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
As I mentioned in The Hobbit thread, I liked this one. It did better in my theater than Robot Jox II.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I'm going to see it, but the trailer isn't doing anything for me.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Hey Wes, now that some time's passed--any lingering thoughts on DS9?

A few thoughts:

I actually like that Garak survived because his character was arguably one of the most complex: You have no idea what he's thinking but you sort of get a feeling that, over the course of the series, he develops his equivalent of a conscience. Seeing him quietly crushed at the utter devastation of his home world was an interesting place to see him leave off. I know that his actor, Andrew J. Robinson, would use an old acting technique and write a diary from Garak's point of view to help him figure out motivations. To help him get closure with the role, after the series wrapped, he added some more entries, this time as supposed correspondence with Bashir, and with the blessing of Paramount and published it as "A Stitch In Time". I have a copy but haven't read it--the consensus is it's supposed to be very good for what it is as Robinson understands the character so fully that it really does seem like something he would write.

I also liked the all-Vic Fontaine episodes and that they somehow (1) got a real singer from that era to play the role and (2) made the character work. I also liked how Sisko sniped about how, though the holodeck fixed it, black people weren't welcome in that age.

The end for Sisko was originally scripted and filmed as much more final: He's not coming back. Apparently, in the 11th hour, Brooks called the producers and asked if they could make there a window to his possible return only because he felt weird about portraying another black father not being there for his family. They then went back and refilmed his talk with Kasidy Yates to have some more ambiguity. It's kind of brutal that he never says anything to Jake--which makes that last shot of him looking out the window more sad but appropriate for the episode's theme and title "what you leave behind".

There was a long-running plan to give the last line of the entire series to Morn (who had the same actor throughout), but they instead went with Quark--and the line "the more things change, the more they stay the same" was great.

The stuff with Dukat and Ziyal was my favorite part of Dukat: the way he loses his sanity immediately after her death was crushing--you could tell that any chance of his character redeeming itself died with her.

I liked that Damar's death was abrupt and didn't allow for some great final speech--brutal and realistic. Interestingly the Cardie who had replaced him as the Dominion crony was the same actor as the Mars cab driver "Vinnie" from Total Recall.

With that said, characters like Garak and Damar were examples of how the writers were willing to take what were initially minor roles and run with them when the actors seemed to show promise. On the flip side, Bareil (the Vedek Kira was into) wasn't working so great so they eventually wrote him out.

As for the montage in the final episode, it's too bad Terry Farrell's agents were unable to negotiate her clip appearances--that's why Jadzia never appears and they only show clips with Erzi. That scene in the holodeck, with everyone drinking at Vic's, actually has most of the cast, crew and others without make-up in the background.

I really liked the series. One thing I don't like when it comes to Star Trek is when they have to use 4 episodes to tell a story, and DS9 had a lot of that, but it's not that big of a deal to me.

Right now I'm watching Enterprise. I'm kind of bummed that it's only 4 seasons, and I'm in the 4th season right now. I do like seeing the actor for Weyoun pop up from time to time --he's such a good actor. Also, it took me a long time to figure out why I didn't like Archer in the beginning. As a Captain, he doesn't seem confident, or capable. I'm so used to Picard or Sisko having very definite opinions on a subject, and (seemingly) knowing exactly what to do in a situation. Archer possesses neither of these traits. He speaks with authority (sometimes), but I have a hard time taking him seriously.

That is, until they got to the expanse. He made a couple of moves that made me fall in love with him immediately --Shoving that guy in the airlock, torturing him for information, and stealing the warp coils (I think it was warp coils) from that other ship, effectively leaving them with a 3 year trip to their homeworld. These actions were completely out of the Star Fleet box of thinking that I was used to other captains doing, and it seemed like a real human thing to do.

After that, I was able to view Archer in a different light. I'd sort of expect a captain from one of the first star ships to be a bit rough around the edges --unsure of how to approach and/handle a situation. It's a different spin on a captain that I really, really liked.

Some other stuff I'm liking about Enterprise:

I love when they found Borg on Earth, and when they escaped, they destroyed them, but not before they got off a distress call that wouldn't reach the Borg homeworld for....200 years.

The fact that there are dozens and dozens of different aliens. I wonder what the fuck happened to 2/3rds of them in the future, because they weren't in any of the new Star Treks. Maybe it's somehow explained at the end of season 4.

It was kind of cheesy, but seeing Brent Spiner play Dr. Soong was kind of cool. I wish the augments didn't look like something from Escape from LA, but it (lamely) gave Soong a reason to go into cybernetics.

Everything about T'Pol. EVERYTHING.

Vulcans being huge assholes, and being so involved with human space exploration.

But yeah, sorry to get off of the DS9 subject, but it's all about Enterprise, now.


20 Year Member
Apr 19, 2001
I'm going to see it, but the trailer isn't doing anything for me.
I haven't liked any of the trailers so far, but the 7-minute clip prior to the IMAX version of The Hobbit was pretty darn entertaining.

It did hit the water but looks like it was going to end up on shore. I hope they handle that scene properly.
The extended preview shows that
the Enterprise is hiding underwater to avoid violating the Prime Directive on a primitive world.
Makes for great visuals, but I have a lot of technical issues with the entire scenario. I was expecting a lot of nerdrage in this thread over this.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
7 minute clip?

Like a really awesome teaser/trailer? That's cool.

I saw the standard no frills edition of the hobbit and it was the same trailer we already saw. That trailer sucks.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
A really nice story about a dying man's wish to see the new Star Trek film.

Via Reddit.

So it looks like the guy wanted to see the new Star Trek film before he passed away and the community made it happen. Abrams heard about it and screened an unfinished print of the film for him.

The cynic in me has me thinking 'this will be good pub for the film' but really, I don't care about the political side to it (if there even IS one) that much. It's just great, whatever the reason, that the guy got to see the movie before meeting his fate. And Abrams is, at heart, as big a fanboy as anybody, so I believe that had a huge role in the decision as well.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Happy 20th Anniversary, Deep Space 9!

January 3, 1993.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
How the hell did I miss this thread? Anyways, posting so I can track this one better.

Big fan of TOS and TNG (series and movies). I'm currently re-watching the TNG series on Netflix (God bless them for their Trek content). I'm currently on Season 6 and just made it past the 2 part "Chain of Command" episode. You know, the one where Picard takes a temp. mission to Cardassian territory and the replacement Capt. of the Enterprise is kind of a dick. I mean, he made Deanna cover up her cleavage and put on a normal uniform! WTF!? :D
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StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
You know, the one where Picard takes a temp. mission to Cardassian territory and the replacement Capt. of the Enterprise is kind of a dick. I mean, he made Deanna cover up her cleavage and put on a normal uniform! WTF!? :D

Awesome two parter. He shits all over Riker but Riker also oversteps the mark. Riker is right in what he says, but in a chain of command he should be accustomed to keeping his mouth shut no matter how much he disagrees with orders. There's quite a lot of that in Trek, where you're thinking if someone said that in the military as it is right now they'd be taken out the back and rightfully beasted for a week.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
Awesome two parter. He shits all over Riker but Riker also oversteps the mark. Riker is right in what he says, but in a chain of command he should be accustomed to keeping his mouth shut no matter how much he disagrees with orders. There's quite a lot of that in Trek, where you're thinking if someone said that in the military as it is right now they'd be taken out the back and rightfully beasted for a week.

Yeah, agreed. Was a great 2 part episode. I've never been a huge Riker fan. Similar with Kirk in the TOS, but for whatever reason, Kirk's character is much more entertaining... funny as Roddenberry supposedly modeled both Kirk and Will after his own personality.

Looking fw'd to finishing up TNG again though. As big a Trek fan I am, I never really got into any of the other series. I'll be giving DS9 another go shortly.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Yeah, agreed. Was a great 2 part episode. I've never been a huge Riker fan. Similar with Kirk in the TOS, but for whatever reason, Kirk's character is much more entertaining... funny as Roddenberry supposedly modeled both Kirk and Will after his own personality.

Looking fw'd to finishing up TNG again though. As big a Trek fan I am, I never really got into any of the other series. I'll be giving DS9 another go shortly.

It gets quite a bit of stick from a lot of fans, but my guilty secret is Voyager. I loved TOS and TNG because they were all pretty much stand alone episodes. Voyager has a beginning, a middle and an end that are predefined so you always know where you stand. DS9 never really did it for me because it didn't have either so I found it hard to get in to. There isn't a mission as such, or a goal that is set early on, just a continuing story line. That's not to say I wouldn't eventually get into it, I just haven't had time to get into it yet, mainly because I've been watching TOS, TNG and Voyager from start to finish for the last 20 years...

Basically what I'm saying is don't discount Voyager, if you can ignore Ja Ja "Neelix" Binks and focus on Seven instead you'll be happy. As for DS9 - if you plan on watching it set aside a full weekend, cane ten back to back episodes then I'm told you'll be hooked. If you do it half heartedly you'll probably give up again.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
Bringing this oldie but a goodie thread back after a couple months.

Just watched DS9 S4E2 "The Visitor" and was reminded why I consider this one of the best Star Trek episodes (TV) of any of the series. I recall back in the mid nineties when this ep. first came out. I was around 18 yrs old and this episode got to me emotionally then. Now I'm in the latter half of my mid-30s and it still got to my heart strings just as effectively as it did back then so many years ago.

For me, this ranks right up there with TNG's "The Inner Light" and TOS's "Balance of Terror" or "Mirror Mirror." It's just that fuggin' good. It's a shame I didn't really get into watching the DS9 series in order till now but better late than never.

OK that's enough of my emotional nerd rant for the evening.
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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
I think I could happily watch a new ST show about just about any one character from DS9 except maybe Ezri or Rom (though I would be game if it were about all the Ferengi).


Kula's Diamond
10 Year Member
Aug 16, 2011
Some new footage of Star Trek Into Darkness (Teaser #2)



Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Some new footage of Star Trek Into Darkness (Teaser #2)

I'm glad they've gone away from the Batman-ish theme they were (understandably) referencing in the first trailer/poster.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Cannot wait for Into Darkness. I really enjoyed the first JJ Trek and am looking forward to seeing how he can follow it up.

I never could get into Voyager, Enterprise, or the Animated Series. I really tried to like DS9 but I just don't dig the premise or the pace. When the Dominion War starts us it gets a lot more watchable but it never approaches The Original Series or Next Generation for me.

I would love to see a new series starring a new cast in a new timeframe.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Cannot wait for Into Darkness. I really enjoyed the first JJ Trek and am looking forward to seeing how he can follow it up.

I never could get into Voyager, Enterprise, or the Animated Series. I really tried to like DS9 but I just don't dig the premise or the pace. When the Dominion War starts us it gets a lot more watchable but it never approaches The Original Series or Next Generation for me.

I would love to see a new series starring a new cast in a new timeframe.

Rewatch the first season of TNG. You'll come back to earth.