Jesus fuck it wasn't so long ago that we were mocking the absolute awful art style and gameplay... not only he learned nothing and went through with it but of course retro gaming midwits are praising it. If the game had a slightly better art style it would be enough to trick them into having the kickstart go past the $190000 goal mark (what the fuck).
I feel sorry the most for Dreamcast/Sega fans to be quite honest, they still haven't figured out that the only reason these dreamcast ports happen is because it's piss easy to do, it's the lowest of the low hanging fruit when talking about programming for old consoles (you use C and standard fixed pipeline OpenGL calls, and if you're doing pure 2D there's zero complications to think of). It's literally kickstarter bait/fodder: help us fund the game 3x and a DREAMCAST!!!! port is going to happen!
These are the equivalents of straight-from-PSX ports that happened during the commercial life of the dreamcast, and I wonder if there were any retards at the time praising those too.