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Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003

I remember wanting to get the Genny version as a kid because it was only 19.99 when all the other games were $50+ at Electronice Boutique

In fairness, I did have some good times at the arcades with it. Back when SF2 was king you would have to wait in line to play it (which definitely contributed to PF's success). I would stroll over and spend my money on Fatal Fury 2 and sometimes [sigh] Pit Fighter. I did love the S&M art direction though as a teenager. I think its way too easy for people to shit on it in hindsight, more than it probably deserves...but let's be clear: it's a garbage game.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
I used to play the arcade at a pizza place as a kid. I liked it. And the genesis port isn't bad at all. Fun in small bursts. I like that the action takes place in a big ring. Instead of like a standard 1 on 1 2d fighter, you can move all over the ring. Guys in the crowd will give you weapons, idk man, it's fun. There wasn't really anything else like it in 1990 or whatever it was, pre-SFII/MK.

I think it gets most of its bad rap nowadays from the gawdawful super nintendo port. The gameboy one has to be better than that one, eh pixeljunkie?


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
I used to play the arcade at a pizza place as a kid. I liked it. And the genesis port isn't bad at all. Fun in small bursts. I like that the action takes place in a big ring. Instead of like a standard 1 on 1 2d fighter, you can move all over the ring. Guys in the crowd will give you weapons, idk man, it's fun. There wasn't really anything else like it in 1990 or whatever it was, pre-SFII/MK.

I think it gets most of its bad rap nowadays from the gawdawful super nintendo port. The gameboy one has to be better than that one, eh pixeljunkie?
It's pretty awful - looks like the special move is just kick w/special sound effect. Awful flicker, no crowd interaction. It's terrible.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Well, at least it has interesting cover art. Good action shot with nice resolution for a GB cart sticker. Hey, I'm trying to help you feel a little better here. Haha


J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
I used to play the arcade at a pizza place as a kid. I liked it. And the genesis port isn't bad at all. Fun in small bursts. I like that the action takes place in a big ring. Instead of like a standard 1 on 1 2d fighter, you can move all over the ring. Guys in the crowd will give you weapons, idk man, it's fun. There wasn't really anything else like it in 1990 or whatever it was, pre-SFII/MK.

I think it gets most of its bad rap nowadays from the gawdawful super nintendo port. The gameboy one has to be better than that one, eh pixeljunkie?
Yeah I’m all fairness the digitized graphics were unique for a hot minute.

I just looked the Wiki up I see Konami published it in Japan that would be a unique marquee if it exists with the Konami logo


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
In fairness, I did have some good times at the arcades with it. Back when SF2 was king you would have to wait in line to play it (which definitely contributed to PF's success). I would stroll over and spend my money on Fatal Fury 2 and sometimes [sigh] Pit Fighter. I did love the S&M art direction though as a teenager. I think its way too easy for people to shit on it in hindsight, more than it probably deserves...but let's be clear: it's a garbage game.
Pit Fighter was a good bad game* that I had a lot of fun with in the arcades and later on Genesis. It wasn't something you spent a lot of money on, but it was fun to throw a quarter in or toss the Genny cart in for a few minutes.

*not the Super Nintendo or Gameboy versions. Have some self respect, man.


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
After making my return to earlier today after an 18 year absence, I realized I didn't belong here if I didn't own a Neo Geo (I'd sold mine a decade ago to help buy a home).

So I went to the local game store down the street tonight and bought one. US AES with original hook ups, one stick and a Japanese copy of Samurai Shodown. $999.

Going to start hunting for a second stick and more games. It's been a great day. Thanks for all the insults in the other thread. Made me feel welcome.


Edit: Serial number is 15,215
Last edited:


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
$999? Fuck me, they saw you coming didn't they?

Can you tell us when your AES was originally manufactured, I know @Heinz will be really keen to know.

BTW, your ball's cracked.


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
$999? Fuck me, they saw you coming didn't they?

Can you tell us when your AES was originally manufactured, I know @Heinz will be really keen to know.

BTW, your ball's cracked.

Not sure how much you've checked US AES prices lately, but under a thousand was a lot better than most of the ebay auctions I've seen lately.

Not to mention the convenience of being able to test it out in person before buying.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
You can get a japanese system off eBay for around $450 shipped from Japan bundled with a couple games. There's literally zero advantage to owning a US one. Enjoy playing SS with censored blood.

You got ass raped.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
I think you overpaid but if you're happy it doesn't matter.


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
You can get a japanese system off eBay for around $450 shipped from Japan bundled with a couple games. There's literally zero advantage to owning a US one. Enjoy playing SS with censored blood.

You got ass raped.

I didn't want a Japanese system though. So why would it matter what one costs?


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
I think you overpaid but if you're happy it doesn't matter.

The only US AES on ebay for under a thousand has flaws and damage I wasn't comfortable with. If I'd been patient, I could have saved a hundred or two hundred bucks, but I preferred to support my local store and celebrate my return to by buying a Neo Geo the same day.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
This guy is back in the game and balling it hard. Let him have his US system baller status if he wants to pay for it. Good for him.