BEST TV Shows to watch... CURRENTLY...


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Started watching Star Trek TNG last night. I skipped right to season 3. I mentioned in another thread that I had tried for years to get into it but was never able to get past the first season. I haven't gotten to any of the really good episodes yet but this already looks and feels like a completely different show. That first season felt like a sloppy and woefully outdated update to TOS that was downright embarrassing at times. This feels like they're really starting to get things figured out and looks leagues better.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Regarding TNG. It's really refreshing in this day and age to watch a show about diplomacy, problem solving, cooperation and believing the the good in people. Makes me realize how warped so much entertainment has become and how easily we've accepted it.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Wife and I decided to check out Dark on the netflix. Just finished the first season, it was entertaining if a little predicable due to time travel show tropes.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Wife and I decided to check out Dark on the netflix. Just finished the first season, it was entertaining if a little predicable due to time travel show tropes.
I liked the first couple episodes a lot. But it was pretty eye-rolling by 3/4 into the first season. Then the season 1 cliffhanger which took the characters into a Mad Max future made me laugh out loud and quit the show. Great theme song, though.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
White Lotus Season 2- Pretty much the same premise as the first one; a bunch of horrible rich people on vacation somewhere amazing being horrible to each other. This time they're in Italy. If you liked the first season this is more of the same, almost to a fault as it feels too similar in tone, pacing and story arcs. That isn't to say it's worse though, just more. I am glad that they had Jennifer Coolidge back, she really gets a chance to shine here and has imo easily the best story.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities - utterly boring. For some reason, I sat through seven of the eight episodes of this before remembering that I could just not finish it. The one with Kate Micucci was the only one that was even moderately entertaining. The glowing critic reviews are baffling to me.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities - utterly boring. For some reason, I sat through seven of the eight episodes of this before remembering that I could just not finish it. The one with Kate Micucci was the only one that was even moderately entertaining. The glowing critic reviews are baffling to me.
Damn. I loved all but one episode.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities - utterly boring. For some reason, I sat through seven of the eight episodes of this before remembering that I could just not finish it. The one with Kate Micucci was the only one that was even moderately entertaining. The glowing critic reviews are baffling to me.
We just kind of lost interest after the second episode, never went back to it. Usually, this kind of thing is right up my street, but I dunno. I might give it another chance later. But I'm kind of of the opinion del Toro is overrated in general. Shape of Water was so bad, I almost didn't watch this at all.
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Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
Yeah, the second episode was so bad my wife and I gave up..... At least Pinocchio was fantastic


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
If you guys didn't watch the episode by Panos Cosmatos with Peter Weller and Eric Andre you're missing out.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I did indeed watch that one, I didn't quite place Panos at first so I had to IMDB his name and then went yep, that's definitely rocking some Mandy vibes. I liked that episode right up to the end, kinda felt like he had the journey mapped out perfectly but not much of a destination.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I did indeed watch that one, I didn't quite place Panos at first so I had to IMDB his name and then went yep, that's definitely rocking some Mandy vibes. I liked that episode right up to the end, kinda felt like he had the journey mapped out perfectly but not much of a destination.
Yeah, it kind of fell apart in the last few minutes but everything up till then was awesome.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
but not much of a destination.
In just a few words, you perfectly summed up the first two episodes. I had the strong feeling that would apply to the rest as well, which is why we stopped.
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Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Been re-watching Fringe, hadn't seen it since it originally aired. It's basically JJ Abrams X-Files but it's still pretty solid and original enough but there is a lot of stuff cribbed or outright stolen from other shows and movies. Also Lance Reddick FTW, dude is always awesome. Crazy to think he did this and The Wire practically back to back, dude works.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Love Fringe.

It kinda sorta petered out (tee hee) toward the last season, but I thought the ending was solid, and tied up the first season pretty well.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I remember thinking Anna Torv was kind of meh-looking but honestly compared to other shows from the time it's nice to see a woman that actually looks the part and is still attractive. So many shows have female cops or FBI agents running around in designer clothes with their tits out, high heels and porn make up.

I have to say though the blatant stealing from other (usually superior) material is pretty lazy. I think a lot of that is due to the fact that it's till old school seasonal format, 20+ episodes at and hour each. That leads to a lot of time to fill with monster of the week shenanigans and recycled plots.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
The Last of Us premier was solid. An extremely faithful adaptation of the game with a few small changes that benefit the TV format. I was expecting it to be pretty good though since it's being done by the guy behind Chernobyl. The casting is good but I still think the girl that plays Ellie is goofy looking.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
Finally got around to watching the final episodes of The Walking Dead.
The last few years made me think of the scene from the Island of Dr. Moreau... just kill me.
Everything just felt tired, the story and the characters.
So in a way it feels good that it's over but still it's been a 12 year journey.

After awhile all the different groups of enemies and characters started to blend into one.
One main character dies or disappears and frequently and somebody else that looks likes them pops up for a few episodes, it makes the whole thing confusing and at some points the storyline doesn't make sense and isn't worth following.
Frequently it just felt like everybody involved was just going through the motions to keep milking the cash cow.

I strongly dislike the Eugene character and wish he died instead of Glenn.
Why does he have to talk so weird? In a real situation like this it would have quickly been beaten out of him.
He's a character of a character, I don't believe he's really that smart.
What he is willing to do though is offer his services of planning and thinking all while being willing to not have to take credit for everything or demand being put in charge. Thinking is working too. In today's society it appears we don't place much emphasis and frequently the people sitting behind desks want to sham and do as little as possible just like everybody else.

The timeline could frequently and intentionally be ambiguous. Sometimes several seasons could only be a few months and all of a sudden maybe 5 years went by who knows. That's fine, it's entertainment and it's just a personnel problem about how my brain works.
Judith was conceived at the beginning of the show and appears to be say 10-11 at the end of the series. So roughly in the end the same amount of time has passed in the show and in real life.

When everything falls apart do people all instantly start acting and talking weird like the trash people or the kingdom? Really it would take decades or generations IMO. Most of all though what what bugs me are the walkers themselves. Everything real that I know of in this universe has a metabolism. They all just walk around endlessly looking for food, that takes fuel. They would've died off just as quickly as they appeared. There's no way there would still be walker swarms/hoards 10-12 years on.

There wasn't closure to several of the story arcs like Rick, Michonne or the dude from Jericho so you need to watch the spinoffs I guess.
The first few episodes of Fear the Walking Dead were horrible but I've caught some random segments that were riveting and enthralling.
AMC sucks for streaming and I'm pretty sure much of it's intentional, oh well first world problems.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Been watching Hunters on Amazon since it got a 2nd season. Figured I'd give it a watch since it's not an immediate cliffhanger/dead end show.

I thought one of the secrets at the end of the first season was really dumb, but overall the series wasn't too bad. I appreciate the very first scene of episode 1 kind of sets out what type of show it is, and that was enough to get me hooked. Grotesque Nazis who deserve to die combined with nazi hunters struggling with whether they're becoming the monsters they hunt, though I really think they only pay lip service to that theme. The nazis get killed every time.

One thing that really annoys me because I'm an idiot is that in the opening sequence for each episode in season 1 and 2 it features a chess board with the characters holding weapons. Two of the characters are holding weapons that are anachronistic to the time period. Like, not minor collector type details of XYZ variant of this gun wasn't introduced until a few years after the time period of the show, no...this is like those particular variants didn't exist until like 1995 at the earliest. Basically someone modeled some guns from Call of Duty and thought no one would notice. Embarrassing, but whatever. Someone goofed and only a douche like me would notice.

Also some of the Nazis have Uzis in one episode and I think that's really funny too. I suppose that one is excusable, but these are supposed to be 4th reich fanatics, lol.


New Challenger
Jun 7, 2022
The Last of Us premier was solid. An extremely faithful adaptation of the game with a few small changes that benefit the TV format. I was expecting it to be pretty good though since it's being done by the guy behind Chernobyl. The casting is good but I still think the girl that plays Ellie is goofy looking.
I agree with you I thought it was done very well. Like you said, I enjoyed that it didn’t stray to far from the video game.

Anyone see Abbott elementary? It’s pretty darn good.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
The casting is good but I still think the girl that plays Ellie is goofy looking.

This. And that's putting it politely in my opinion. They didn't need to cast some smokin' hot babe in the role because that would be just as jarring as Bella Ramsey is... but they could have found someone who was a bit closer to the fictional Ellie I'm sure. That said, her dialogue delivery and overall acting is very good... but fuck is she not telegenic.

I was bit put out by the series at first, mainly with some of the character changes (why did Sarah need to be mixed race? Why does Tommy look like a Latino?)... but when you wrap your head around the fact that the videogame is merely the springboard for the TV series, yes it's pretty good, but I hold the early seasons of The Walking Dead in higher esteem as far as "Post Apocolypse" shows go.

Pedro Pascal is awesome as Joel though. He's not quite a full characteriztion of the fictional Joel, but he is very good with an almost Dirty Harry style calmness / weariness / cynicism about him.

Be interesting to see where this goes as the creators have said they won't allow the show to get ahead of the videogame's story.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Yeah, it's been really good so far. The Bill episode was extremely well done and I didn't hear too many people go off on it for being woke/gay. But yes Bella Ramsey is ugly, she also needs to step up her emotional range because up until the last episode she's just been coasting on being a smart-ass teen girl/fish out of water.

So far most of the changes from the game have benefitted the shows format and I don't really have too many complaints overall.

Pedro Pascal is excellent.

The shows biggest strength though is it's visuals and atmosphere. They really translated the look and feel of the game environments very well.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
The Bill espisode was some of the best TV I've watched for a long time. The homo stuff didn't bother me as it wasn't gratuitously done, and was emotionally engaging - just as the original game was. And of course, in the original game, it was heavily implied that Bill batted for the other team anyway.

Ugggggh... Bella Ramsey. Christ. Looks like someone set fire to her face and then tried to put it out with a spade. Fuck knows why they thought it was a good decision to cast her.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
I was browsing some shows to pirate, and noticed Young Sheldon is mid way through its 6th season.
Who are the people watching that show? I can't imagine anyone that would find it entertaining.