Batman: Arkham Knight


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
I'm about to cross the 20% completion mark. I've gotta say, with all apologies to CD Projekt Red and The Witcher III, but Arkham Knight is the finest game I've played this year. Sure it's the same formula as the previous game in the series but that graphics engine (is it Unreal 4?) combined with all the little touches to detail have made this a different experience for me. I feel as though I'm closer to being Batman than ever before.

If you grew up reading this comic books (as I did) this game is it. It hits so close to home that I'm actually considering putting Arkham Knight at the top of my all-time favorites. This is the boyhood fantasy. And I actually, truely believe Fallout 4 will have a tough time topping Arkham Knight as my choice for GotY 2015.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I'm about to cross the 20% completion mark. I've gotta say, with all apologies to CD Projekt Red and The Witcher III, but Arkham Knight is the finest game I've played this year. Sure it's the same formula as the previous game in the series but that graphics engine (is it Unreal 4?) combined with all the little touches to detail have made this a different experience for me. I feel as though I'm closer to being Batman than ever before.
It's a heavily-optimized version of Unreal 3, much like MK X.

Game overall is cool, but seriously, enough with the Batmobile. Never thought I'd agree with Kevin VanOrd.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
This game is boring and the Batmobile is a chore to play.

I am not feeling it at all.


MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
This game is boring and the Batmobile is a chore to play.

I am not feeling it at all.

+1, big time. I've gone back to Wild Hunt (wasn't done anyway).

I play a lot of racing games, so every time I pressed the left trigger - which I've been conditioned to using as the brake - I turn into a tank and smash into a wall; the config for the Batmobile is a mess.

Spring-boarding from one guy to the next in combat is even more ridiculous than in previous games, and totally takes me out of the fight as I can't help but laugh watching Batman spring back and forth 30 ft. in the span of a second.

My biggest beef, however, is the UI and mission selection system. Right out of the gate, I was stumped trying to access more of the Firefighter rescue and murder mystery missions after rescuing the first FF and surveying the first crime scene. The missions are selectable, but nothing comes up on the map. Batman also makes reference to places to check out, but these places names aren't listed on the map. The whole thing made the game grind to a halt for me as I wanted to do those missions before continuing with the story.

I know the first game in the series was small by comparison and more linear than later entries, but I really felt Asylum hit all the right notes for me. Arkham Knight feels (for me) like Rocksteady let the game get away from them in the quest for 'bigger' and 'more'.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
+1, big time. I've gone back to Wild Hunt (wasn't done anyway).

I play a lot of racing games, so every time I pressed the left trigger - which I've been conditioned to using as the brake - I turn into a tank and smash into a wall; the config for the Batmobile is a mess.

Spring-boarding from one guy to the next in combat is even more ridiculous than in previous games, and totally takes me out of the fight as I can't help but laugh watching Batman spring back and forth 30 ft. in the span of a second.

My biggest beef, however, is the UI and mission selection system. Right out of the gate, I was stumped trying to access more of the Firefighter rescue and murder mystery missions after rescuing the first FF and surveying the first crime scene. The missions are selectable, but nothing comes up on the map. Batman also makes reference to places to check out, but these places names aren't listed on the map. The whole thing made the game grind to a halt for me as I wanted to do those missions before continuing with the story.

I know the first game in the series was small by comparison and more linear than later entries, but I really felt Asylum hit all the right notes for me. Arkham Knight feels (for me) like Rocksteady let the game get away from them in the quest for 'bigger' and 'more'.

I totally agree, especially with the last paragraph.

I feel as though Rocksteady set their sights really high and went out of their way to make the game huge.

It feels bloated, unfocused and honestly doesn't improve on the previous games in the series in any significant way.

We've already beat the shit out of a ton of people in Batman games already. We've already ran all over the city doing mini quests. Give us something to hook us right from the start in a meaningful capacity.

The game is not really a step up. It's a lateral move with more shit thrown in to give the illusion of improvement.

Asylum is still the best game in the series. The best distillation of the mythos, put in the perfect setting with the best pacing. I don't like Joker Bane-ing out at the end, but otherwise it's a masterpiece.

This just feels like more of the same.

Also, the voice acting is shit in this game. WTF happened? It's been so good in this series until now. Even Origins, with Roger Craig Smith as Batman and Troy Baker as Joker, was pretty damn good in the voice acting. Conroy sounds like he did it all in one take and Gordon sounds fucking terrible. It's so distracting.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
+1 for Asylum being the best one. The more compact setting actually worked in its favor.

Still I like this one more than City which I hated. Also couldn't give two shits about penguin and two-face. Still can't actually.

Can you even use the extra costumes in the main game or are those only for the challenges?


Sexless Insecure troglodyte, Has an awesome pc rig
Jul 8, 2010
If the PC version if crap, at least for now that is, I will just play it on my PS4. No hassle.... I do research on games, you know. I don't just go out and buy it on PC everytime, and consoles are also prone to outsourcing games to shitty devs. Remember USFIV on PS4 recently? As for the arkham knight game, it shits all over arkham origins, which I felt was the weakest in the series. I loved arkham city over arkham asylum. Have not beaten AK to give it a verdict, but it is looking very good and plays great so far.
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Been There., Done That., It Was Shit.,
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I guess I can't say I am too surprised by the lack of love for AK - it does look like more of the same. This was pretty much the reason I never bothered playing through AO. I guess I'm glad I held off on buying this for now.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
I was going to get it on Steam, but after hearing about all the PC issues, I purchased it on PS4. It is fun and does look very nice.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
I'm taking this time to play the other games in the series since I had ignored it until now. I paid $10 total for Arkham Asylum and Arkham City on my computer. So far I love Asylum, although it sucks that I spend 75% of the time in the detective mode. I hope that by the time I was to play Knight, it's half price or less.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
So I finished this up over the weekend. I have to concede that there's too much emphasis put on the batmobile. Rather than being offered as a change of pace the constant need of the batmobile near the end of the game often killed momentum. Lots of cool shit happens at the end of the game and the never ending need of the batmobile kind of killed my buzz.

For that I've got to ding Arkham Knight a little bit, put it back below The Witcher III for my favorite game of 2015.

Up next...MGS V in September...can't wait.


King's Dry Cleaner
May 25, 2013
I got 91% done in Arkham Knight. Batmobile missions really suck ass, otherwise the game is fun to play. Arkham Asylum was really nice and compact, so finishing it at 100% wasn't a chore, as it was with Arkham City ... Cosign on that MGS V.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Finished last night. Actively hated it by the end.

The fucking Batmobile is awful, as noted. I assumed that the, uh, underground part would be the last I'd have to play of it (kind of seemed like a good way to end that part of the gameplay), but no, still a shit-ton of annoying fighting with it.

It also seemed like 50% of the game was figuring out the puzzle of "how do I get the Batmobile onto this rooftop/plane/underground since it's literally the way that 90% of the puzzles are solved?"

The fighting was worse, the story was beyond stupid. Tedious garbage filler galore. By far my least favorite in the series, yes, even below Origins.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I had a feeling this game was gonna suck. I wasn't a huge fan of city, I felt it was random and without a focused purpose like Asylum was. Asylum is still the best, the rest are just cash in sequels that don't really matter, I don't regret getting City, it's a ok game. Did anyone get Blackgate? They made a HD version for the X360 and PS3, it's not horrible for the 5 bucks that it costed me when it was on sale.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Did anyone play the Batgirl or Harley Quinn stuff? I'm debating playing them before I trade this in. I know the Harley Quinn stuff is supposed to be pretty underwhelming, but that's only like 20 minutes. "A Matter of Family" looks longer.


King's Dry Cleaner
May 25, 2013
First I want to go 100% on the main game (phew, that sucks).

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 7 mit Tapatalk

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I do not like the combat of this series, it's too loose, I dunno how to describe it but it's not tight like Ninja Gaiden or DMC. I like God of War and I do not care for the easiness of the combos, yes the games look fluid but at the cost of "automated" combat. I really like how Lords of Shadow captures the combos just right, the combat is great and in higher difficulties you make use of so much more, the game just opens more for you. I feel these new Batman games although the best we've had in a very long time, don't do what other combat oriented games do, I know it's stealth as well but why should they sacrifice the opportunity to make a legit combat engine as opposed to what they did. Every time a sequel comes out I'm in the hopes someone fixes the combat but nothing yet, it's almost as if you gotta take the good with the bad 'cause Asylum is still a very good game, I'm just very particular about the combat, it's gotta feel right and not so dumb down for any button masher to have a good time with.

FilthyRear's, Top Rated Bully.,
15 Year Member
Jan 24, 2007
I do not like the combat of this series, it's too loose, I dunno how to describe it but it's not tight like Ninja Gaiden or DMC. I like God of War and I do not care for the easiness of the combos, yes the games look fluid but at the cost of "automated" combat. I really like how Lords of Shadow captures the combos just right, the combat is great and in higher difficulties you make use of so much more, the game just opens more for you. I feel these new Batman games although the best we've had in a very long time, don't do what other combat oriented games do, I know it's stealth as well but why should they sacrifice the opportunity to make a legit combat engine as opposed to what they did. Every time a sequel comes out I'm in the hopes someone fixes the combat but nothing yet, it's almost as if you gotta take the good with the bad 'cause Asylum is still a very good game, I'm just very particular about the combat, it's gotta feel right and not so dumb down for any button masher to have a good time with.

Comparing combat in the new Batman games to Ninja Gaiden or God of War is like comparing apples and oranges. NG and GoW are fucking great nonetheless.

IMO, if you break the combat in the Batman games down into its absolute SIMPLEST element, it would be timing. In any other media, you see Batman taking down huge groups of criminals or stalking them in shadows and juts generally being this unstoppable badass. I think thats what the games are trying to get across. Freeflow is just timed button presses mixed in with the directionals and different animations - its mostly flash.

Predator segments are mostly "hide, attack/trap, quickly get away, repeat..."

I loved Arkham City. It was great when youd spot a large group directly below you, dive bomb to the ground and just decimate everyone around you. Not too much stealth, not too much open-world, and a shit load of story with established characters. - that series is fantastic.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
That's one thing I didn't like about Knight- the timing seems overly generous in its windows for counters, but at the same time, constantly countering is pretty much necessary for some of the bigger clusterfuck fights- doing anything else gets you killed.

The Red Hood DLC boss fight was the best example, it was terrible. As was the boss fight in the Harley Quinn DLC, though for different reasons.


King's Dry Cleaner
May 25, 2013
So, today I finished it at 100%. Hmm, I like it, but those car missions suck yak balls. And the Riddler was damn too easy. Plus: I defeated the Arkham Knight with a glitch (not intentionally). I drove into a wall, the screen turned white, then batman jumped out with the arkham knight and the cutscene was playing batman throwing the arkham knight into the batmobile on water (jesus bat). after the cutscene the batmobile sank :D