NeoSD MVS/AES - General Consensus?


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
I have the MVS Pro and it works without a hitch.

I dare not try a firmware update after the support horror stories I saw from when it fails. Their support in general has been absolute ass, and I hope I never need it.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I have the MVS Pro and it works without a hitch.

I dare not try a firmware update after the support horror stories I saw from when it fails. Their support in general has been absolute ass, and I hope I never need it.
Fortunately for you there isn't any new firmware. I wonder if there ever will be. I'd love an update that makes the NGCD audio not suddenly change volume for no apparent reason.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
^I've actually been curious about that too. Could something like Prehistoric Isle, which was an arcade exclusive, be played on the AES NeoSD?

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Do you guys know if the AES NeoSD (non-PRO) can play MVS ROMs?
^I've actually been curious about that too. Could something like Prehistoric Isle, which was an arcade exclusive, be played on the AES NeoSD?
Are these real posts? Is the ignorance getting this bad? Do I need to dumb down my Youtube videos more for the audience?

There's no such thing as an "MVS" or "AES" rom. Just Neo Geo roms. The games are compatible across both platforms. The NeoSD and your console don't know or care where the rom came from.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Nope, I'm completely ignorant about pirating neo roms, never downloaded one in my life. Or watched yt videos about them for that matter. Ha
I've only played the carts on my aes and cmvs. I realize the games are the same, but I wasn't sure if there was any type of small programming difference between them which the consoles could recognize.

And his bump of this thread made me think of that. So thanks for the info here so I don't have to search yt videos. :)

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I'm not talking about piracy. Just the basics of how the hardware and software work. I guess you'd have to ignore most of the info online to not know.

Anyway, yes to your point, some official games did have some slight rom differences between the home and arcade versions. Nothing that would prevent the game from running on any system though.

The "gotcha" is that there are some homebrew and unofficial releases that are designed to only work with one bios or the other, but that kind of info is unimportant and just serves to confuse noobs.

Enjoy your AES and CMVS. Supposedly Terra Onion plans to make more NeoSD Pro's next.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Interesting, thanks for the info.
I mean, I have rom carts in general, just never had one for neo. But I'd love to get one in the future, if they ever make more, not paying ebay prices for one. So, yeah, once it becomes relevant to my purposes, I would have every intention of researching the subject, I just haven't had a need to do so at this point. And when I saw the question posed in this bump, I thought, yeah, I'm curious about that too. Ha
Didn't mean to get you all worked up, but I appreciate all the information. Particularly about the homebrew scene.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Have you noticed AES conversion carts of MVS exclusives like Shock Troopers? They're the same rom chips moved over to AES boards. The only real difference is the form factor. The console is none the wiser that it's playing a game that wasn't released for AES.

Or how about MVS to AES converters?


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Have you noticed AES conversion carts of MVS exclusives like Shock Troopers? They're the same rom chips moved over to AES boards. The only real difference is the form factor. The console is none the wiser that it's playing a game that wasn't released for AES.

Or how about MVS to AES converters?
Sure. I realize that in a conversion the chips have been swapped to accommodate the physical differences in the boards themselves. But I wasn't sure if there was anything additional that needed to be tweaked in the rom itself for the console to recognize it properly. Again, this has never been relevant to me for anything I've had to deal with neo-wise, so I haven't felt the need to research it.

Regarding converters in general, in some systems a converter does more than just physically allow a cart of a different size to fit into the console. It can be used as a bypass of sorts to get around a programmed region lockout for instance. But I realize that this has no relevance to the Neo systems.


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
Sure. I realize that in a conversion the chips have been swapped to accommodate the physical differences in the boards themselves. But I wasn't sure if there was anything additional that needed to be tweaked in the rom itself for the console to recognize it properly. Again, this has never been relevant to me for anything I've had to deal with neo-wise, so I haven't felt the need to research it.

Regarding converters in general, in some systems a converter does more than just physically allow a cart of a different size to fit into the console. It can be used as a bypass of sorts to get around a programmed region lockout for instance. But I realize that this has no relevance to the Neo systems.
I'm hearing a bunch of excuses...
Dec 16, 2022
WUT? youz ignorant
Are these real posts? Is the ignorance getting this bad? Do I need to dumb down my Youtube videos more for the audience?

There's no such thing as an "MVS" or "AES" rom. Just Neo Geo roms. The games are compatible across both platforms. The NeoSD and your console don't know or care where the rom came from.
Chill chill guys wth "ignorant" & "ignorance" lol

We all know that MVS & AES are 1:1, although SEGA Lord X says "almost" in his YouTube video yesterday.

My question was specifically around NeoSD compatibility, since the PRO specifically adds CD support, albeit with Monaural sound. And some companies like making money with exclusivity.

Anyway, I really appreciate the gentleman @prof82 for the interest, and @HMG for the short & sweet sharp-shooter comment which was exactly what I needed.

Let's keep all NEO-GEO talk open & flowing, no matter how n00bish the questions might seem at first.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Regarding converters in general, in some systems a converter does more than just physically allow a cart of a different size to fit into the console. It can be used as a bypass of sorts to get around a programmed region lockout for instance. But I realize that this has no relevance to the Neo systems.
Ooh, you found the 'gotcha'. This is why no one can know anything. :D


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
This has actually turned into a great thread imo. For a casual searching the web for some info on the subject, I think it's turned into a goldmine.


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
Chill chill guys wth "ignorant" & "ignorance" lol

We all know that MVS & AES are 1:1, although SEGA Lord X says "almost" in his YouTube video yesterday.

My question was specifically around NeoSD compatibility, since the PRO specifically adds CD support, albeit with Monaural sound. And some companies like making money with exclusivity.

Anyway, I really appreciate the gentleman @prof82 for the interest, and @HMG for the short & sweet sharp-shooter comment which was exactly what I needed.

Let's keep all NEO-GEO talk open & flowing, no matter how n00bish the questions might seem at first.
I'm hearing a bunch of ignorant excuses...


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Chill chill guys wth "ignorant" & "ignorance" lol

We all know that MVS & AES are 1:1, although SEGA Lord X says "almost" in his YouTube video yesterday.

My question was specifically around NeoSD compatibility, since the PRO specifically adds CD support, albeit with Monaural sound. And some companies like making money with exclusivity.

Anyway, I really appreciate the gentleman @prof82 for the interest, and @HMG for the short & sweet sharp-shooter comment which was exactly what I needed.

Let's keep all NEO-GEO talk open & flowing, no matter how n00bish the questions might seem at first.

5 posts, and telling we how to behave?

Piss up a rope. ^_^
Dec 16, 2022
5 posts, and telling we how to behave?

Piss up a rope. ^_^
What? So the number of posts one has anywhere gives them the right to attack others? I've been NEO-GEO MVS & AES since 1993, so please.

Anyway, I'm not dirtying my ego for your kinda mentality ^_^ Stay blessed!

Also, don't "we" 'cuz nobody mentioned you in the first place.