I'm considering moving on from my AES JP collection but am struggling a bit with how to do it given the substantial price of some of the games. I approached the Neo Store to see if I could work something out but they ghosted me. I'm not really a fan of ebay for items of this value given that they always side with buyers and if I get a scummy buyer, they can just swap the original out with a fake and claim some bs reason that they're unsatisfied and get a refund (leaving me 100% screwed). I'm wondering if there are any Neo groups where in person exchange/wire transfer transactions are a possibility. I'm in the US. Thanks in advance.
Set a "lowest I'll take" price for each game for yourself and begin your sale about 10% above that, but at least 10% below current market value. Mark down over time until you reach your threshold and then play the waiting game and leave yourself open to reasonable offers. That's my general rule of thumb.
Any game over $1000 will just take time to sell - These games are valuable, but most folks don't have that kind of money sitting around. Your lower priced games will sell relatively quickly, though. That copy of SSVS I have up for sale both here and eBay? I don't expect that to sell for multiple months.
The only way to quickly sell a high-value AES game is to put it on auction with the express knowledge that unless it's Metal Slug or Neo Turf Masters, you more than likely won't get what you want out of the sale. You do have some protections as a seller on eBay, but private sales are always the recommended way to go about this.
I've also reached out to the Neo-Store in the past and never did hear back from them, so I've given up on that route myself.
One thing that I found when selling over half of my AES collection last year is the bundle deals work well so long as there is a "savings" for the bundle offer.
@city41 said, Facebook groups are about the only other outlet aside from just blasting your sale on multiple forums.
Hope this helps, man! Good luck!