Tonight’s debate

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002

It will Camacho-level Chaos as the open convention endeavors to line up 700 some odd delegates to unify and get behind the last ditch candidate.

Biden is pulling a Ginsberg, and not retiring in time to hedge against the opposing side.

If RGB would’ve stepped down when Democrats had solid sway, the Supreme Court would’ve looked markedly different than it does today.
100% agree


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I think that's part of the point. Make it so byzantine and impenetrable that we just accept whatever they give us.

The Phillip K Dick anthology series on Amazon has a few standout episodes and one of them called, I think, “kill all others” that features an election for the president of US-Mexico-Canada (as were one country) and it’s just one person running only referred to as “the candidate.”

It’s an excellent episode.


Funster Mod
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
LOL even NPR is running stories on how bad Biden’s performance was at the debate.




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Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
Actual debate in a nutshell:

Biden: I was umf, I was there and support herd border, I mean Covid Israel and I supported Israel more than she did. *looks off to nowhere in particular*

Trump: Don't know what he said right there. Don't think he knows either. *moves hands horizontally back and forth for no reason* Anyway I supported Israel the most. Total support ask anyone. *pinches fingers together and points at the moderators for no real reason* I'm the best ask Israel they say I'm the best, I'm not gonna say it, they will.

Biden: You're an alley cat man. And a loser man and that's malarkey cause it...

Trump: *frowns, purses lips* *raises eyebrows, looks off to the side then smiles condescendingly to the camera like a dick*

Biden: *looks at random wall in disbelief* And I am soda I mean, sorta Israel I been billions.

Trump: He's delusional. I support Israel. *moves hands back and forth like he's waving away a fart* My best daughter, the best believe me, best daughter you'll ever see. *pinches fingers, waves them back and forth again, then points towards moderators* Married Israel believe me. *puts hands up again, moves them back and forth and smiles like an asshole, shrugs slightly*

Biden: *looks to the ceiling* all my kids married Israel, I, and umf, I think together we can beep it. *starts whispering* All of 'em married. *looks up at camera with crazy unhinged old man smile*

Trump: He doesn't know. Believe me if I were President that attack on Israel wouldn't have happened. *waves hands horizontally for no reason* Believe me. *starts pointing at nothing and moving hands back and forth* You're a Palestinian Joe. Gonna call you Sleepy Palestinian. *retarded smug look on face*

Biden: *looks like he was just suddenly woken up for school* I've always supported Israel and the border. At the border too he doesn't cause I do and will I do at the border. *looks off to side for potential surprise ice cream*

Trump: He's a Palestinian. Sleepy Palestinian Joe. *shrugs slightly, raises eyebrows, condescending asshole smile off to the side to no one in particular*

That's it. Fuck you, fuck the press on all sides, fuck the mindless sheep in this country for the past 80 years, and fuck the United States of America. Genuinely. Oh and fucking God Bless. Also just kidding.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Propping up a feeble old man and running a government by proxy through him, all while the media and his cronies in Dc insisted that behind closed doors, he was quite vigorous and lucid.
That's exactly what they're doing. I don't even know who's actually running the government, but it sure as hell isn't a president.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000

It will be Camacho-level Chaos as the open convention endeavors to line up 700 some odd delegates to unify and get behind the last ditch candidate.

Biden is pulling a Ginsberg, and not retiring in time to hedge against the opposing side.

If RGB would’ve stepped down when Democrats had solid sway, the Supreme Court would’ve looked markedly different than it does today.
I think Bill Maher coined the term "Ruth Bader Biden"? back it in September, 2023. Seems prophetic now.

Last edited:


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
This is our fault.
We held no one accountable after handing them the keys.


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
The loser of the debate was the American people.
Way to mindlessly parrot mainstream American political theater discourse. There were no winners in the debate, true, but there was definitely one loser.. Don't want to name that specific demographic in this section of the forums though. Both right and left in this country are two wings on the same fucking bird of prey. Once you recognize the actual puppet masters, this "debate" reveals its true form - pure fucking theater. How entertained were you though, aren't you still?


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
His Israeli handlers put some downers in his metamucil you could say, just kidding lol. I wouldn't say that God Bless.


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
Today fami and Taiso separated. This is basically our Day the Music Died.
You talk nonsense. That's OK. This is the bottom line held by Jews.. Again Sage, just fucking kidding! God bless.

If you motherfuckers do not know who are actually pulling your strings by now

God help us.

God fucking help us.

lmbo this debate is tearing this forum apart LMBO
Fag's take. I see no great seperation here.

Sometimes whe.n you you hate... A certain hat. Well here i am. Hopefully immune yet afraid. I speak until my end. I will not stop.

my last several posts. Sorry. You. Know godamn well what I say is true, even when you make a mockery of me

Would you mind putting it all in one post?
well I would love to! But I don't have that button anymore.


Just kidding God Bless.

Seriously guys, you motherfuckers, please think on it.

You know what I say is true! You have dealt with them. Fucking A.

Love you guys. Hate k**es. God Fucking Bless.

And just kidding

All that being said, just kidding,

I would never know so much.

Am I still here? No ?
Oh well

Well then what a celebration.

Christ then, lol ahaha.


what a fed celebration

Yahaha. The posts now, that's insanity. Makes me look nuts. Love it